给大一新鲜人的七条忠告 | 2009-06-08 22:20:38 |  | 去年响应学生处的号召,做了一年的大一新生的“猛托 (mentor)”。这是一个服务项目,不算工作量的。每个“猛托”的任务是指导看顾10名新生,具体来说是在办公室与他们面对面交谈三次 :开学初期学生刚进校时与他们唠唠家常,认清人脸;期中考试之后,参照他们的成绩单与他们谈谈那些地方须努力,那几门功课考得好,鼓励他们再接再厉;期末大考之前,再来一番鼓励鼓励,并再次告知如果需要的话,哪些资源可以利用。如写作中心,数学lab,等等。 其他时间通过“脸书/Facebook”或电邮与之保持联系,关注他们的情绪和行为,有什么问题帮其解决。但一般来说我既不是他们的选课顾问,也不一定是他们的授课老师 (不 过,那十个孩子中有一个在第二学期来修了我的课,功课倒不是太好,得了一个丙等成绩;也许到底是一年级新生,课吗,是三字号的课,其实应该稍等一二年再修 才好),“猛托”的角色内涵近似于当他们的“拉拉队”,是为他们鼓舞士气的。据这个项目的组织者说,大学一年级是孩子们的适应期,需要有更多更广的社会支 持系统。实施了“猛托”制度的大学,往往比没有此类制度的学校的学生流失率(转学或缀学)要少得多,学生总的来说,会更加快乐一些。学年结束之前,学生处 办了一个颁奖午餐,给每一个“猛托”一顿“免费午餐”和一张奖状,感谢和表彰大家的服务。(自然大家都吃的高高兴兴,谁说天底下没有免费午餐?)学生处的 麦克来信问,明年再做一次怎样?我答,好吧。下面把去年与“猛提 (mentee)”谈话时给的建议总结一下,以便下次可以参考使用。 1. Read syllabus of each course, know the name of the professor, know the office hours of the professor, and mark all the due dates of your assignments on your planner/calendar; then keep up with the dates, don’t get behind! 2. Use the office hours; visit your professors whenever you have a question; the office hours are meant for students to use, so use them! (oftentimes the one-on-one interaction in your professor’s office during office hour is more efficient and more effective than in the classroom where there are so many people); 3. Make friends of your classmates, form study group; build a “buddy-system” (so whenever you need help with the class, get help from them); 4. Get along with your roommates (they spend time with you day in and day out, a good relationship with them is important, it’s a way to make your day more pleasant and less stressful); 5. Sleep well (7-8 hours per night, at least 6 hours), eat well (must have breakfast), and exercise regularly; 6. Keep contact with family via various means such as email, phone, and text-messaging, or visit 7. Wait till the 2nd semester after adjustment is made to join those Greek clubs if possible. |