本文引用视频来源:Not A Number@myhiddenvalue 于4:26 AM · Jul 26, 2024发布的推文:
In June of 2022, Paul Mann was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 prostate #cancer. Then, he was advised to try #ivermectin. At February's FLCCC #HealthcareRevolution conference in Phoenix, he shared his incredible #MyStory with us. Watch now! Have your own ivermectin story? Share it with us, in the comments below, or email us: MyStory@flccc.net
#WorldIvermectinDay @FreeWCH @BIRDGroupUK
#世界伊维菌素日 @FreeWCH @BIRDGroupUK】
I'm Paul Mann and this is my story.
June 3, 2022. I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 prostate cancer. By the time it was detected, it had spread across my pelvis, up my spine, across the ribs, across the shoulders, my sternum, down my right leg, down my right arm, and along my skull.
I was told on the very day I was diagnosed that I was well beyond any kind of surgery, and they put me on radiation. The next day I started radiation treatment. I started chemo treatments the week after that. I had a total of 10 radiation treatments to my right sacrum, two radiation treatments to my sternum, one radiation treatment to my left scapula, and then six rounds of chemotherapy.
During that time, several times, I was put into hospice, twice, they thought I was going to go. I kind of thought I was going to go. I just kept waking up.
After meeting the oncologists, but before the last chemotherapy, I was asking about what was next. He told me this wasn't curative, and he's like you're completely full of very advanced, very aggressive cancer. There is no curative. At some point, one or more of your organs is going to have too much cancer in it to continue functioning, and you'll have a series of organ failures. I was like, well, that's not fun.And he's like, no, that's not fun at all.
After they finish their treatments, you're kind of left on your own. A month or so after I'd been in hospice again, they thought I was going. I thought I was going. But I just kept waking up every morning.
About a month after that last chemotherapy infusion, I got in contact with Dr. Ruddy. And I had some questions about why I can't get more treatments. She explained all that, and she mentioned there are some studies that show that ivermectin might be beneficial in fighting cancer. If you have nothing to lose, you might as well try ivermectin.
So I found a place in Tennessee, as I live in Texas, I found a place in Tennessee I could drive to and buy it over the counter. I go down there every three months to buy some ivermectin. And 18 months later, I'm still here. I'm functioning. I go to work. I go out dancing a couple of times a week. And it seems like things are on the upswing.
I'm still full of cancer, but two of them have resolved. Two of the tumors have resolved. The others have stopped growing. I get a next scan in about 4 more months. We'll see then the results of how the ivermectin is behaving.
And hopefully, some more have resolved by then, and I'll be on the upswing rather than the downward spiral.
So I'm Paul Mann and that's my story.
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以下为内嵌中英文字幕的合成视频,对应的视频连接:撕皮儿剥壳——银河系@Spielberg 7月26日, 2024年