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大海航行靠舵手万维风向靠西岸同志导航 2019-10-30 00:10:11

 大海航行靠舵手  万维博文风向靠的是西岸同志来导航




作者:西岸 留言时间:2019-10-28 14:28:03






作者:kkllyy 回复 西岸  留言时间:2019-10-29 08:09:48



作者:一冰 留言时间:2019-10-29 03:49:03


作者:creaders10 回复 西岸  留言时间:2019-10-28 18:52:20

你這說得也太容易了。 按這逻辑, 外债也無实际意义, 可以不还的。 

你欠我, 我欠他, 最后一筆勾銷。

作者:天雅 留言时间:2019-10-28 16:50:17


房子的房贷,付完后,70年的使用权是否也到期了? 或已过期了?



Credit card balances carried from month to month continue to inch up, reaching $435.9 billion halfway through 2019, according to NerdWallet’s annual analysis of U.S. household debt. That’s an increase of more than 5% over last year. And for Americans carrying that debt, the impact is significant.

The average U.S. household with credit card debt has an estimated $6,8291 in revolving balances, or balances carried from one month to the next, the analysis found. This pernicious type of debt, which often comes with high interest rates that make it a challenge to pay off, can feel inescapable. About 1 in 11 (9%) Americans who have credit card debt say they don’t think they will ever be completely free of credit card debt, according to a NerdWallet survey conducted by The Harris Poll.2


根据 NerdWallet 对美国家庭债务的年度分析,每个月持有的信用卡余额继续增加,到2019年中旬达到4359亿美元。 比去年增加了5%以上。 对于承担这些债务的美国人来说,影响是巨大的。

分析发现,美国平均有信用卡债务的家庭的循环欠款约为 6,829 美元,即从一个月到下一个月的余额。 这种高风险的债务通常伴随着高利率,使其难以还清,这是一种不可避免的债务。 根据哈里斯民意调查(The Harris Poll)进行的NerdWallet调查,有信用卡债务的美国人中约有十分之一(9%)表示他们认为自己永远不会完全摆脱信用卡债务。


New York (CNN Business)America's debt load is about to hit a record. The combination of cheap money and soaring debt helped fuel the decade-long economic expansion and bull market, but America's gluttony of loans could work against it if its fragile economic balance shifts.

In the first quarter of 2019, the United States' total public- and private-sector debt amounted to nearly $70 trillion, according to research by the Institute of International Finance. Federal government debt and liabilities of private corporations excluding banks both hit new highs.

Debt in itself isn't bad. Borrowing can help governments and businesses grow by funding important projects and services that make the economy stronger. And right now, the United States can still deal with its debt burden. The economy, about $21 trillion in size, remains healthy, and the Federal Reserve is preparing to cut interest rates and make debt even cheaper. But America's near-record liabilities could be dangerous down the road.

纽约(CNN商业)美国的债务负担即将达到创纪录水平。 廉价货币和不断飙升的债务相结合,助长了长达十年的经济扩张和牛市,但如果脆弱的经济平衡发生变化,美国大量的贷款可能会对它不利。

根据国际金融研究所的研究,2019年第一季度,美国的公共部门和私营部门债务总额达到近70万亿美元。 联邦政府的债务和私人公司(不包括银行)的负债均创下新高。

债务本身也不错。 借款可以通过资助使经济更强大的重要项目和服务来帮助政府和企业发展。 现在,美国仍然可以处理其债务负担。 经济规模约为21万亿美元,仍保持健康状态,美联储(Fed)准备降低利率并使债务更便宜。 但是,美国近乎创纪录的债务在未来可能是危险的。

The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP)[a] as of Q1 2014.

The U.S. increased the ratio of public and private debt from 152% GDP in 1980 to peak at 296% GDP in 2008, before falling to 279% GDP by Q2 2011. The 2009-2011 decline was due to foreclosures and increased rates of household saving. There were significant declines in debt to GDP in each sector except the government, which ran large deficits to offset deleveraging or debt reduction in other sectors.[2]

As of 2009, there was $50.7 trillion of debt owed by US households, businesses, and governments, representing more than 3.5 times the annual gross domestic product of the United States.[3] As of the first quarter of 2010, domestic financial assets totaled $131 trillion and domestic financial liabilities $106 trillion.[4] Tangible assets in 2008 (such as real estate and equipment) for selected sectors© totaled an additional $56.3 trillion.[6]



截至2009年,美国家庭,企业和政府的债务总额为50.7万亿美元,是美国年度国内生产总值的3.5倍以上。[3]截至2010年第一季度,国内金融资产总额为131万亿美元,国内金融负债为106万亿美元。[4] 2008年,特定部门的有形资产(如房地产和设备)©总计为56.3万亿美元。[6]


 小喜鹊拦路打劫 视频



Andrea Giuffredi graduated in Trumpet at the Nicolini Conservatory of Piacenza in 1985. Since 1983 he has been performing as first trumpet in the major Italian opera and symphonic institutions, the RAI Orchestra of Turin and Milan, the city Theatre in Florence, the Regio Theatre in Parma, La Scala Theatre in Milan, the symphonic Orchestra Arturo Toscanini of Emilia Romagna, and the Toscanini Philharmonic . He played with conductors like Riccardo Muti, Zubin Metha and Seiji Ozawa in the major concert halls worldwide. He performed as solo trumpet accompanied by I Solisti Veneti, Sicily’s Symphonic Orchestra, the symphonic Orchestra Arturo Toscanini of Emilia Romagna, Tirana Radio Symphony Orchestra, Krasnoyarsk Symphony Orchestra and Salzburg Chamber Soloist. He performed sound tracks by Ennio Morricone, Nino Rota and classical pieces with a melodic and cantabile Italian style. He held masterclasses all over the world, among others: CTG China Trumpet Guild at the Nanchang University, at Denver University in the US, at Tirana Conservatory, at Beijing Central Conservatory at Lieksa Brass Week in Finland, at Kalavrita Brass Festival (Greece) and in several conservatories in Italy. He performed as first trumpet at Pavarotti & Friends 2000 with George Michael, Luciano Pavarotti and Enrique Iglesias. In 2006 he performed as first trumpet in the tour conducted by Ennio Morricone and La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra. He currently is professor of trumpet at the International Music Academy of Milan.

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作者:achedanv2 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2019-11-03 08:19:34
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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-10-30 23:00:45


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作者:Pascal 回复 一冰 留言时间:2019-10-30 12:14:38

任不寐牧师眼前呈现了两个对比强烈、反差鲜明的画面:一个叫好可爱,一个叫好可恶;一个如此 cuddlesome 的小小花栗鼠,一个如此 abominable 的监视摄像头,而后者还下分两个对比:窥视窥到你床头,却休想窥到我黑会黑幕;你不能蒙面街上行走,我却尽可蒙面扭断你臂膀。


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作者:西岸 留言时间:2019-10-30 11:56:06


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作者:一冰 留言时间:2019-10-30 07:21:51




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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-10-30 00:28:43


回复 | 2
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