American Arrogance and Ignorance in the Unrestricted Warfare against the CCP | WHISTLE BLOWERS 2.24.24 12pm EST-01 赵小兰担任交通部长以来,该机构预算多次呼吁并采取行动削减海运业的计划,而此期间她的家人已缴纳奖学金,以及用于培训中国海员的船舶模拟器,赵小兰的父亲向米奇·麦康奈尔…
病毒学家吉尔特·范登·博什:如果我们没有大规模强制接种疫苗,新冠疫情早就结束了! Geert Vanden Bossche: Covid would have been over, if we had NOT intervened with the mass Vaccination campaigns!
🚨Update: Narco Terrorist sending their troops to cross the US-Mexico border with day, weapons and possibly bomb parts! Reports are that China is sending machine gun parts to the US too!