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国际法庭正受理对CCP造生武反人类罪起诉 2020-04-09 15:08:43




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An official with the International Criminal Court in The Hague has informed lawyer Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch that his complaint against China for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic is under consideration.

Mark P. Dillon, head of the information and evidence unit of the ICC, cautioned Klayman in a letter that the acknowledgement does not mean an investigation has been opened or will be opened by the Office of the Prosecutor.

海牙国际刑事法庭(ICC)的一名官员告诉《自由观察》的律师拉里•克莱曼(Larry Klayman),法庭考虑受理他针对中共国处理COVID-19疫情扩散的诉讼。lCC信息和

证据股股长马克•狄龙(Mark P. Dillon)在一封信中提醒克莱曼,认可并不意味着检察官














起诉书说,这些被告“他们每一个人都共同和个别地参与犯罪行动,由于他们不负责任的鲁莽疏忽以及故意混淆视听,造成COVID-19散布和传播,使各国和全世界的公民遭受疾病、死亡、医疗费用、经济萧条甚至崩塌、大量失业和其他重大损失。” 看看他们如意算盘,一石多鸟”,有网友评论中共的发动的这场超限战,“对他们来说几千条人命算什么 即使是对自己的人民他们从来也在所不惜!



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Klayman said he's "confident that the International Criminal Court will proceed with a criminal investigation and indict the Chinese leadership."

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"Their crimes against humanity over the COVID-19 pandemic are severe and mounting each minute. The world demands justice for the death and destruction they have caused and continue to cause," said Klayman, a former Justice Department prosecutor.

"The Chinese people are a good people, but the communist government is evil," he said. "They will have to answer not just to the Court, but also God."

The complaint names China, President Xi Jinping and others for allegedly developing the coronavirus and allowing it to escape from their labs.

"The ruthless communist Chinese regime, which persecutes and terrorizes its own people, must be held to account," Klayman said when the action was filed.

He previously sued China in U.S. federal court to pay for coronavirus damages.

"It is a criminal regime, which arrogantly shrugs off its criminal responsibility by blaming the United States and the rest of the free world. I call on lawyers in nations around the world to join our effort to punish the guilty and have them thrown in prison where they belong," Klayman said. "I also call on all persons of good intentions to join or follow and support our class action suit in Dallas, Texas, and I am actively amassing a team of lawyers to make sure that China, and not the American taxpayer, pay the bill for the human suffering and death which this rogue communist 'terrorist state' has caused. I am also assisting lawyers in other nations globally to bring similar legal actions."

The criminal complaint requests "that the prosecutors office of the International Criminal Court open an investigation to determine the origins of the COVID-19 virus including its likely release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the defendants' willful interference with attempts to fight the spread of the disease and develop treatments, tests, and a vaccine and once the facts alleged herein are confirmed to conduct criminal war crimes prosecutions to and try, convict and sentence to life imprisonment the defendants herein."

The complaint was submitted "in the matter of crimes against humanity and genocide by development of outlawed biological warfare weapons by the People's Republic of China."

Along with China and Xi,the suit names members of the politburo, the People's Liberation Army, the Wuhan Institute, the institute's Shi Zhengli and Chen Wei of the army.

It alleges the defendants "failed to prevent the Wuhan Institute of Virology's personnel from becoming infected with the bioweapon and then carrying the virus out into the surrounding community."

Such actions violated a number of international treaties, the complaint contends, including the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons."

The complaint alleges, "COVID-19 was designed by China to be a very 'effective' and catastrophic biological warfare weapon to kill mass populations."

"The investigation that the ICC should undertake includes considering that biological weapons are rarely completely unfamiliar designs, but frequently are created by finding deadly diseases existing in nature, then refining them to become more deadly," the complaint says.

The accusations include "recklessly and wantonly" creating "an unreasonable risk of death."

The defendants, the complaint says, "each and every one of them criminally acting in concert jointly and severally, by their wonton and irresponsible recklessness and negligence, the public release and spread of COVID-19 has caused the citizens of the United States and the world to suffer illness, death, medical expenses, economic disruption and damage, loss of employment and other great losses."
































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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-04-10 02:43:38

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-04-09 19:15:05

Bloomberg Area png download - 1466*733 - Free Transparent ...

By Denise Wee and Rebecca Choong Wilkins2020年4月6日 GMT-4 下午5:00SHARE THIS ARTICLEShareTweetPostEmailIn this article1790093DPARTYPrivate Company1779025D9)5 59/64 9/1644)0 35/64→0 51/64¡ 29/32(WI)0)™ 29/329)⅞(PF)965(RT) 29/32 11/161 63/64Private Company

It’s tough to find a bigger bull on delinquent Chinese debt than Benjamin Fanger. The Mandarin-speaking founder of ShoreVest Partners, a Guangzhou-based asset manager, built his firm around the idea that there’s money to be made from the nation’s growing pile of distressed credit. He says the opportunity is larger now than at any time in the 15 years since he started analyzing China’s nonperforming loans, or NPLs. He predicts it will only get bigger.

