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美政府再次证实路德独家曝江曾3块硬盘 2020-09-29 13:21:47

 美国参议院87页报告 再次遥相呼应路德独家披露 












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今夜首场辩论  乔·拜登同志必须回答的17个问题:

  1. Your son Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a Russian billionaire who was married to the former mayor of Moscow. He also had a joint bank account with a Chinese national that financed $100,000 in credit card purchases around the world. This all happened while you were Vice President. Why would people connected to the Russian and Chinese governments want to give your son millions of dollars?

  2. You recently said you “got started” at Delaware State University, an HBCU. The school says they have no record of you ever attending. What did you major in there?

  3. In June you said you were vetting your own potential Supreme Court picks and promised you would release your own list. Now you say you won’t release a list. Why go back on your pledge?

  4. Your running mate Kamala Harris said last year that she was open to adding as many as 4 seats to the Supreme Court. Now more leading Democrats are saying your party should pack the Supreme Court if they get the chance. Are you refusing to answer whether you will go along with this radical plan because you are too weak to stand up to it?

  5. In January 2017, you said that Democrats should not block President Trump’s nominees for the Supreme Court. You said you believe the Constitution “requires” the Senate “to give the nominee a hearing and a vote.” In 2016 you said “would go forward with the confirmation process” of a Supreme Court nominee “even a few months before a presidential election … just as the Constitution requires." Now you say the Constitution requires the exact opposite. How do you reconcile that change?

  6. In 2008 you promised Americans that if they made less than $250,000 they would not pay a penny more in taxes. You broke that promise and imposed new taxes that directly impacted middle-class Americans. Now you’re claiming you won’t raise taxes on anyone making more than 400,000. Why should voters believe you now, especially since you’ve said you will reinstate the individual mandate tax?

  7. As Vice President, you oversaw the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. What would you do differently if you were elected?

  8. Your plan would raise the U.S. business tax rate higher than China’s rate. Won’t that make it more expensive for companies to do business in America and ultimately send jobs overseas?

  9. President Trump imposed restrictions on travel from China on January 31 to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Why did it take you two months to say you supported that decision?

  10. In 2008 you and Barack Obama promised to fully fund the federal COPS program, which provides resources to local law enforcement. But funding for this program was cut while you were vice president, despite your promise. Why did you fail to keep your word?

  11. Earlier this year your campaign staff donated money to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that bailed out of a jail a rioter who shot at police officers and other violent criminals and sexual predators. Your running mate Kamala Harris also urged people to donate to that organization and is still raising money for it. Do you condone that?

  12. You say if you’re elected you’ll push to give citizenship to the 11 million undocumented people in our country. Why do you believe they should receive Medicare and Social Security benefits?

  13. When you were running for president in 2007, both you and Obama pledged to renegotiate NAFTA, a promise you did not keep when you were in office. You recently blamed Republicans for this, saying they wouldn’t go along with it, but Democrats controlled Congress in 2009 when the Obama Administration announced it would not even try to change NAFTA. So why did you fail to keep your word?

  14. When you voted to give China “most favored nation” trade status in 2000, you said you did not foresee “the collapse of the American manufacturing economy” because of it. But by one estimate, it led to the loss of 1 million manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Do you acknowledge that your vote to give China most favored nation trade status was a mistake that hurt American workers?

  15. The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic infected 60 million Americans when you were VP, and the federal government depleted its strategic stockpile of N95 masks in response. A fact check by USA Today found that your administration made no effort to replenish the stockpile of masks, despite warnings from experts. Do you accept responsibility for that failure, which left America unprepared for another pandemic?

  16. Your campaign says it is a “lie” that “the Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion” ticket “in U.S. history.” Are there any restrictions on abortion that you support, and if so, please be specific?  

  17. You said the N-word 13 times during a 1985 Senate nomination fight, when you were quoting something attributed to someone else. Do you think that was appropriate to do? Is that the only time you’ve said the N-word?

