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CCP正在协助5个独裁国家建设P3靶向美以 2020-07-31 13:52:14









Pakistan and China have allegedly entered a three year bio-warfare agreement to cooperate on projects associated with the deadly anthrax agent, as well as other dangerous viruses, according to an exclusive report written by The Klaxon. U.S. intelligence officials and analysts are warning that the United States cannot afford to ignore the information and the danger this secret deal poses to the world.

I may not have noticed the Klaxon report if it weren’t for Gordon Chang, an expert on China and someone I follow religiously when it comes to news in the region. He retweeted the exclusive on Tuesday, which was written by Anthony Klan, an investigative reporter from Australia.

据克拉克森媒体(The Klaxon)的独家报道,巴基斯坦和中共已经签署了一项为期三年的生物战协议,共同合作开展与致命炭疽病以及其他危险病毒有关的生物武器项目。美国情报官员和分析人士警告说,美国不能无视这些信息以及这项秘密交易对世界构成的危险。

本报道的由澳大利亚调查记者安东尼·克兰(Anthony Klan)撰写。他提到如果不是中国问题专家高登·张(Gordon Chang)的对此事的报道,他可能不会注意到克拉克森的报道。


“难怪中共想将其危险的生物武器研究外包给巴基斯坦,” 高登·张周三告诉我。“几十年来,中国武器实验室没有严格的安全观念,无法遏制病原体已经产生了后果,” 高登·张补充说。“从俄罗斯的消息来源,我们了解到1980年代后期在中国的部分地区有两次出血热(hemorrhagic fever)流行,我们以前不了解这些疾病病毒,现在发现这些病毒具有生物武器的特征。”


高登·张进一步补充说:“从2002年开始的SARS流行可能是自然形成的,但后续的实验室泄漏使得结果进一步恶化了。 他指出,“中共病毒最早在武汉病毒研究所附近首次爆发,该研究所一直在设计冠状病毒,以使其更具毒性。如果您是今天的中共领导人,您也希望您的这项危险的研究在喜马拉雅山另一侧进行,” 高登·张说。“毕竟,在冠状病毒仍在中国各地传播的情况下,您可能不想同时处理两种致命的流行病。”

来自The Klaxon,这是一家调查性在线新闻社,报道澳大利亚境外的情报问题和商业不法行为


And Chang, along with other intelligence officials I’ve spoken with, warn that the deal made with Pakistan poses significant dangers to accidental contamination leaks, along with rising concerns as to what the two nuclear powers may be planning.

“It’s no wonder China wants to outsource its dangerous bioweapons research to Pakistan,” Gordon Chang told me Wednesday. “Chinese weapons labs, over the course of decades, can’t master the concept of safety.”

“The failure to contain pathogens has had consequences,” Chang added. “From Russian sources, we have learned there were two epidemics of hemorrhagic fever in the late 1980s in a part of China where these diseases were previously unknown but which did host a biological weapons facility.”

It’s not surprising that Chang would be monitoring stories from all over the world because he has become extremely vocal about the dangerous expansion and global reach of Beijing and a staunch ally of freedom fighters in Hong Kong opposed to communist China’s tyranny.

In fact, Chang, who has lived in China, recently posted warnings about news reports that tend to downplay Beijing’s role in covering up its enormous failures to warn the world of the novel Coronavirus epidemic during the onslaught of the outbreak in Wuhan in 2019.

For example Chang said, “the SARS epidemic beginning in 2002 probably had a natural origin but could have been fueled by subsequent lab leaks. 

He pointed out that “the world’s first outbreak of COVID-19 occurred near the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which had been engineering coronaviruses to make them more virulent. The Institute is more than a thousand miles from where the closest strain of the virus was found in a natural environment, a cave full of bats.” 

“If you are a Chinese leader today, you too would want your dangerous research conducted on the other side of the Himalayas,” said Chang. “After all, with the coronavirus still spreading around China, you probably would not want to deal with two killer epidemics at the same time.”

From The Klaxon, an investigative online news agency that reports on intelligence matters and business malfeasance out of Australia:

In the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak on Chinese soil, China’s now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology has signed the covert deal with Pakistan military’s Defense Science and Technology Organization (DESTO), to collaborate research in “emerging infectious diseases” and advance studies on the biological control of transmitted diseases.

