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组织惊爆CIA武汉投毒灭华人口年底死四亿 2020-01-28 01:22:36


冤有头 债有主 现已查明

美国中央情报局一手策划武汉放毒 旨在消灭中国人口

今年年底 靶向死亡 350,000,000 - 400,000,000 人 
























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作者:一冰 留言时间:2020-01-29 11:59:23


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作者:一冰 留言时间:2020-01-29 11:58:02



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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 15:32:16

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 15:21:34

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 13:47:51

Image result for national file logo

Photo of ‘Coronavirus Hospital’ Posted by Chinese State Newspaper is Actually Alibaba Stock Photo

Chinese state-run newspaper the Global Times posted an image of a purported “novel coronavirus hospital” called Huoshenshan Hospital on Twitter Monday.

“1st building of #Wuhan‘s special novel #Coronavirus hospital, Huoshenshan Hospital, completed construction on Monday, in 16 hours,” the tweet read. “It is expected to be transferred to the military for management on February 2. Another Leishenshan Hospital is also under construction.”

1st building of #Wuhan's special novel #Coronavirus hospital, Huoshenshan Hospital, completed construction on Monday, in 16 hours. It is expected to be transferred to the military for management on February 2. Another Leishenshan Hospital is also under construction. pic.twitter.com/fYcpqRH8S3

— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) January 27, 2020

The tweet was quickly scrutinized by people who noticed that the image of Huoshenshan Hospital provided by Global Times is actually an Alibaba stock photo for a portable “container school building.”

The images have been available on the internet months prior to the tweet by Global Times celebrating a new “hospital.”

The Container School Building is a product produced by K-Home, a company based in Hongqi District, Xinxiang, China.

The description for the Container School Building reads as follows:

KHOME have focus on design and manufacture Portable Container School,Classroom,School Student Accommodation, Student Canteen,Library,Teacher administration building,Meeting room building, teacher office building etc. for more than 15 years.

Portable Container Structure can make all material in flat pack and install the school builing very fast on site. The whole project can finish without any other material again. We are supplling the one stop solution. From school design, windows, doors,ceiling, furnitures, toilet, floor. lights, everything have been included at the begining . You can control your budget very well at the begining .

Short time delivery and installation not only save money, most important save time for you. In many developing country in Africa. This kind of house is most prefered one to solve the demand for fast build schools. Some time we can not wait one second if we want to make the school now, right?

Global Times, the newspaper that posted the image, is a daily tabloid newspaper run by the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Daily newspaper, providing a Chinese nationalist perspective on international issues.

As National File reported earlier today, the emergency coronavirus hospitals actually being built in China more closely resemble trailer units, with barred steel windows and doors with locks on the outside:

A video posted to Twitter by a Chinese government official shows the construction of metal trailers with bars on the windows and locks on the outside of the doors.

The video was posted by Lijian Zhao, Deputy Director General of the Information Department, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“We are racing against time,” Zhao said. “The 1st building of #Wuhan‘s #Coronavirus hospital, Huoshenshan hospital, was completed in 16 hours.”

Zhao continued, “China Construction which built the hospital is the same company which built the Multan-Sukkor Motorway and the Centaurus. Let’s pray for Wuhan & China!”

The “hospital” shown in the video appears to be a type of corrugated metal units with metal bars on the windows.

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 13:30:44

Image result for 赵立坚 外交部

Image result for 赵立坚 外交部

Image result for 赵立坚 外交部

Chinese State Media Spread A False Image Of A Hospital For Coronavirus Patients In Wuhan

The photo actually shows an apartment building.

Jane LytvynenkoBuzzFeed News Reporter

Last updated on January 27, 2020, at 4:26 p.m. ET

Posted on January 27, 2020, at 12:55 p.m. ET

Tweet Share CopyTwitter / @zlj517 / Via Twitter: @zlj517

Chinese state media and a government official spread a false image they claimed showed a newly constructed hospital building in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. The image actually shows a modular apartment building more than 600 miles away in Qingdao, China, and was taken from an online listing.

The out-of-context photo was shared in tweets from the verified accounts of Global Times and People's Daily, both of which are state media outlets, and was tweeted by Lijian Zhao, deputy director general of the information department in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Global Times also published an article, archived using Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, featuring the photo.

The false image was spread after videos showing the rapid construction of a new hospital in Wuhan went viral across social media networks. Bloomberg reported that China was planning to build a hospital in a week in the coronavirus-stricken city. The hospital would reportedly have 1,500 beds.

Global Times

The tweets by Global Times and Zhao claimed to be the first look at the first building of Huoshenshan Hospital. The Global Times article featuring the false image attributed the photo to Chinese social media platform Weibo. Zhao has spread disinformation in the past and is known for his anti-US trolling.

Coronavirus disinformation has spread online since news of the virus broke. Much of it includes baseless conspiracy theories, unverified video, and false numbers of confirmed infections.

Health officials have confirmed five cases across the US so far, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. China has reported over 80 deaths and nearly 3,000 infections, according to the New York Times. Health officials around the globe are asking any recent travelers from China to self-isolate, the Guardian reports.

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 11:12:11

Image result for 黄石市长杨晓波



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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 02:07:03

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-01-28 01:46:04

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