  1. 您的儿子猎人·拜登(Hunter Biden)从俄罗斯亿万富翁那里获得了350万美元的电汇,后者嫁给了莫斯科前市长。他还与一个中国人有一个共同的银行账户,为世界各地的信用卡购买交易提供了100,000美元的资金。这一切都是在您担任副总裁时发生的。为什么与俄罗斯和中国政府有联系的人想给您的儿子数百万美元?

  2. 您最近说过,您在HBCU的特拉华州立大学“入门”。学校说他们没有你参加的记录。你在那里主修什么?

  3. 六月,您说过您正在审查自己可能的最高法院选秀权,并承诺将发布自己的名单。现在,您说您不会发布列表。为什么要重新履行您的承诺?

  4. 您的竞选伴侣卡玛拉•哈里斯(Kamala Harris)去年说,她愿意向最高法院增加多达4个席位。现在,更多的领先民主党人说,如果他们有机会,您的政党应该打包最高法院。您是否拒绝回答您是否会因为根本太虚弱而无法接受这一激进计划?

  5. 您在2017年1月说过,民主党人不应该阻止特朗普总统提名的最高法院法官。您说过,您相信宪法“要求”参议院“给被提名人进行听证和投票。” 在2016年,您说“将继续进行最高法院候选人的确认程序”,“甚至在总统选举之前的几个月……正如《宪法》所要求的。”现在您说《宪法》要求完全相反。如何调和这一点?更改?

  6. 您在2008年向美国人许诺,如果他们的年收入不足25万美元,他们将不会多付一分钱的税。您违反了诺言,并征收了直接影响中产阶级美国人的新税。现在,您声称您不会对收入超过40万的任何人提高税收。为什么选民现在应该相信您,尤其是自从您说过将恢复个人法定税款以来?

  7. 作为副总统,您监督了自大萧条以来最疲软的经济复苏。如果当选,您会做些什么?

  8. 您的计划将把美国营业税率提高到高于中国的税率。这是否会使公司在美国开展业务并最终向海外派遣工作变得更加昂贵?

  9. 特朗普总统于1月31日从中国来的旅行实施了限制,以打击冠状病毒的传播。为什么要花两个月才能说您支持该决定

  10. 在2008年,您和巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)承诺全额资助联邦COPS计划,该计划为当地执法部门提供资源。但是,尽管您答应了,但在您担任副总裁期间该计划的资金却被削减了。你为什么不遵守诺言?

  11. 今年早些时候,您的竞选工作人员向明尼苏达州自由基金会捐款,该组织从监狱中救出了一名暴徒,向警察,其他暴力罪犯和性掠食者开枪。您的竞选伙伴卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)也敦促人们向该组织捐款,并且仍在为该组织筹集资金。你宽恕了吗?

  12. 您说如果当选将推动我们国家的1100万无证件公民获得公民身份。您为什么认为他们应该获得医疗保险和社会保障福利?

  13. 当您在2007年竞选总统时,您和奥巴马都承诺重新谈判北美自由贸易协定,这是您上任时没有遵守的诺言。您最近将此归咎于共和党人,说他们不会这样做,但是民主党人在2009年控制了国会,当时奥巴马政府宣布甚至不打算改变北美自由贸易协定。那你为什么不遵守诺言呢?

  14. 当您在2000年投票决定给予中国“最惠国”贸易地位时,您说您并没有因此而预见到“美国制造业经济的崩溃”。但是据估计,这导致美国失去了100万个制造业就业机会。您是否承认您对中国给予最惠国待遇的投票是对美国工人造成伤害的错误?

  15. 当您担任副总裁时,2009年的H1N1猪流感大流行感染了6000万美国人,而作为回应,联邦政府耗尽了N95口罩的战略库存。《今日美国》的事实调查发现,尽管有专家警告,您的政府仍未努力补充口罩的库存。您是否对这次失败负责,而这次失败使美国没有为另一场大流行做好准备?

