秋后清算清朝中央政府最后一年 1911
Trump’s New Trade War Tool
Might Just Be Antique China Debt
Collectors of pre-Communist debt are lobbying the White House to force Beijing to make good.
By Tracy Alloway
2019年8月29日 GMT-4 上午5:00 Updated on 2019年8月29日 GMT-4 下午8:37
President Donald Trump’s next move in an increasingly fraught trade war with China could be one for the history books, literally. The Trump administration has been studying the unlikely prospect of reviving century-old claims on Chinese bonds sold before the founding of the communist People’s Republic.
The defaulted China bonds can be found in the attics and basements of thousands of Americans, or on EBay, where the certificates sell as collectibles for as little as a few hundred dollars each. The PRC, which succeeded the Republic of China after it replaced the imperial dynasty, has never recognized the debt, though that hasn’t stopped decades of attempts to collect payment on it.
Now, with Trump ratcheting up the trade rhetoric with China, holders of the antiquarian bonds are hoping he’ll press their case, even as other parts of the U.S. government are accusing people of fraudulently selling the same paper.
Perhaps the only thing more peculiar than the story of the Chinese debt and the bid to seek payment on it, is the cast of characters drawn into its orbit. President Trump, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross have met with bondholders and their representatives. Kirbyjon Caldwell, pastor of a Texas megachurch and spiritual adviser to George W. Bush, has been charged by the U.S securities regulator for selling the debt to elderly retirees. (Caldwell has pleaded innocent and maintains that the bonds are legitimate.)
“With President Trump, it’s a whole new ballgame,” says Jonna Bianco, a Tennessee cattle rancher who leads a group representing pre-revolutionary China bondholders and who has met with the president. “He’s an ‘America First' person. God bless him.”
relates to Trump’s New Trade War Tool Might Just Be Antique China Debt
Hundreds, if not thousands, of these 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan of 1911 bonds—issued in 1911 by a consortium of banks in London, Berlin, Paris, and New York—appear to have survived.
The Hukuang Railway bond is a thing of beauty. Printed with an ornate border and carrying a large chop, the debt was sold in 1911 to help fund construction of a rail line stretching from Hankou to Szechuan.
The U.S. once referred to the money that flowed into China at the turn of the 20th century as “dollar diplomacy”—a way of building relations with the country (and its massive untapped market) by helping it industrialize. The Chinese have another term for it: For them it fits squarely into China’s “Hundred Years of Humiliation,” when the Middle Kingdom was forced to agree to unfair foreign control.
Soon after the imperial dynasty was overthrown in 1911, the Republic of China began tapping the international capital markets for funding too. That included selling a series of gold-backed notes to fund the nascent country. It’s these bonds that Bianco, who co-founded the American Bondholders Foundation in 2001 to represent holders of pre-communist debt, is hoping could be a useful political leverage in Trump’s fight with China.
“The People’s Republic of China dismisses its defaulted sovereign obligations as pre-1949 Republic of China debt, but doing so contradicts the PRC’s claim that it is sole successor to the ROC’s sovereign rights,” Bianco said in an emailed statement in response to this story.
Bianco says she’s spent years researching the issue and recruiting high-profile proponents to the ABF team, including Bill Bennett, who was U.S. Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan; Brian Kennedy, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute; and Michael Socarras, Bush’s nominee for Air Force general counsel.
She argues that China is in selective default, having paid out on bonds held by British investors in 1987 as part of the Hong Kong handover deal negotiated by former Prime Minister and ‘Irony Lady’ Margaret Thatcher. If China doesn’t pay out, she says, it should be blocked from selling new debt in international markets. By Bianco’s reckoning, China now owes more than $1 trillion on the defaulted debt, once adjusted for inflation, interest, and other damages—a sum roughly equivalent to China’s holdings of U.S. Treasuries.
“What’s wrong with paying China with their own paper?” says Bianco.
From left: President Trump, Jonna Bianco, and Brian Kennedy on Aug. 12, 2018, at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J.SOURCE: JONNA BIANCO
She met with Trump at his sprawling golf course in Bedminister, N.J., last August, in an encounter she describes as “wonderful.” Since then she’s met with Mnuchin, though she won’t reveal what was discussed. ABF reps, including Bennett, Kennedy, and Socarras, met with Commerce Secretary ......
作者Tracy Alloway
或许,唯一比中国的债券和出价,以提高其支付的故事更奇特的是卷入它的轨道人物的演员。特朗普总统,美国财政部长Steven Mnuchin和美国商务部长威尔伯罗斯会见了债券持有人及其代表。德克萨斯州大教堂的牧师和乔治·W·布什的精神顾问Kirbyjon Caldwell被美国证券监管机构指控向老年退休人员出售债务。 (考德威尔恳求无辜,坚持认为债券是合法的。)
“与特朗普总统一起,这是一场全新的球赛,”田纳西州牧牛人乔纳·比安科(Jonna Bianco)说道,他领导着一个代表革命前中国债券持有人并与总统会面的团体。 “他是'美国第一'人。上帝保佑他。“
数百,5000 Hukuang铁路偿债基金1911年由伦敦,柏林,巴黎和纽约的银行财团发行的1911年债券的黄金贷款似乎幸免于难。
“中华人民共和国将其违约的主权义务视为1949年前的中华民国债务,因此这与中国声称它是中华民国主权权利的唯一继承者相矛盾,”比安科在回应此事的电子邮件声明中表示。 ,
香港的交接协议由前总理和“反讽女士”玛格丽特·撒切尔谈判。如果中国不支付,它表示应该阻止在国际市场上出售新债务。由比安科的估算,中国现在欠了超过$ 1百万的三次方的拖欠债务,一旦通货膨胀调整,利息及其他损失,总和大致相当于中国持有的美国的国债。
左起:特朗普总统,Jonna Bianco和Brian Kennedy于2018年8月12日在新泽西州Bedminster的特朗普国家高尔夫俱乐部举行:JONNA BIANCO
去年8月,她在新泽西州Bedminister的拼写高尔夫球场会见了特朗普,她在接受采访时称她为“精彩”。从那以后,她遇到了Mnuchin,尽管她没有透露所讨论的内容。包括Bennett,Kennedy和Socarras在内的ABF代表会见了商务部长 ...... ...... ......
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