According to highly credible intelligence sources, the program is being entirely funded by China and is formally titled the “Collaboration for Emerging Infectious Diseases and Studies on Biological Control of Vector Transmitting Diseases”.

Intelligence sources, including from the Indian subcontinent, have told The Klaxon they have serious concerns about the secret project, which involves China testing biological agents outside its borders in an apparent bid to minimize the “risk of drawing condemnation from the international community”.

“DESTO has been engaged in various dual-use research projects related to anthrax under a covert biological weapons program,” one senior intelligence source said.

The source said China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology had “lent all financial, material and scientific support for the project”.

The information reported by The Klaxon shouldn’t be ignored. Think about what’s happened to our nation and for that matter, the world since the outbreak of COVID-19. There is no doubt that this won’t be the last time but imagine a virus far worse than what we’re witnessing today.


When the Chinese communist owned Global Times reported that scientists believe that SARS-CoV-2 originated naturally and had nothing to do with Wuhan laboratories Chang shot back.

The paper stated because of that President Donald Trump “owes us an apology as he claimed” the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“Okay, but why did #China in February send Major General Chen Wei, the country’s top biological weapons expert, to head the P-4 lab at the #Wuhan Institute of Virology? To destroy evidence of an illicit program perhaps,” Chang responded on Twitter.

And U.S. policy makers should heed Chang’s warning. After all, President Xi Jingping’s decision to keep COVID-19 secret has torn the world’s economy apart, left millions infected and killed an estimated 661,000 people globally.

Imagine what happens if we ignore the possible biowarfare deal between China and Pakistan.

Imagine the threat that a relationship like this could have on the world and the implications for the future.

I’ve traveled to Pakistan, have met with Pakistani leaders in the past and have covered stories in that region long enough to know that China is a very close ally of the Pakistani government. Moreover, Beijing works diligently to cultivate a strong geo-political relationship with Pakistan, and in the process uses that relationship to influence and spy. on American interests in the region as well.

I’ve also covered numerous intelligence matters in Pakistan, and know there have been concerns among U.S. intelligence officials regarding the nation’s very modern bio-level laboratories, which are suspected of conducting ‘covert experiments’ and could potentially pose a national security threat in the future.

According to intelligence officials that spoke to The Klaxon, Pakistan and China’s efforts are part of a broader offensive against India and Western rivals.

It is. It always has been. Whether The Klaxon story is completely accurate remains to be seen. It has not been independently verified by this reporter.

Either way, there is enough evidence to suggest that China will continue to expand its diplomatic relations with Pakistan by trading and combing its technological, military and political apparatus in South Asia.

It serves China’s purpose to pursue these interests because those interests also assist in driving a deeper wedge between the U.S. and its allies in the region.



















Hundreds of U.S. and international religious and human rights groups and activists are calling for the U.S. Department of Justice to declare the Chinese Communist Party a “transnational criminal organization," or TCO.

The effort comes as tensions between Washington and Beijing continue to flare, compounded by the U.S. shuttering the Chinese consulate in Houston last week and followed by the retaliatory measure of China closing the U.S. consulate in Chengdu.


据福克斯新闻(Fox News)28日报道,数以百计的美国和国际宗教组织、人权组织和社会活动家呼吁美国司法部宣布中国共产党为“跨国犯罪组织”(TCO),信中称CCP对“美国的健康,安全与繁荣”构成威胁。


宗教自由组织“救赎受迫害基督徒联盟”7月23日写信给司法部长威廉·巴尔(William Barr)称,中国共产党(CCP)的杀伤力和犯罪复杂性表明,这个无法无天的CCP组织对美国的健康,安全和繁荣构成了明显的威胁 — CCP病毒大流行造成了美国人民死亡,中共生产和贩卖的致命合成药物芬太尼杀死了美国人。



“很明显,跨国犯罪组织的名单中应该包括中国共产党(CCP)。”信中说:“CCP在美国和世界范围内的犯罪模式表明了CCP对公共安全和国家安全的威胁是显而易见的。”信中列举了一系列CCP的犯罪案例,从CCP骇客了安森保险(Anthem insurance),收集了8000万美国人的敏感信息;再到2017年的Equifax数据泄露事件,造成1.45亿美国人的姓名,生日,社会保险号和信用评分被盗取;再到2019年万豪酒店系统被入侵,中共被指控窃取了3.83亿客人的信息,包括护照号码。

