obsiahnutá vo vakcínach podľa jeho slov je schopná integrovať
sa do ľudskej jadrovej DNA. „Následne sa takýto ľudský
organizmus stáva, nebojím sa povedať, oficiálne geneticky
modifikovaným organizmom," dodal s tým, že môže ísť o trvalý jav,
ktorý môže spôsobiť napríklad vznik nádorových ochorení.
2025年3月13日星期四 18:54
政府负责审查 Covid-19 大流行期间治理和资源管理过程的全权
代表 Peter Kotlár 要求总检察长马罗什·日林卡 (Maroš Žilinka)
根据对斯洛伐克人口中使用的 Covid-19 疫苗批次的分析结果立即
DNA,这些载体 DNA 编码了用于合成 S 蛋白(如果不是其它
遗传信息能够整合到人类核 DNA 中。“
Opozícia žiada Šaška i premiéra, aby
zastavili Kotlára všírení dezinformácií
Opozičné strany vyzývajú ministra zdravotníctva Kamila Šaška (Hlas-SD) aj premiéra Roberta Fica (Smer-SD), aby zastavili splnomocnenca vlády pre preverenie procesu riadenia a manažovania zdrojov počas pandémie Covid-19 Petra Kotlára v šírení dezinformácií o vakcínach proti Covid-19. KDH premiéra vyzvalo, aby Kotlára z funkcie odvolal. Opozícia tak reagovala na splnomocnencovu štvrtkovú tlačovú konferenciu, na ktorej prezentoval výsledky analýzy vakcín.
The Vaccinated are now officially GMO! Dr. Peter Kotlár, a Slovak physician, government commissioner, and MP drops bombshell investigation into DNA Contamination. The vaccinated are now officially GMO!! "I’m not afraid to say officially— a genetically modified organism. "
"My primary task is to uphold the Constitution, and as a doctor, I have the duty and the right to protect the health of Slovak citizens. Yesterday, I also informed the U.S. Minister of Health and Human Services by letter, Mr. Robert Kennedy Jr., who confirmed receipt. Furthermore, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Kash Patel and Pamela Bondi, the U.S. Attorney General, were also informed.
"34 batches from Pfizer and Moderna have been analyzed so far, which were stored according to the proper cold chain and only those that were used for the Slovak population during the COVID-19 epidemic. Today, I will present the most significant result of the analysis. " " The results of the analysis of all, I repeat, all analyzed batches proved that in every single vial, there is an extremely high amount of DNA, a vector that encodes the cassette for the synthesis of the S-protein, if not other proteins as well.
Almost in the same amount as mRNA, DNA is also present there. In three cases, the DNA content is even higher than the mRNA. This can no longer even be considered an mRNA vaccine. This genetic code for the synthesis of the S-protein, this information stored in this DNA, is stable compared to mRNA, can integrate into human nuclear DNA, and subsequently, such a human organism becomes—I’m not afraid to say officially— a genetically modified organism. "