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疫苗- 有限益处无限弊端几十亿实验动物 2021-03-24 16:48:09

 ... a“vaccine” that has finite benefits and infinite downsides.

 This is a case of the cure being worse than the disease yet

 all logic and sanity are being put to the side in order to rush

 billions of people globally to become lab animals. 

 冠状病毒疫苗接种 - 有限益处 无限弊端 几十亿实验室的人类动物

—— 埃塞俄比亚最伟大、罗宾汉劫富济贫式皇帝 Tewodros II 二世

       第八代直系后裔、美国公民 Teodrose Fikremariam 撰文





   The Absurd and Pernicious Logic of

    “Vaccinating” Everyone


Imagine, if you will, that Susan Orsega, the acting Surgeon General, announced a new guidance whereby every American—from infants to the elderly and all in between—will have to get a heart transplant in order to address what has been the biggest cause of death for decades according to the CDC. Last year alone, 659,041 people passed away as a consequence of heart disease, which is almost twice the number that passed away from Covid-19. I mean to coerce otherwise healthy people to undergo an invasive procedure that is fraught with dangers to address an issue that impacts less than 7% of Americans is the height of lunacy right?

我想想,如果您愿意的话,代理外科医生苏珊·奥尔塞加(Susan Orsega)宣布了一项新指南,根据该指南,每个美国人-从婴儿到老年人以及所有中间人-都必须进行心脏移植手术,以解决最大的难题。根据疾病预防控制中心的说法,死亡原因已有数十年的历史。仅去年一年,就有659,041人因心脏病去世,几乎是Covid-19死亡人数的两倍。我的意思是要强迫其他健康的人接受充满危险的侵入性程序,以解决影响不到7%的美国人的问题。



“免疫系统有多种方法可以抵抗冠状病毒,但是如果抗体是防御的主要防线,那么研究结果表明人们可能会在季节性浪潮中被再次感染,并且疫苗可能无法长期保护它们。” [资料来源:《卫报


你为什么要消极?因为这些“疫苗”存在着危险,而这种危险从未在主流媒体上提出过,卫生行业几乎没有讨论过。出于充分的原因,有许多猪在这些实验性增效器的谷底处觅食。 如果公众真的知道血栓,Bells Palsy,抗体依赖性增强和死亡等短期和长期影响,他们将不会在一百码长的针头内扎满刺入的蛋白质和有毒的病原体。因此,为了避免害怕引起公众强烈抗议,我们没有告诉我们真相,而是每个主要的研究机构都决定省略相关医疗数据,以便利用星号作为诱饵制造统一的同意书,而他们却向我们隐瞒了事实。

在我上面列举的所有不良反应中,除立即死亡外最可怕的反应是抗体依赖性增强(ADE)。尽管这些“疫苗”去年仅在人体上进行了三个月的测试,然后才获得美国食品药品监督管理局的紧急使用授权(通常需要10到15年的详尽的人体试验才能获得FDA的批准),但背后的技术却具有已经存在了60年。悉尼·布伦纳(Sydney Brenner),弗朗索瓦·雅各布(Francois Jacob)和马修·梅塞尔森(Matthew Meselson)发现,信使RNA(因此称为mRNA)是一种将信息从核中的DNA传递到细胞质的分子后,无数的科学家开始对实验动物进行实验,以研究mRNA是否可用于药用。



我的妈妈Sara Shewangizaw去年因与Covid-19相关的并发症去世了。我仍然记得那一天,就像昨天一样,在我们对她妈妈正在康复的情况感到乐观之后,医生传达了我妈妈突然恶化的坏消息。主治医生向我们解释说,我妈妈经历了“细胞因子风暴”的发作,由此她的身体的免疫系统开始攻击她的肺部和肝脏。经过近两个星期的搏斗并取得了进展,她的健康状况迅速恶化,直到我们得知至今仍困扰着我的两个词48小时后,她去世了-细胞因子风暴。

正是在我母亲一生中发生的同样的细胞因子风暴,可能恰在此时此刻。您应该担心的住院浪潮不是与Covid-19相关的,而是与mRNA“疫苗”相关的。结果是有成千上万的人被注射并获得3到6个月的抗体窗口,一旦该窗口期满,大多数被刺伤的人也有可能获得这种窗口。除了像马文·哈格勒(Marvin Hagler)这样的人不胜枚举,汉克·亚伦(Hank Aaron)和卡西迪·库里尔(Kassidi Kurill)在注射了这些实验性“疫苗”后就死了,还有更多人受到无法弥补的伤害,我们可能只是目睹了冰山一角。在细胞因子风暴席卷全球之前,我们处于平静状态,这种风暴可能夺走全球成千上万人的生命。

为了保护我们免受99.5%的病毒感染,如果我们能够捕获它,我们将被告知并被迫尽快感染具有有限利益和无限弊端的“疫苗”。在这种情况下,治愈方法要比疾病更严重,但为了使全球数十亿人急于成为实验动物,所有逻辑和理智都被置于一边。正如“喉咙”曾经告诉伍德沃德和伯恩斯坦一样,如果您想知道为什么,那就跟着钱走吧。这些mRNA疫苗将使人体变成一种硬件,将需要巨大的财富,这些硬件将需要通过针头不断进行技术更新,否则将面临死亡的蓝屏。 劝告其他健康的人注射不会提供来自#Covid19的长期免疫的mRNA'疫苗',这是荒唐的,这是刑事过失的定义。


      ADE —— 抗体依赖增强症







Now replace the words heart disease with Covid-19 and reread the paragraph above because that is precisely what Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and a never ending parade of politicians, pundits, medical professionals and Hollywood personalities are telling us to do. In order to mitigate the risk of a pandemic that has an overall mortality rate of less than 0.5%—a rate that decreases to near 0 for those who are younger than 60—we are being emotionally manipulated to get infected (I use the word infected intentionally) with an experimental mRNA “vaccine” with limited upside and horrific downsides. There are some who will mock this analogy and miss the forest for the twig in the process, the comparison is not on the two ailments but on the stupidity of performing an invasive procedure on everyone to treat an ailment that has a survivability rate north of 99.5%.