  16. 您的竞选活动说,“ Biden-Harris机票是美国历史上最彻底的堕胎”机票是一个“谎言”。您支持的堕胎有任何限制,如果有,请具体说明?  

  17. 您在1985年参议院提名之战中说了13次N字,当时您引用的是别人的话。您认为这样做合适吗?那是您唯一一次说过N字吗?








【文/观察者网 熊超然】2020年美国总统大选的角逐进入白热化阶段,首场总统大选辩论将于北京时间9月30日上午举行。就在此时,特朗普与拜登又在“另一战场”展开了竞争,因为拜登也获得了2021年诺贝尔和平奖的提名。

据英国“天空新闻”当地时间9月28日报道,英国工党议员克里斯·布莱恩特(Chris Bryant)当天提名拜登成为2021年诺贝尔和平奖的候选人。布莱恩特称,在美国遭遇动荡政治局势时期,拜登致力于对话沟通和政治性辩论,起到了缓和局势的作用,理应获得提名。








而据俄罗斯卫星网9月24日报道,俄作家谢尔盖·科姆科夫(Sergei Komkov)宣布,他在9月10日提名俄罗斯总统普京竞逐诺贝尔和平奖。由于本年度该奖的推荐信必须在2月1日前寄出,因此普京将竞逐2021年的诺贝尔和平奖。





The release of a joint report by the Senate committees on homeland security and finance raised important questions about obviously unethical foreign profiteering by members of the Biden family.

In particular, former Vice President Joe Biden’s ne’er-do-well son Hunter received a remarkable amount of money from highly suspect foreign entities, including ones controlled by the Chinese government. On at least one occasion, the elder Biden appears to have directly facilitated his son’s tawdry dealings. On another, the current Democratic presidential nominee ignored an obvious appearance of a conflict of interest that compromised the moral authority of U.S. diplomacy.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden’s brother James and sister-in-law Sara cashed in as well, creating an international financial web that Politico a full year ago dubbed “Biden Inc.” Finally, and rather sickeningly, the new report shows multiple payments from Hunter to Russian and Eastern European women suspected of links to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

The legality of some of these dealings is at least questionable. But the ethical stench is undeniable. And while a father is not responsible for the actions of his grown son, Joe Biden’s role as at least a silent enabler raises serious questions about his judgment, not to mention his susceptibility, at least at the margins, to forms of foreign emotional blackmail.

The Senate committees’ report is a compelling account of Biden Inc., and even then, it isn’t exhaustive — because it alludes to plenty of other disturbing material related to Hunter’s dealings with China that remain to be analyzed. But what’s there already should concern every voter enough as it is. The dealings of Hunter, James, Sara, and Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer involved arrangements not just with multiple Chinese government-controlled entities and the People’s Liberation Army but also with corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs, the wife of Moscow’s former mayor, and a Kazakh power player, with millions upon millions of dollars flowing among numerous Biden family and foreign holdings.

None of this is immaterial to Joe Biden’s fitness for the presidency. As his son sought all this business with Chinese entities, the vice president ferried Hunter Biden on Air Force Two when Joe took a diplomatic mission to China. Again, Hunter Biden was no child accompanying his father: He was a wheeler-dealer adult with no obviously legitimate role on the trip. Hunter Biden emerged afterward with a deal estimated to approach $1.5 billion, of which an unknown amount apparently entered his own pockets as the deal’s broker.

Joe Biden should be forced to explain why he took his son on that trip and also why he didn’t ask him to avoid such sketchy financial arrangements with elements of a communist, largely hostile major global rival.

Meanwhile, the report makes clear what Washington Examiner writers long have explained — namely that Hunter Biden’s membership on the board of the Ukraine-centered Burisma company created significant headaches for U.S. diplomacy. With Joe Biden as the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine, two top diplomats told the vice president’s team (or, once, the vice president directly) that his son’s position created “the perception of a conflict of interest” and “enabled Russian disinformation efforts and risked undermining U.S. policy in Ukraine.”

