Some people produce more spike protein than others, which is why most people are not seriously affected. Dr. Charles Hoffe found that 62% of his patients had elevated d-dimer four to seven days after getting the vaccine (d-dimer is a sign of recent blood clotting which is a smoking gun for all these symptoms). This means that the vaccines are causing blood clotting in most patients; clotting like this should never happen in any safe vaccine.
有些人比其他人产生更多的刺突蛋白,这就是为什么 大多数人没有受到严重影响。 Charles Hoffe 博士发现 他的 62% 的患者在术后 4 到 7 天出现了 d-二聚体升高 接种疫苗(d-二聚体是近期血液凝固的标志, 是所有这 些症状的确凿证据)。 这意味着疫苗导致大多数患者 凝血; 这种凝血症状在任何安全疫苗中都不应该发生。
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