第一乐章:快板 Allegro 春天来了,无限欢欣。小鸟唱着欢乐之歌来迎春。微风轻拂清泉,泉水叮咚流淌。天空乌云笼罩,电光闪闪,雷声怒号。雷鸣电闪转瞬即逝,鸟儿重又婉转歌唱。(Springtime is upon us. The birds celebrate her return with festive song, and murmuring streams are softly caressed by the breezes. Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring, roar, casting their dark mantle over heaven, Then they die away to silence, and the birds take up their charming songs once more.)
第二乐章:广板 Largo 在鲜花盛开的草地上,在簌簌作响的草丛中,牧羊人在歇息,忠实的牧羊犬躺在一旁。(On the flower-strewn meadow, with leafy branches rustling overhead, the goat-herd sleeps, his faithful dog beside him.)
第三乐章:快板 Allegro 伴随着乡间风笛欢快的音响,在可爱春天的晴朗天空下,仙女们与牧羊人翩翩起舞。(Led by the festive sound of rustic bagpipes, nymphs and shepherds lightly dance beneath the brilliant canopy of spring.)
【维瓦尔第《四季》之春乃经典中的经典,谢谭兄好介绍,如果不是十分在意音乐厅之气氛,欣赏野外景色的视频相当不错。维瓦尔第《四季》之春比较欢快明亮,给人春天来临精神爽之觉。我也来助兴放一首四季之春,是柴可夫斯基的The Seasons: March, Song of the Lark。柴可夫斯基《四季》(也译作《季节》)中描写春的三月《云雀之歌》其节奏跟维瓦尔第春的比有明显的不同,小云雀爬出鸟巢在春天的枝头玩啥的情形被柴可夫斯基描写得很精彩。】