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全面针对中国共产党美国政府就要 2018-09-24 12:26:10

美国川普政府各部门 针对中国的共产党组织 就要全方位爆料过招了

       岐山主席(副)早前放话  Fasten Your Seatbelts ... 

The Trump administration's secret anti-China plans

  19 hours ago

The Trump administration is planning to launch a major, "administration-wide," broadside against China, according to two sources briefed on the sensitive internal discussions. These sources, who weren't authorized to discuss the plans with the media, told me the effort is expected to launch in the next few weeks.

What we're hearing: The broadside against China — which is planned to be both rhetorical and substantive — will be "administration-wide," including the White House (led by senior officials on the National Security Council), Treasury, Commerce and Defense. "We're not just going to let Russia be the bogeyman," one White House official told me. "It's Russia and China."

  • The White House plans to unveil new information about China's hostile actions against America's public and private sectors, and to act on it.

  • Administration officials will call out China for its "malign activity" in cyberattacks, election interference and industrial warfare (e.g., intellectual property theft), an administration source told me.

  • The administration has marshaled tons of data to support its charges against China. "We are going to show how the Chinese have infiltrated the U.S. and what we are doing to counter it," the source said.

Behind the scenes: "The push is coming from the national security apparatus," the source added. "Cyber theft has been appearing more often in the PDBs [President's Daily Brief]."

The unknowns: Neither administration official explained why the administration is pursuing this now. China has been an aggressor on trade and cyber issues for years, and the Trump administration has started a trade war with the country. At the same time, Trump has maintained cheery rhetoric toward President Xi Jinping in hopes of cooperating on some issues.

  • The extent to which Trump will lead this rhetorical push isn’t clear. But he's green lit it, according to a source familiar with the planning.

  • There's a good chance Trump will keep saying positive things about Xi to protect their relationship, delegating the hottest rhetoric to China hawks like Peter Navarro.



我们所听到的:针对中国的抨击 - 计划是修辞和实质性 - 将是“全政府”,包括白宫(由国家安全委员会高级官员领导),财政部,商业和国防部。一位白宫官员告诉我,“我们不只是让俄罗斯成为一个笨蛋”。 “这是俄罗斯和中国。”



美国政府已经整理了大量数,以支持其对中国的指控。 “我们将展示中国人如何渗透到美国,以及我们正在做些什厶来对付它,”消息人士说。

在幕后:“推动力来自国家安全机腹,”消息人士补充说。 “网络盗窃一直出现在PDB中[总统每日简报]。”






反击他们。We are going to show how the Chinese have

infiltrated the U.S. and what we are doing to counter it ...




全世界的贪官都想把钱藏在美国,把家眷安顿在美国。 以为

美国是你们的庇护所吗? 一时半会可以,但绝不会长久!


只不过,民主国家,讲究程序正憛A所以,慢一点而已。 过去

我总跟老妈抱怨:美国不地道,贪官赃款来者不拒…… Sorry!!

上午5:23 - 2018年9月24日

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  中俄军事合作是主权国家之间的正常合作,符合国际法,美方 权干涉。美方的做法是对



Image result for 中国核武å™ 攻击覆盖美国东西海岸地图

 当中国核武力量亮剑的那一天 来 临 !

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-09-24 21:05:27

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