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7.21元朗区黑衣换白衣警匪一家亲的视频 2019-07-24 21:09:05

     野战军出动砸烂香港 欧美敢上 打残丫挺狗日的!












我不知道哪些白衣人是什么来路,但肯定是有人看不惯你们的操性。还真告诉你,别把这些人跟大陆政权或中联办以及港府往一块黏,1这些人所做所为的格局太小,不配,没这个资格,2,跟这些与自己政府合作维护社会安定的白衣人比起来,你的跟外国政府合作搞乱香港闹独立的黑衣人明显地下作,不要以为叫一声民主就自带光环 3, 大陆政权或中联办以及港府打算大打出手,出动的会是驻港部队甚至野战军!不会是这些人。大不了砸烂重建,巴掌大块地方,没什么了不起,港独们怕英美欧洲,大陆可是在他们一起上的时候,把他们打趴在地。

别挑战一个中国原则,这是中华民族几百年来的屈辱,是中华民族的内裤,动了这个,今天的中国政府,任何人在台上都会大打出手`,欧洲美国想一起上就上,希望他们还有这种!也希望你们这些民主独立的黑衣人有这种跟欧美一起上!400万香港居民都上街又怎样,大陆发言人已经说了,大陆有14亿人。 仔细掂量这句话,别怪没告诉你。




                               2019-07-24 23:32:58













       该击毙的,当场击毙 !!




狂打民眾,撕裂底層民眾、製造災難仇恨 ……






21 July

White shirt gang members carrying weapons had a quick

chat with the and walked scot-free,

id check, no stop & search like protesters would be treated














  23岁的香港反党暴徒港独分子 Calvin 7月21日







Image result for 何君尧拍桌å-èμ°äoo

 ( 警黑合證又一鐵證 )

          同何君妖握手果個黑社會 佢老婆係警察








These Are the Triad Gangs Linked to Hong Kong Protester Attacks

2019年7月24日 GMT-4 上午5:03

A light rail train travels through a street in the Yuen Long district, Hong Hong. Photographer: Paul Yeung/Bloomberg

Violent attacks against pro-democracy protesters by dozens of masked, stick-carrying men have shocked Hong Kong. The brazen assaults took place over the course of an hour July 21 in a train station, with police nowhere to be seen. The police say some of the handful of men later arrested in connection with the incident had links with the city’s notorious organized crime syndicates, known as the triads. It’s not the first time triads have been linked with violence against political demonstrators.

1. What are triads?

Popularly known as the Chinese mafia, there are half a dozen or so main groups in Hong Kong with, according to the South China Morning Post newspaper, some 100,000 members. The three best-known groups -- 14K, Sun Yee On and Wo Shing Wo -- also operate just across the border in southern China and as far afield as the U.S. and the U.K. Triads specialize in the organized crime staples of prostitution, racketeering and drugs, but also have developed a reputation as thugs for hire in recent years, said T. Wing Lo, a professor at the City University of Hong Kong who researches organized crime. Counterfeiting, pornography and cigarette- and fuel-smuggling are also important sources of revenue. Stomping grounds include the crowded Mong Kok area in Kowloon, a neighborhood across the bay from Hong Kong Island that’s popular with both local and mainland shoppers and diners. Police say the majority of triad arrests are for violent assault. The gangs have managed to survive even though Hong Kong is one of Asia’s most crime-free cities.

2. Where did triads originate?

They have their roots in mainland China; the first triad was a patriotic secret society formed in the 17th century to overthrow the Qing dynasty, which had been founded by Manchu invaders, and to restore the Han Chinese Ming dynasty. By the beginning of the 19th century, the group had disintegrated into gangs operating independently all over China. Their membership in Hong Kong surged as refugees fled civil war and political upheaval on the mainland. In 1960, then-Police Commissioner Henry Heath mused that one in six of the city’s 3 million residents probably belonged to a triad, according T. Wing Lo. Triads are regularly fictionalized in popular culture and were most pervasive in Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1970s, bolstered by police corruption so rampant that it sparked protests and the creation of an anti-graft commission.

Hong Kong has seen months of protests in response to a city government proposal to allow extradition to mainland China. Even after the authorities caved in and shelved that idea, the protests persisted but with broader demands. After a day of demonstrations on July 21, around 100 masked men wearing white T-shirts laid into black-shirted protesters returning home. Other passengers and journalists were also attacked with batons at the train station near the Chinese border. An opposition lawmaker caught in the fray said he suspected that the aggressors -- some in their 20s and some as old as in their 60s -- had ties to triad gangs

A man is arrested for illegal assembly in Yuen Long.