I might not object so vociferously if the snake oil being peddled by Pfizer, Biogen, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson actually provided immunization and protected us from catching Covid-19 once the jab is given. To the contrary, these nostrums do not yield long-term inoculation; according to press-releases written by Biotech corporations and passed off to us as “news, these “vaccines” only induce 3-6 months of antibodies that are more therapeutic in nature than they are preventative.

“The immune system has multiple ways to fight the coronavirus but if antibodies are the main line of defence, the findings suggested people could become reinfected in seasonal waves and that vaccines may not protect them for long.” [source the Guardian]

Even during the limited inoculation window, recipients of the “vaccine” are still susceptible to Covid-19 mutations like the UK and South African variants. Once the antibodies wear off, people who got jabbed are right back to square negative one.

Why negative one you ask? Because there are perils to these “vaccines” that are never brought up in mainstream media and barely discussed by the health industry. And for good reason, there are many pigs who are feeding at the trough of these experimental boosters; if the public really knew of the short and long-term impacts like blood clots, Bells Palsy, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and death, they would not get within a hundred yards of needles laced with spiked proteins and poisonous pathogens. So instead of telling us the truths for fear of creating a public outcry, every major institution of note has decided to omit relevant medical data in order to manufacture uniformed consent using stars as bait while they hide the facts from us.

Out of all the adverse reactions I enumerated above, the one that is the most terrifying besides immediate death is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). Though these “vaccines” were only tested on humans for three months last year before they were granted Emergency Use Authorization by the Food and Drug Administration (it usually takes 10-15 years of exhaustive human trials to garner FDA approval) the technology behind them has been around for 60 years. Once Sydney Brenner, Francois Jacob, and Matthew Meselson discovered that the messenger RNA (hence mRNA) is the molecule that takes information from the DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm, countless scientist started experimenting on lab animals to see if mRNA can be used for medicinal purposes.

What they discovered is something that should give pause to anyone who is seriously thinking about offering their arms as sacrificial limbs to Biotech corporations and serves as an omen of a potential global holocaust to come. Over 90,000 lab animals, mostly ferrets and cats, were injected with the mRNA “vaccines” and for the most part nothing happened to the subjects. In fact, a vast majority did in fact acquire antibodies that helped to ward off viral infections associated with various strains of Novel Coronavirus and the overall mortality rate was very low. Great news right?

But wait, there’s more! After the lab animals’ antibodies associated with mRNA “vaccines” wore off, they were reintroduced to the Coronavirus to observe long term implications of the injections. What they discovered is that a significant number of the test subjects developed Antibody-Dependent Enhancement whereby the antibodies generated by the “vaccines” stop preventing injections and instead started acting like “Trojan horses” that allow pathogens to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response. This condition causes our natural immune system to go into overdrive and start attacking bodies. If this sounds familiar that is because these are the same ailments caused by HIV/AIDS!

My mom Sara Shewangizaw passed away last year from complications related to Covid-19. I still remember it like it was yesterday when the doctor conveyed the bad news of my mom’s sudden deterioration after we were optimistic that she was on her way to recovery. The attending physician explained to us that my mom had experienced the onset of “cytokine storm” whereby her body’s immune system started attacking her lungs and liver. After battling for close to two weeks and making progress towards healing, her health quickly worsened and she passed away 48 hours after we learned the two words that still haunt me to this day—cytokine storm.

This same cytokine storm that took my mom’s life could be gathering at this exact moment. The wave of hospitalizations you should fear are not the one associated with Covid-19 but the one affiliated with mRNA “vaccines”. There are millions of people getting injected and gaining a 3-6 month window of antibodies as a result, once this window expires, so could potentially most people who got jabbed. Besides the fact that there are numerous people like Marvin Hagler, Hank Aaron and Kassidi Kurill who died right after getting injected with these experimental “vaccines” and many more who are getting irreparably harmed, we could just be witnessing the tip of the iceberg. We are at the calm before the cytokine storm that could claim the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

In order to protect us from a virus that 99.5% of us will recover from if we catch it, we are being told—and soon enough forced—to get infected with a “vaccine” that has finite benefits and infinite downsides. This is a case of the cure being worse than the disease yet all logic and sanity are being put to the side in order to rush billions of people globally to become lab animals. As “Deepthroat” once advised Woodward and Bernstein, if you want to know why, just follow the money. There are fortunes to be made with these mRNA vaccines as they turn the human body into a hardware that will need continuous technology refreshes by way of needles or else face the blue screen of death. It is beyond absurd to advise otherwise healthy people to get injected with a mRNA 'vaccine' that will not provide long-term immunization from #Covid19, it's the definition of criminal negligence. 

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