55天过后,重看中央电视台香港支台特派记者 奔牛庄现场直播 舆情导向 洗地视频
这里涉及 第一个词语 —— shillaber / shill / 托儿
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, confidence games, or other business areas. A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a vested interest through character assassination or other means.
In most uses, shill refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers, participants or "marks" the impression of an enthusiastic customer independent of the seller, marketer or con artist, for whom they are secretly working. The person or group in league with the shill relies on crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to do business with the seller or accept the ideas they are promoting. Shills may be employed by salespeople and professional marketing campaigns. Plant and stooge more commonly refer to a person who is secretly in league with another person or outside organization while pretending to be neutral or a part of the organization in which they are planted, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).
托儿,是指公开帮助或赋予个人或组织可信度但未披露他们与个人或 组织有密切关系的人。 托儿可以在媒体,新闻,营销,信心游戏或其 他业务领域开展业务。一种先行者也可能通过角色暗杀或其他手段来 诋毁他们拥有既得利益的个人或组织的反对者或批评者。
在大多数用途中,托儿指的是故意给旁观者,参与者或“标记”热情 客户的印象的人,他们独立于卖家,营销人员或骗子,他们是秘密工作 的。联盟中的人或团体依靠人群心理学来鼓励其他旁观者或观众与卖家 做生意或接受他们所宣传的想法。销售人员和专业营销活动可以使用 Shills。植物和傀儡更常见的是指与其他人或外部组织秘密联系的人, 同时假装是中立的或者是他们种植的组织的一部分,例如魔术师的观众, 政党或情报组织(见双重间谍)。
第二个词语 —— bamboozle / 忽悠
To bamboozle is to hoodwink, lead by the nose, or pull the wool over someone's eyes — you're tricking or fooling them.
Bamboozle may sound like a funny word, but anyone that's ever been bamboozled could tell you it's nothing to laugh about. A bamboozler lies and pretends to be a good guy, all the while plotting to empty your bank account or steal away your promotion. Con men are professional bamboozlers. Some people think advertisers are bamboozlers, since they're constantly trying to trick you into buying something you probably don't need.
历史, 是任人打扮的小姑娘






白猫猫 1 个月前(修改过) 我听了好多遍第一位绿衣老者说的是: 人家都说那位中国人为了拍照爬上 那堵墙,我并没有看到 。。。。而记者翻译的是: 那位友善的老者说 王董事长就是从那堵墙掉下去的 。。。。亲眼看到和听别人说那是完全 不是一回事! 也不知记者是翻译有误、还是奉旨故意误导大家, 很值得深思啊!
dakong jia 1 个月前(修改过) 若是真的,有必要这么着急派个小姑娘去采访!况且都没有说服力,都 作为不了证据,都是听说……收邮件听说……何必去当地听说呢,我们 不妨用常识判断一下,不用说王健这样一个人物,就是旅游大妈小哥 之类的,也不会要站到墙上去拍照,没有道理,不合逻辑。为什么要 站到墙上去拍个照?你去到那儿的话,在那样的环境中,你会去站在 墙上去拍照吗?越描越黑,疑点重重。去的那个医院,可以到医院了解 一下嘛,医院可是应该有实况录像的吧,拿证据说话最好。
Jack Li 1 个月前 这位女孩子 注意安全!盗国贼啥都会干!保重 !
Grady He 4周前
王岐山曾经公开推荐过美剧《纸牌屋》。该剧有一个情节,男主人公 为了灭口将其情妇—一位报社的记者—推到地铁下面死亡。而事发现场 也是地铁站的死角,摄像机镜头拍不到,只能看到这个记者飞身跃下的 镜头,推她的人被一个大柱子挡住了。
大家还记得王岐山被“选举为”国家副主席时、宣誓完后敲了一下桌子 的情节吗?当时人们议论纷纷,谁也没有猜对!实际上,这都是在照搬 《纸牌屋》里的剧情!由凯文·史派西饰演的男主人公为了显示自己的 强势,经常在作出一些重大决策之后有敲一下桌子的习惯!
以后, 海航与王岐山的剧情走势,也许还能从这部政治权谋剧中找到 蛛丝马迹!

2018年7月3日星期二 11:40 许,法国普罗旺斯吕贝隆奔牛村 目击王健董事长、岐山副主席贴身警卫员、化名孙景浩 裴南南、 岐山书记原贴身秘书田国立之子 田丁 走在狭窄街巷上的数个窗口 "ç¸å
"ç¸å
Wow ! 海航集团董事局主席王健的两个手下 —— 张建华、韩放 (46岁)也莫名其妙地突然死了 !