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13亿罚款照收中兴在美业务免谈-新法案? 2018-05-28 22:54:48

Trump Proposed a Deal to Let ZTE Stay in Business. 

Now Congress May Try to Ban Chinese Telecom Firms From the U.S.

特朗普建议让中兴通讯恢复业务 国会可能试图禁止中兴在美营业

                                              By BLOOMBERG May 28, 2018

A potential bill to prohibit ZTE Corp. (ZTCOY, -15.37%) and other Chinese telecommunications companies from operating in the U.S. would garner supermajority support in Congress, Republican Senator Marco Rubio said.

Image result for senator rubio

     1971年5月28日 -

Rubio was responding to Trump’s proposal to allow the networking gear and smartphone maker to remain in business after paying a $1.3 billion fine, changing its management and board, and providing “high-level security guarantees.” The president has suggested the deal is a favor to Chinese President Xi Jinping as the two nations hold talks to prevent a trade war. But a bill like the one the senator’s proposing threatens to derail any agreement struck with Beijing.

“Most members of Congress have come to understand the threat China poses,” Rubio said on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday when asked whether President Donald Trump would sign such a measure. “There’s a growing commitment in Congress to do something about what China is trying to do to the United States. And this is a good place to start.”

The Florida senator, who criticized the deal in a May 25 tweet and appeared on two Sunday political shows, said he expects Congress would pursue a measure to block ZTE and companies such as Huawei Technologies Co. from operating in the U.S. He said their equipment could be used to help China spy on the U.S. and steal corporate secrets.

“None of these companies should be operating in this country,” Rubio said. “None of them. They are used for espionage.”

The Trump administration is said to have reached a deal that would allow the Chinese telecom firm ZTE to once again begin doing business with American companies.

Trump Administration Tells Congress It Has a Deal to Revive ZTE

The move would allow stalled trade negotiations with China to move forward, but is also likely to provoke an intense backlash on Capitol Hill.

Shares in ZTE’s suppliers gyrated in Asia on Monday. Hong Kong-listed MOBI Development Co., which gets an estimated 46% of its revenue from the Chinese company, was down as much as 5.3% at one point before bouncing back. In mainland China, Eoptolink Technology Inc. — which gets more than 30% of its sales from ZTE — and Zhong Fu Tong Group Co. were up more than 1%. ZTE’s own stock has been suspended from trade in Shenzhen and Hong Kong since April.

‘Used for Espionage’

Shenzhen, China-based ZTE depends on U.S. components, such as chips from Qualcomm (QCOM, +1.47%), to build its smartphones and networking gear. The ban, for breaching terms of a settlement over sanction-breaking sales to Iran, has all but mothballed China’s second-largest telecoms gear maker and become entangled in a trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies.

Rubio said he spoke with Trump on Friday night, and thinks that while the administration wants to punish ZTE for breaking U.S. sanctions, he sees a broader effort to stop the Chinese from stealing intellectual property and forcing U.S. companies to transfer their technology to do business in China.

“Putting it out of business, a company like ZTE, is the kind of significant consequence that China would respond to, to understand that we’re serious,” Rubio said on ABC’s This Week.

The Senate on May 24 released a defense policy bill containing a provision requiring Trump, before making any ZTE deal, to certify with Congress that the company hasn’t violated U.S. law for the past year and is cooperating with U.S. investigations.

“If President Trump won’t put our security before Chinese jobs, Congress will act on a bipartisan basis to stop him,” said Maryland Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen, author of the Senate provision.

Separately, a measure easily passed the House that would ban government agencies from using technology made by ZTE and prohibit the Defense Department from renewing contracts with vendors that work with the Chinese company.

The measure also would apply to several other Chinese companies, including Hytera Communications Corp., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.

据《财富》网站报道,美国共和党参议员马尔科·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)表示,一项可能禁止中兴和华为等中国电信企业在美国运营的法案将在美国国会获得压倒性支持。


上周日,在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)《面对全国》(Face the Nation)节目中,当被问及特朗普是否会签署这样一项协议时,卢比奥表示:“大多数国会议员已经开始了解中国的威胁,国会正越来越多地承诺要针对中国对美国采取的行动采取一些举措。这(提出这样一项议案)是一个很好的开端。”






在美国广播公司(ABC)“本周(This Week)”节目中,卢比奥表示:“让中兴这样的公司破产,是一种足以让中国做出回应的重要后果,并明白我们是认真的。”


该条款是美国马里兰州民主党参议员克里斯·范·霍伦(Chris Van Hollen)提出的,他说:“如果特朗普总统不把我们国家的安全放在中国就业机会之前,国会将会采取两党合作的方式来阻止他。”












     中兴制裁即将取消   这一胜利付出了惨重代价

               2018-05-29 08:00   来源: 搜狐科技 


  不可否认,经过中兴的一番努力( 经过习主席亲自代言老家,越洋上访 ...... ),顽固的特朗普终于被“感化”了,宣布取消对中兴的制裁。殊不知,这一场胜仗背后,中兴付出了多么惨重的代价。而且,取消对中兴制裁的正式文件还未下达,这意味着中兴制裁一事仍有变数。







复活中兴罚款美元13亿  白宫与参议院撕裂?

Senator Rubio delivers strern warning to Trump over China, ZTE

ZTE has been a criminial company for many years: Gasparino

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