Fanger also says the $1.5 trillion-plus market is full of pitfalls. “If you don’t have experience, it can be very risky,” says the 43-year-old University of Chicago Booth School of Business alum, whose team has purchased more than 15,000 Chinese NPLs since 2004.

Distressed Chinese debt is attracting increased global attention, with defaults soaring even before the coronavirus pandemic and with President Xi Jinping’s government peeling back restrictions on international investors. “In an era that could prove to be another global economic crisis, Chinese debt is counterintuitively looking more safe,” Fanger says.

From the April / May 2020 issue of Bloomberg Markets.Cover art: Armando Veve/Bloomberg

Oaktree Capital Group, the credit-investing behemoth led by Howard Marks, in February opened a wholly owned unit in Beijing to buy NPLs. The potential rewards are juicy. Fanger’s team has generated double-digit internal rates of return on all of its NPL portfolios, according to a ShoreVest offering document seen by Bloomberg Markets. By comparison, Bloomberg’s benchmark index for junk bonds in the U.S. yielded about 6% before a virus-induced spike in late March. In Europe, rates on some corporate bonds are negative.

Global money managers desperate for yield have a growing universe of beaten-down Chinese debt to choose from. The country had $1.5 trillion of NPLs and other stressed assets at the end of 2019, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. And S&P Global Ratings estimates that past-due loans could jump by $800 billion if the coronavirus epidemic turns into a prolonged health emergency.

Even if China’s economy bounces back quickly, Quicktakedelinquenciesmay continue to rise. The country’s ruling Communist Party, which enabled one of the biggest credit booms in world history over the past decade by providing implicit guarantees for corporate borrowers, is now trying to tap the brakes. Policymakers have made it clear that bailouts are no longer a given; even some state-owned companies are defaulting on their bonds.

Default Deluge

Value of China's non-performing loans

Source: China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission

But buyer beware. Veterans of distressed investing in the West may find their playbooks of little use in China. So Bloomberg Markets asked Fanger, Marks, and other specialists how to navigate the minefield. Below are some of the key takeaways.

Avoid social unrest

This is one of Fanger’s guiding principles, and it applies to more than just layoffs and idled factories. When considering real estate debt, for instance, he avoids situations that might force people from their homes. “If a developer got into a cash-flow bind and has contractual purchase and sale agreements with families who think they are buying units, when you go to the court to enforce, the court is likely to delay,” he says.

Another tricky area: companies that issued debt to individual savers through asset management products or peer-to-peer lending platforms. “If retail investors invest in mezzanine debt sold through these products and you buy a senior loan, there could be social unrest if retail investors know they are going to be wiped out,” Fanger says. The upshot: Think twice before buying that senior loan. While China’s government has shown an increased willingness in recent years to let its citizens bear the brunt of poor investment choices, authorities are still loath to make decisions that might send angry people out into the streets.

State support matters

One of the biggest challenges of buying Chinese corporate debt is working out the borrower’s ties to the government, says Soo Cheon Lee, chief investment officer at SC Lowy, a credit-focused banking and investment firm. “China is not about the financials, it’s about relationships,” Lee says. “That’s driving a lot of the liquidity available to a company. You really need to understand the local landscape, and it’s difficult for foreign players to understand who has that connection or support from the state.”

Sometimes a Chinese company will appear to be in dire straits, only to come up with the cash for a debt payment at the last minute, Lee says. “For most of the companies in Asia, we know two weeks before whether they have financing or if they are going to restructure,” he says. “I think it’s very unique for China to not be able to predict a default.”

Some firms are not what they appear to be, Lee says. “If you are truly a state-owned enterprise,” he says, “you will continue to get support from the government or state-owned banks. But when we look at companies that claim to be SOEs but aren’t really SOEs, we see they’re having some difficulties.”

Develop local expertise

For CarVal Investors, which oversees about $10 billion in credit and alternative assets, getting comfortable with China meant tapping the local knowledge of Shanghai Wensheng Asset Management, a distressed debt specialist. The two firms have teamed up to purchase two portfolios of NPLs since 2018.

“Today there are domestic investors and servicers that have experience, and that leads to a much better opportunity if you can team with a smart local investor,” says Avery Colcord, a Singapore-based managing director at CarVal who’s spent about two decades in China. He says the firm would like to buy more NPLs but has taken a cautious approach after “aggressive” bidding by some domestic managers pushed up valuations. At Oaktree, Marks says the firm has also been moving slowly as it builds local expertise. “We’re feeling our way and getting used to a new market,” he says.

Sweat the details

One major advantage of having a strong local team is that it’s more likely to notice the little things that can make or break an investment, says Ron Thompson, managing director of Alvarez & Marsal Asia, who leads the firm’s restructuring practice. Property-related deals in particular often require extreme levels of due diligence. “If you have the whole building, it’s easier, but if you have just the third floor, you have to figure out who owns everything else,” Thompson says. “You have the third floor, but the elevator might be controlled by the debtor, or the mafia. Will you be able to access the floor? Who else can buy it?”

