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蒙羞的世界哲学日 2021-11-17 14:54:05



首先,专业哲学的衰败始自集体的阅读能力的低下及系统性的不诚实(The decline of the academic philosophy started with collective poor reading capacity and systematic dishonesty--- 这是我在很多地方都反复明确指出过的。



I would say you just marvelously present to the audience here an excellent diagnosis of the problem of nowadays academic philosophy: you don't deal with real problems, you cut problems into pieces and put tags onto them, and then you deal with the tags, so that the knowledge of philosophy miraculously becomes the knowledge of the tags that only people working in the name of philosophy as a profession would know......

You just did an excellent job to demonstrate what accounts for a good reason why we can see that the academic philosophy is no longer really a field of philosophy, it is a game of tags for people who hold positions in philosophy journals and the philosophy department of universities.


我想说,你刚刚出色地向在读者们展示了对当今专业哲学问题的出色诊断:你们不处理真正的问题,而是将问题切成碎片并在上面贴上标签,然后处理标签, 使哲学知识奇迹般地变成了只有打着哲学这个职业的人才能知道的标签知识……










However, due to the effect of modern science, the concept of nowadays empiricism has been added much more lofty ingredients, which is: 1) data oriented so that it would somehow foolproof, meaning even those who don't read very well could still grasp the meaning; 2) proof of collective outcome so that people might get a sense that even if there is some fool involved in the process it is still good, at least the shortcomings of multiple fools could be possibly cancel each other either randomly or through discussion.






第四,由于上述三个原因,专业哲学界人士的专业道德感大大降低。比如在上面提到的那位博士生的最后一次的讨论中,他居然大咧咧地毫不羞愧地把他们作为康德学者读不懂康德文章的原因归咎为“Only a small elite of commentators can succeed (中译文:只有很小一部分精英才能给出成功的评论)”这是当今专业哲学界的普遍的心理。它的要害不在于这些人的无知,而是他们的无X。他们这种把无X当光荣的心态是他们把哲学当作他们圈内人士的游戏平台的一种最典型的写照。他们完全忘记了这个世界之所以要养着他们这群人不是让他们把哲学当游戏来糟蹋的,他们完全忘记了哲学应有的使命,他们完全忘记了哲学在人类的文明发展史上曾有的荣光。


And I don't appreciate your statement of [Only a small elite of commentators can succeed. And there's no shame in not being one of them] at all, because you just twisted the issue here....


It is NOT just the simple issue of [commentator] it is an issue of the decline of the whole discipline which is supposed to be the foundation of human civilization....it is about how a community that has hijacked the name of "philosophy" for which the society has entrusted with the best hope and resources....People trust you because they trust whoever that are officially bound with the word "philosophy" and because they suppose you would all be the [elite]s....


Here I would repeat again what I have said at many places including in your other post that "The decline of the academic philosophy started with collective poor reading capacity and systematic corruption".....



我不能认同你的 [[只有少数评论员精英才能成功]的说法。 不成为其中之一也没有什么可耻的]]这种说法,因为你把问题的实质扭曲了......

这不仅仅是[[评论员]]这个简单的问题,而是本应是人类文明的基础整个学科的衰落问题,......这是一个社区如何劫持社会赋予其最好的希望和资源的“哲学”的名称 的问题......人们信任你们,因为他们信任那些与“哲学”这个词有着官方关系的人,因为他们认为你们都应该是[[精英]]...... .









I see your point. Hegel is really hard to understand, but even if we simplify his thinking to respond to specific demands, I find it difficult to bring him back to the table.

I am among those who recognize Hegel's advance on Kant. That's not the problem. For me, the problem is to include this advance in contemporary discussion. The Hegelian advancement supposes and requires a very specific line of post-metaphysics and even post-epistemology that has almost no place to be discussed.

In my view, the only place where this discussion completely reaches an intellectual maturity is at the Frankfurt School. Adorno's critique of Kant's Categories (Negative Dialectics), which he defines as mere idealistic uniformities reflecting the social formation of an abstract/one-sided stage of consciousness, is completely based on Hegel's reading.

If we try to find professional traditions that can dialogue with Anglophone schools, Charles Taylor's hermeneutics is what seems to me closest to a recovery of a Hegelian approach to the idea of "conceptual formation" to discuss consensus formation (normativeness) and the experience of meaning. Habermas, Apel and, in the USA, Brandom, in my opinion, do not advance to the stage where Hegelian reflection actually surpasses Kant's.

So, since the Frankfurt school falled into oblivion (except for certain areas of feminist and post-marxism), Kant remains the "trunk" where contemporaries draw their inspirations to start discussions.

It is an interesting phenomenon: philosophy has gone back to Kant, after the impact Hegel has made. But this can often happen in philosophy. It is sometimes necessary to return to a more primitive source and fatten the thought through it. Kant today is the trunk that unifies continental and analytical reflections. The Hegelian project was in the background because it rings out to our contemporaries as a sociologism or epistemological historicism.


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