After the speeches, Mao retired to the refreshment and rest area at the rear of the tower. I followed to see what would happen. He sat down to chat with Jonas Savimbi, the Angolan rebel leader, and I overheard Savimbi compliment Mao on the changes the Cultural Revolution was bringing to China. "I have done nothing. It isn't me, it's them," Mao said, waving his hand toward the square. "They do it all. All I have done personally is to write a few poems." He looked bluff, hearty, much the man in charge.
讲话结束后,毛泽东回到塔后的茶点和休息区。 我跟着看看会 发生什么。 他坐下来与安哥拉叛军领袖乔纳斯·萨文比聊天, 我无意中听到萨文比称赞毛泽东对文革给中国带来的变化。 “我什么都没做。不是我,是他们,”毛说,朝广场挥了挥手。 “他们什么都做。我个人所做的就是写几首诗。” 他看起来 很虚张声势,热情洋溢,很像当权者。

A few minutes later, I noticed that Mao had not yet returned to the parapet. I strolled back to the rest area and what I saw startled me. Mao was sitting in one of the chairs that faced west, alone and looking miserable. His face was charged with such hatred and despair that I stopped where I was. I was standing eight or ten yards away from him, with only a ceremonial armed guard between us. He looked at me without seeing me. His face was puffy -puffy eyes, puffy cheeks, puffy skin. He looked old, but that wasn't what held me in amazement. It was the look of abject despair, something I had never for an instant seen cross his face before. Why? What was it about? What was causing his distress? Was it that in his mid-seventies he was seeing the danger that his empire might be torn apart by the torrent he had unleashed and hurled against his foes? Whatever it was, it was more than enough to frighten me out of any idea of approaching and speaking with him.
几分钟后,我注意到毛还没有回到栏杆上。 我漫步回到休息区, 眼前的景象让我大吃一惊。 毛独自一人坐在一张朝西的椅子上, 看上去很痛苦。 他的脸上充满了仇恨和绝望,我停在原地。 我站在离他7到9米远的地方,我们之间只有一个仪式性的武装 警卫。他看着我,却视而不见我。 他的脸是浮肿的 —— 浮肿的眼睛,浮肿的脸颊,浮肿的皮肤。 他看起来很老,但这 并不是让我惊讶的原因。那是一种极度绝望的神情,这是我以前 从未在他脸上看到过的。为什么? 这是关于什么的? 是什么 造成了他的苦恼? 是不是在他七十多岁的时候就看到了他的帝国 可能会被他释放并投向敌人的洪流撕裂的危险? 不管是什么, 这足以让我害怕走上前去与他交谈。
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