Savvy borrowers will frequently structure their debt in ways that give them leverage. “For instance, you take a block of land, divide it into five, and deliberately default on the middle piece first,” Thompson says. “That’s really worth nothing, because there’s no access. And then the debtor will buy it back, gradually aggregate it, and they’ll only pay market value on the last piece.”

Thompson stresses the importance of hiring lawyers who know their way around the domestic court system. While Chinese authorities have pledged to move toward a more efficient and predictable process for dealing with defaults and restructurings, judges in small, poorer provinces are more inclined to help out down-on-their-luck entrepreneurs. “Going more for local insight is critical in China,” Thompson says. “There are things you could miss without it.”

Liquidity is key

Distressed debt managers in China sometimes overestimate the liquidity of a loan’s collateral, says James Dilley, a Hong Kong-based partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers. It’s crucial because selling assets is often the only way for creditors to get repaid quickly.

Many distressed situations involve real estate, which requires understanding local property markets. It might be easier, for example, to find buyers for a building in more developed provinces on China’s eastern seaboard, such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, than in less populated inland cities. Some investors have seen their returns suffer because property sales took longer than expected, Dilley says, and “getting that right is key.”

Wee and Choong Wilkins are credit market reporters for Bloomberg News in Hong Kong.







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作者:Pascal 回复 木秀于林 留言时间:2020-04-09 18:17:31

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-04-09 18:16:13

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作者:木秀于林 留言时间:2020-04-09 17:48:44

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-04-09 17:39:02

Arab News moves editorial headquarters to Riyadh | Arab News

2020MOHAMED EL-SHAMAAApril 07, 202000:3817423

Mohamed Talaat urges El-Sisi to take up the case and to form a committee to help take the issue to highest authorities

CAIRO: Social media users in Egypt have shared an injunction issued by an Egyptian lawyer to Chinese President Xi Jinping calling on China to pay $10 trillion due to the damages caused by the coronavirus in Egypt.

Egyptian lawyer Mohamed Talaat based his move on US President Donald Trump’s comments that the virus originated in China, with the US president several times calling it the “Chinese virus.” Talaat also relied on media sources, which he did not name, that said China had produced the virus as a biological weapon.


As of Sunday, Egypt had registered 1,173 cases of coronavirus with 78 deaths.Speaking to Arab News, Talaat said that the reason he was taking legal action against China was to safeguard Egyptian rights, especially after news agencies and Trump announced that COVID-19 was “Chinese made.”Talaat, who lives in the Gharbeya governorate south of Cairo and who is filing the lawsuit via the Chinese embassy in Cairo, was driven by allegations by an American lawyer to file a case against Beijing’s government demanding that it pay $20 trillion in compensation for damage caused by the virus.Press reports circulated last week that US lawyer Larry Klayman slapped a lawsuit fining China $20 trillion, accusing Beijing of developing and spreading the coronavirus to use it as a biological weapon. The reports were published on the website Freedom Watch, a human rights organization chaired by Klayman.Talaat said that he urged Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on social media to take up the case and to form a committee of international law experts who would help take the issue to the highest authorities.Talaat reportedly has not coordinated with anyone in government. He said that Egypt’s government “doesn’t interfere in judicial issues and maintains a neutral stance.” Regarding reaction to his move, he said that there were supporters and detractors, adding there were some people dealing with the issue “too lightly and sarcastically.”He rejected comments made by a Kuwaiti journalist who described the step as “Egyptians pursuing dollars.”


• Mohamed Talaat based his move on US President Donald Trump’s comments that the virus originated in China, with the US president several times calling it the ‘Chinese virus.’

• Speaking to Arab News, Talaat said that the reason he was taking legal action against Beijing was to safeguard Egyptian rights.

• Reports circulated last week that US lawyer Larry Klayman slapped a lawsuit fining China $20 trillion.

“I want to ask why he didn’t attack the United States or the lawyer who filed a case against China in the US? Is it just because I’m an Egyptian lawyer?” Talaat asked.“Egyptians are filing a court case against China’s president calling on him to pay $10 trillion due to the coronavirus and the suspension of Egyptian flights!” the journalist tweeted on his Twitter account. “The world is looking for a cure for the virus and there are those who are looking for dollars!” He attached the Egyptian lawsuit to his tweet.Talaat claimed that a number of Italian citizens have phoned to coordinate with him “for the sake of the Italian government.”“If further communication takes place, I will definitely inform the Egyptian government with regards to the details and names to prevent exploiting the case,” Talaat said.Talaat added that the suspension of flights to and from Egypt prevented him from traveling to take more serious action. He said in his statement that “when things return to normal and flights resume, I will be able to fly anywhere in the world to promote my case, and legally pursue the Chinese government.”“What I did was the first step in what is coming,” Talaat said, referring to why he did not address Egypt’s public prosecutor. “We as Egyptians have rights. The president of the world’s biggest country confirmed the issue. America is suffering huge fatalities which did not happen in all the wars it waged.”For several years, many Egyptian lawyers have added their names to lawsuits in public relations stunts that stir controversy, hoping for fame and TV interviews. However, some of these cases have gone to court.

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