行星地球全体现代智人的 A Day of Reckoning

核战三阶段:核爆炸 核辐射 核冬天
The simulation highlighted three stages - nuclear war, nuclear fallout, and nuclear winter. Reuters
Russia has a population of 145,934,462 while NATO countries have a combined population of 944,255,670. The simulation highlighted three stages - nuclear war, nuclear fallout, and nuclear winter.
俄罗斯的人口为 145,934,462,而北约国家总人口 为 944,255,670。 模拟突出了三个阶段 ——— 核战争、核辐射、核冬天。
According to the simulation, just three hours of nuclear war means 21,000,000 are already dead. In 24 hours, NATO countries would lose 86,151,321 lives while Russia would suffer 91,893,667 deaths with total global casualties at 178,044,988.
根据模拟,仅仅三个小时的核战争就意味着 21,000,000 人已经死亡。 在 24 小时内, 北约国家将失去 86,151,321 人的生命, 而俄罗斯将遭受 91,893,667 人的死亡, 全球总伤亡人数为 178,044,988 人。
In the second stage - nuclear fallout, about 186,457,901 would have died across the world with dangerous conditions worldwide for humans. By the end of the third stage called the nuclear winter (10 months after the war), about 548,739,330 people would have lost their lives to the nuclear war (and fallout) between NATO and Russia - with most casualties in Russia, Europe, and North America.
在第二阶段 —— 核辐射,全世界将有大约 186,457,901 人死亡,世界范围内对人类来说 是危险的情况。 到被称为核冬天的第三阶段 (战后 10 个月)结束时,大约 548,739,330 人 将在北约和俄罗斯之间的核战争(和后果)中 丧生——其中死亡最多的为俄罗斯、欧洲、北美洲。
https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/simulation- predicts-548-million-people-would-die-in-nuclear-war- between-russia-nato-565418.html
Упрямый Пряник 2个月前
Я думаю это очень щадящий сценарий обрисован, но одно скажу точно. Живые позавидуют мертвым после ядерной войны. И кстати существует не только ядерное оружие массового поражения, добавьте ещё туда в модель другие виды оружия и Посейдон... Ну и все забывают про самый крупный спящий вулкан в США, пробудив который думаю о последствиях взрыва которого, можно даже не сомневаться.
顽固的姜饼 2个月前
我认为,这仍是一个十分良性的情景,但有一件事是 肯定的,核战之后,生者反倒会羡慕死者。 顺便 说一句,不仅有大规模杀伤性核武器,还不妨在 模拟中添加其他类型的武器和波塞冬 …… 好吧, 每个人都忘记了美国最大的黄石公园超级休眠火山, 地下熔岩一旦引爆喷发,我想到了其超级恐怖的后果。
https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/simulation -predicts-548-million-people-would-die-in-nuclear-war- between-russia-nato-565418.html
"In addition to the immediate death and suffering and economic and societal collapse, in the years following the war, the phenomenon of nuclear winter would exacerbate the catastrophe," he said, pointing to one study which found that more than five billion people could eventually die from a nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia.
" I would not want to speculate how long it would take for humanity to recover," Glaser said.
“ 除了直接的死亡和痛苦以及经济和社会的崩溃, 在核战后的几年里,核冬天的现象会加剧灾难,” 他指出,一项研究发现,最终可能有超过50亿人 死于美国和俄罗斯之间的核冲突。
“ 我不想推测人类需要多长时间才能恢复过来 ( 才能重聚力量进行第四次世界大战 ),” 格拉泽说。

