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点名举报美国恶语反华势力彼得·莫里奇 2018-07-05 13:26:44

点名举报美国恶毒语言诬陷中共中央反华势力 —— 彼得·莫里奇

Image result for Peter Morici

Peter George Morici, Jr. ( born December 9, 1948 ) is an American economist and Professor of 

International Business at the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College 

Park. He joined the University of Maine as a Professor of Economics in 1988 and was Director of its 

Canadian-American Center from 1990 to 1993. He also served as chief economist at the U.S. 

International Trade Commission. Morici is the author of 18 books.

US should throw China out of the WTO :   Peter  Morici

By Nick GiampiaPublished July 03, 2018

We need to throw China out of the WTO: Peter Morici

Former U.S. International Trade Commission Economist Peter 

Morici on President Trump's concerns about the WTO, Europe's 

migrant crisis and the state of the U.S. economy.

Peter Morici, former chief economist at the U.S. International 

Trade Commission, said on Tuesday the United States shouldn’t 

leave the World Trade Organization (WTO), but rather kick 

China out of it.

“China is in there, but it’s not a market economy. And so it’s been 

driving Mack trucks through loopholes in the WTO and that is the 

basic problem. We don’t need to get out of the WTO, we need to 

throw China out, then the thing will work for us,” he told FOX 

Business’ Charles Payne on “Varney & Co.”

During a press conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, 

President Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday the 

WTO has treated the U.S. “very badly.”

“We’re not planning anything now, but if they don’t treat us 

properly we will be doing something,” Trump said.

Morici also criticized China’s unfair trade practices, including 

the country’s alleged theft of intellectual property.

“ China is run by crooks and thieves, 

it’s the modern day mafia elevated 

to the level of a sovereign state,” 

he said. “The trick here is to get the other allies on side with us, 

as opposed to having a trade war with them as well, to basically 

clobber the Chinese on trade.”

crook :   noun

4.〔 俚语 〕 骗子,盗贼,恶棍,坏蛋。

a person who engages in fraudulent or criminal practices

a dishonest person, especially a sharper, swindler, or thief.



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《星岛日报》上周五( 2017年6月30日 )爆料说,中共中央常委周永康同志在口供中承认,他亲自策划了这起灭门案,


Memorial held in Houston for deceased 

overseas Chinese

Source:   Xinhua Published: 2014-2-9 14:49:03

 People present flowers during a memorial at Cypree Community Park in 

Houston, the United States, Feb. 8, 2014. A candlelight memorial was held 

here on Saturday in memory of deceased overseas Chinese Maoye Sun and 

his family. Maoye Sun and his wife and two children were shot dead at 

home in late January. (Xinhua/Song Qiong)  

A local family attends a memorial at the victims' house in Houston, the 

United States, Feb. 8, 2014. A candlelight memorial was held here on 

Saturday in memory of deceased overseas Chinese Maoye Sun and his 

family. Maoye Sun and his wife and two children were shot dead at 

home in late January. (Xinhua/Song Qiong)  


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