大谢汉卿老兄追问! 记住一个英语短语用法
作者:汉卿 留言时间:2018-06-14 07:53:02 请教老兄,你是怎么把这段话 "It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary,” he adds. 的后半句译成:“缺乏思想将是无法言说的枯燥乏味”?
作者:Pascal 回复 汉卿 留言时间:2018-06-14 11:18:15 http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2018-06-13/doc-ihcwpcmq3079752.shtml 胡锡进同志环球网版本:
“如果其他种族被中国人取代,那就可惜了。对于像我们这样的人 来说,缺乏思想将是无法言说的凄凉之事。”
作者:汉卿 留言时间:2018-06-14 13:31:31 单从你用黑体引出来看,这段话是很重要的。 你同意 sina 的翻译?
作者:Pascal 回复 汉卿 留言时间:2018-06-14 14:07:44 Whoar, 大谢汉卿老兄追问! 原来,只知晓 at the thought of 是一个固定短语表达法: 一想到 / 一想起 ...... 就 ......
经查阅,the mere thought / the very thought 也是同样的意思:
used to say that something small is important or has a big effect or influence
The mere thought of going makes me nervous. The mere fact that he agreed to help us is a good sign. The mere/merest mention of his name makes her angry. He gets sick at the merest sight of blood. ‘his stomach rebelled at the mere thought of food’
The mere thought of eating made him feel sick.
'The mere thought of your atrocitious regime makes me feel like I want to puke' - Psychology Maziwisa told Mugabe 

"It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary,” he adds. “如果这些中国人取代了其他种族,那就太可惜了。 对于像我们这样的人来说,一想到如此前景/景象, 不禁/无不深感无法言说的乏味沉闷、惨淡凄凉,”他补充道。 —— 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 1922
Idiom ( s ) it's the thought that counts 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。 that's a thought the thought crosses sb's mind with no thought for something 

世界杯来了,如何伪装成30年老球迷? 2018-06-14 21:48