Photographer: Philip Fong/AFP via Getty Images

4. Is that true?

A senior police official said that some of the first six men arrested in connection with incident had triad ties, while the SCMP quoted unidentified police sources as saying they thought members of 14K and Wo Shing Wo were involved. Pro-democracy lawmaker Hui Chi-fung went so far as accusing police of colluding with triads, after victims of the attack said officers had failed to respond to the melee. Police Commissioner Stephen Lo denied any links between his force and the attackers. The attacks were an escalation of months of violence that included police firing tear gas at crowds and demonstrators smashing their way into Hong Kong’s legislature.

5. Why would triads attack protesters?

Protesters note this wasn’t the first time that government opponents had been attacked by organized gangs. In 2014, when thousands of student-led pro-democracy protesters occupied Hong Kong’s major retail and business districts, there were arrests after triads beat up demonstrators. Many protesters had taken up residence in Mong Kok, hurting business in a key area for criminal organizations. Triad members attacked protesters “with impunity,” according to Andreas Fulda, an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham and author of “The Struggle for Democracy in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Sharp Power and its Discontents.” Police also issued denials then that they worked with triads. Protest leaders and groups including the Hong Kong Federation of Students had sought to tie the Mong Kok attacks to a nexus of gangs, police and the local government -- and by inference, the central government in Beijing.

A Yuen Long resident shows his wounds after he was assaulted on his way back home from work on July 21.

Photographer: Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images

The Reference Shelf

  • The South China Morning Post delves into the history of the triads.

  • look at Macau’s gang crackdown, from the BBC.

  • Bloomberg’s take on how Occupy hit their underworld business.

  • story on gangs helping to smuggle Tiananmen protest leaders out of China.

  • T. Wing Lo on the triads for the British Journal of Criminology.

— With assistance by Iain Marlow, and Fion Li


         非洲无产阶级革命战友阶级好兄弟 视频链接:




Adolf Hitler shakes hands with young members of an elite Nazi SS unit 1937 in Berlin

Photo Gallery: A Field Trip to Nazi Germany

   British Girls in the Third Reich

    'We Had the Time of Our Lives'

    In the 1930s, many English families sent their daughters to 

    finishing school in Nazi Germany. Rachel Johnson, sister of 

    the London mayor, interviewed several for her most recent. 

    She told SPIEGEL ONLINE about Britain's enthusiasm 

    for Hitler's Reich.

Image result for 德国党卫军

Image result for 德国党卫军

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浏览(2208) (5) 评论(3)
作者:蒋大公子 留言时间:2019-07-25 05:32:26



说「元朗三合会大佬【帮主】开了会」,星期日「要着白色衫打人」。也就是说连孙群英早在星期六就知道星期日的元朗白衣暴徒打人事件 ,而孙群英的信息来源是香港八乡分区警察指挥官李汉民

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 台海棋手 留言时间:2019-07-25 01:04:55




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作者:台海棋手 留言时间:2019-07-24 23:32:58



我不知道哪些白衣人是什么来路,但肯定是有人看不惯你们的操性。还真告诉你,别把这些人跟大陆政权或中联办以及港府往一块黏,1这些人所做所为的格局太小,不配,没这个资格,2,跟这些与自己政府合作维护社会安定的白衣人比起来,你的跟外国政府合作搞乱香港闹独立的黑衣人明显地下作,不要以为叫一声民主就自带光环 3, 大陆政权或中联办以及港府打算大打出手,出动的会是驻港部队甚至野战军!不会是这些人。大不了砸烂重建,巴掌大块地方,没什么了不起,港独们怕英美欧洲,大陆可是在他们一起上的时候,把他们打趴在地。

别挑战一个中国原则,这是中华民族几百年来的屈辱,是中华民族的内裤,动了这个,今天的中国政府,任何人在台上都会大打出手`,欧洲美国想一起上就上,希望他们还有这种!也希望你们这些民主独立的黑衣人有这种跟欧美一起上!400万香港居民都上街又怎样,大陆发言人已经说了,大陆有14亿人。 仔细掂量这句话,别怪没告诉你。


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