联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)2020年7月7日提出了关于CCP对美国经济和国家安全构成威胁的警报,FBI大约每10个小时就审理一件新发的与CCP有关的反情报案件,总案件数将近500起。这封信认为,CCP符合“跨国犯罪组织”(TOC)的特征,是“有组织的犯罪活动”,使美国人很容易就受到CCP非法恐吓和盗版等广泛的犯罪活动袭击,这危害了美国人的生活方式。”

这封信由反儿童剥削组织Yore Children的创始人伊丽莎白·尤尔(Elizabeth Yore)律师和拯救被迫害基督徒的执行主任德德·劳格森(Dede Laugesen)执笔,此外还有500多名社会活动家和70多个非官方机构、组织的代表签字,这些非政府机构和基金会来自宗教自由,政治和人权领域,包括维吾尔人运动,南亚少数民族基金会和新英格兰基督教活动家网络,以及越南妇女争取人权组织,全能教堂,佛教团结协会等。



The letter addressed to Attorney General William Barr and dated July 23 claims that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s "lethality and criminal sophistication demonstrates that this lawless CCP poses a clear and present danger to the health, security, and prosperity of America.”

The letter was sponsored by the religious freedom outfit Save the Persecuted Christians Coalition. 
“The CCP transnational criminal organization designation is clearly justified by the epidemic of American citizens victimized and killed by the Chinese manufactured and transmitted lethal synthetic drug, Fentanyl. According to the CDC, deaths involving other synthetic narcotics, including fentanyl and fentanyl analogs continued to rise with more than 31,335 overdose deaths reported in 2018,” the letter says.


The letter goes on to stress that, “for decades, the CCP perpetrated and proliferated IP embezzlement and economic espionage on Americans and U.S. businesses, resulting in theft and loss of vast wealth and prosperity. The extent and breadth of the criminal reach of the CCP knows no bounds.” 

One of President Trump’s first moves after assuming the office in early 2017 was to sign the executive order 13773 entitled, “Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.” This, according to the letter, authorized by the executive branch “to strengthen federal law enforcement  to thwart transnational criminal organizations that present a threat to public safety and national security.”

“It is exceedingly evident that the list of transnational criminal organizations should include the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The pattern of the CCP criminality in the U.S. and around the world demonstrates a clear and present threat ‘to public safety and national security," the letter states.

It cites an array of examples, ranging from the 2014 findings that the CCP hacked Anthem insurance, collecting sensitive information on 80 million Americans, to the 2017 data breach of Equifax in which the names, birthdates, social security numbers and credit scores of 145 million Americans were harvested, to the 2019 break-in of the Marriott system, in which China’s top brass was accused of stealing information on 383 million guests, including their passport numbers.


“On July 7, 2020, FBI Director Christopher Wray raised the alarm about the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party to the economic and national security of the United States," the letter asserts. “According to Wray, the level of CCP criminality is so widespread and voluminous that, ‘the FBI is opening a new China-related counterintelligence case about every 10 hours and of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently underway across the country, almost half are related to China.’” President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers a speech at a symposium on securing a decisive victory in poverty alleviation in Beijing, March 6, 2020. (Xinhua/Ju Peng via Getty Images)

In conclusion, the letter contends that the CCP fits the characterization of a TOC as the “organized criminal activity” every day “leaves Americans vulnerable to a widespread campaign of lawlessness, intimidation, and piracy by the CCP, which imperils our way of life.”

The letter – penned by the likes of attorney Elizabeth Yore, founder of anti-child exploitation organization YoreChildren and Dede Laugesen, Executive Director of Save the Persecuted Christians – has additionally been signed by more than 500 individual activists and representatives from more than 70 non-governmental agencies and foundations in the realm of religious freedom, politics, and human rights. This includes backing from the Campaign for Uyghurs, the South Asia Minorities Foundation, and the Christian Activist Network for New England, to Vietnamese Women for Human Rights, The Church Almighty God, Buddhist Solidarity Association, and Revealing Light Ministries.


As it stands, groups such as MS-13 and the Laos-based Zhao Wei Network – run by a casino kingpin, who has long been accused of drug and child trafficking – have been slapped with TOC designations by the United States.

The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-07-31 17:42:30



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