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他们的口气变了 2023-06-30 06:01:22



Dear Dr dai:

Thank you for submitting your manuscript RSPA-2023-0307 entitled "The Faulty Relativistic System of Mass, Momentum and Energy" to Proceedings A.

All manuscripts are assessed by a member of the Editorial Board, who advises the Editor on the suitability of the manuscript for Proceedings A. Based on this, the Editor decides whether the manuscript should be rejected or sent for full peer review.

Unfortunately, your manuscript has been rejected at this stage of the assessment process. Competition for space is currently severe, and we receive many more manuscripts than we are able to publish. On this occasion the Editor felt that your manuscript was unlikely to be able to compete successfully for a space in the journal.

Please find below comments concerning your manuscript. I hope you may find these useful should you wish to submit your manuscript elsewhere.

If you have any queries concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Raminder Shergill



on behalf of

Dr Animesh Datta

Board Member

Proceedings A

Board Member

Comments to Author(s):

This work is too specialised for the readership. It may be more suitable for a theoretical physics journal.

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