Biden knew full well of his son’s board service, but he did not recuse himself from heading the administration’s Ukraine-related efforts. In failing to recuse himself, he showed woefully deficient judgment. A supposed statesman as experienced as Biden obviously knows that merely by trumpeting connections to powerful U.S. officials, corrupt foreign actors can leverage those connections for favors or for immunity from sanction or prosecution — even if the American official is genuinely pushing anti-corruption measures, as Biden did in Ukraine. In other words, the son’s business dealings might have directly retarded the father’s legitimate goals for U.S. foreign policy.

There is no good excuse for Joe Biden’s ethical blindness about his son’s and his brother’s sleazy foreign profiteering. It is not enough to say that the vice president himself neither profited from those dealings nor deliberately changed U.S. policy because of them. Due to the very nature of those business arrangements, Joe’s tacit enabling of them necessarily compromised U.S. interests. In terms of moral capital, the damage continues still.



特别是前副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的绝活儿子亨特(Hunter)从备受怀疑的外国实体(包括中国政府控制的外国实体)那里获得了可观的资金。至少在一次场合,年长的拜登似乎直接促进了儿子的杂耍交易。另一方面,现任民主党总统候选人忽略了利益冲突的明显表现,这种利益冲突损害了美国外交的道义权威。


其中一些交易的合法性至少值得怀疑。但是道德恶臭是不可否认的。尽管父亲对长大儿子的行为不负责任,但乔·拜登(Joe Biden)至少是一个沉默的使者,这引发了关于他的判断的严重问题,更不用说他的敏感性了,至少是在边缘,对外国情感勒索的形式。

参议院委员会的报告是拜登公司的引人注目报告,即使到那时,它也不是详尽无遗的-因为它暗示了许多其他与亨特与中国打交道有关的令人不安的材料,有待分析。但是已经存在的问题应该足够引起每个选民的关注。与Hunter,James,Sara和Hunter的商业伙伴Devon Archer的交易不仅涉及与多个中国政府控制的实体和人民解放军的安排,还涉及与腐败的乌克兰寡头,莫斯科前市长的妻子以及哈萨克斯坦的权力玩手的安排。在数不清的拜登家族和外国资产中流淌着数百万美元。

这些都不对乔·拜登担任总统职位具有重要意义。当他的儿子寻求与中国实体的所有业务时,当乔对中国进行外交访问时,副总统将亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden)送上了第二空军。再一次,亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden)不再是陪伴父亲的孩子:他是一名会车买卖的成年人,在旅途中没有明显的合法角色。亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden)随后出现,据估计这笔交易接近15亿美元,其中不明的数额显然是该交易的经纪人自己掏腰包。

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)应该被迫解释为什么他带儿子去那趟旅行,以及为什么他不要求他避免与共产主义,主要是敌对的主要全球竞争对手的这种粗略的财务安排。

同时,报告明确什么华盛顿考官作家长时间了解释-即亨特·拜登对乌克兰为中心Burisma公司的董事会成员创造显著头疼美国的外交。乔·拜登(Joe Biden)是奥巴马政府在乌克兰的重要人物,两名高级外交官告诉副总统团队(或曾经直接副总统),他儿子的职位造就了“对利益冲突的感知”,并“使俄罗斯能够虚假宣传并有可能破坏美国在乌克兰的政策。”


乔·拜登(Joe Biden)对儿子和哥哥的卑鄙的外国暴利行为没有道德上的盲目性,这没有什么好的借口。仅仅说副总统本人既没有从这些交易中获利,也没有因此而故意改变美国的政策是不够的。由于这些商业安排的性质,乔的默许使他们必然损害了美国的利益。就道德资本而言,损害仍在继续。












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