https://www.historyhit.com/jfks-assassination-the- leading-conspiracy-theories/

https://wondergressive.com/2023/07/25/the-driver-killed- jfk-theory-an-intriguing-examination/

CIA 特工司机 William Robert Greer 在讲故事 ——

肯尼迪违背了当权派的意愿。参谋长联席会议和中央情报局希望 对苏联发动全面核战争。他们试图迫使肯尼迪对古巴发动核战争, 这将引起苏联的全面反击。
为了回应柏林走廊的关闭,他们还曾两次试图在老挝发射核弹, 并最终在导弹危机期间对古巴发射核弹。
猪湾事件发生后,肯尼迪意识到他不能相信军方和中央情报局的 建议。每次出现危机时,肯尼迪都会通过外交手段解决。
当局无法接受这一点,用四名枪手的交火谋杀了自己的总统 林登·约翰逊参与了这一阴谋,并给当权者带来了越南战争。
JFK had gone against the establishment. The Joint Chiefs and CIA wanted an all out nuclear war against the Soviets. They tried to force JFK to launch against Cuba which would have brought a full scale response from the USSR. JFK refused. They also tried to get a nuclear launch in Laos (twice) in response to the closure of the Berlin corridor and finally against Cuba during the missile crisis. JFK realised after the Bay of Pigs he couldn't trust the advice given by the military and CIA. When each crisis arose JFK resolved it through diplomacy. JFK wanted to end the Cold War and bring about an era of peace and cooperation. The establishment couldn't take that and murdered their own POTUS by a crossfire of 4 gunmen LBJ was involved in the plot and gave the establishment the Vietnam War
https://www.quora.com/Did-William-Greer-the-limousine- driver-shoot-the-fatal-bullet-that-killed-John-F-Kennedy
战斗在万维挺哈灭以正能量特派员今日振奋不已 —
我的正义哈马斯战友 又活过来了!

影像 30 秒: https://x.com/fang_danie121/status/1883822287797015029