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美进入紧急状态全国禁用华为中兴的产品 2018-12-27 19:30:48





WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering an executive order in the new year to declare a national emergency that would bar U.S. companies from using telecommunications equipment made by China’s Huawei and ZTE, three sources familiar with the situation told Reuters.

It would be the latest step by the Trump administration to cut Huawei Technologies Cos Ltd [HWT.UL] and ZTE Corp, two of China’s biggest network equipment companies, out of the U.S. market.

The United States says the companies work at the behest of the Chinese government and that their equipment could be used to spy on Americans.

Huawei and ZTE did not return requests for comment. Both in the past have denied that their products are used to spy.

Rural operators in the United States are among the biggest customers of Huawei and ZTE, and worry that they may also have to rip out existing Chinese-made equipment without compensation. Industry officials are divided on whether the administration could legally compel operators to do that.

The executive order, which has been under consideration for more than eight months, could be issued as early as January and would direct the Commerce Department to block U.S. companies from buying equipment from foreign telecommunications makers that pose significant national security risks, sources from the telecoms industry and the administration said.

FILE PHOTO: A man walks past a sign board of Huawei at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) Asia 2018 in Shanghai, China June 14, 2018. REUTERS/Aly Song

While the order is unlikely to name Huawei or ZTE, a source said it is expected that Commerce officials would interpret it as authorization to limit the spread of equipment made by the two companies. The sources said the text for the order has not been finalized.

The United States and China are locked in a trade war that has disrupted the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars of goods.

The executive order would invoke the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, a law that gives the president the authority to regulate commerce in response to a national emergency that threatens the United States.

The issue has new urgency as U.S. wireless carriers look for partners as they prepare to adopt next generation 5G wireless networks.

In August, Trump signed a bill that barred the U.S. government itself from using Huawei and ZTE equipment.

A White House official said the United States was “working across government and with our allies and like-minded partners to mitigate risk in the deployment of 5G and other communications infrastructure,” but stated that the White House had nothing further to announce.

The Wall Street Journal first reported in May that the order was under consideration, but it was never issued.

China’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Thursday that she did not want to comment on the order as it had not been officially confirmed.

FILE PHOTO - The logo of China's ZTE Corp is seen on the building of ZTE Beijing research and development center in Beijing, China June 13, 2018. REUTERS/Jason Lee

“It’s best to let facts speak for themselves when it comes to security problems,” Hua said.

“Some countries have, without any evidence, and making use of national security, tacitly assumed crimes to politicize, and even obstruct and restrict, normal technology exchange activities,” she added.

“This in reality is undoubtedly shutting oneself off, rather than being the door to openness, progress and fairness.”

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While the big U.S. wireless companies have cut ties with Huawei in particular, small rural carriers have relied on Huawei and ZTE switches and other equipment because they tend to be less expensive.

Huawei is so central to small carriers that William Levy, vice president for sales of Huawei Tech USA, is on the board of directors of the Rural Wireless Association.

The RWA represents carriers with fewer than 100,000 subscribers. It estimates that 25 percent of its members had Huawei or ZTE equipment in their networks, it said in a filing to the Federal Communications Commission earlier this month.

The RWA is concerned that an executive order could force its members to remove ZTE and Huawei equipment and also bar future purchases, said Caressa Bennet, RWA general counsel.

It would cost $800 million to $1 billion for all RWA members to replace their Huawei and ZTE equipment, Bennet said.

Separately, the FCC in April granted initial approval to a regulation that bars giving federal funding to help pay for telecommunication infrastructure to companies that purchase equipment from firms deemed threats to U.S. national security, which analysts have said is aimed at Huawei and ZTE.

The FCC is also considering whether to require carriers to remove and replace equipment from firms deemed a national security risk.


华盛顿(路透社) 三位熟悉情况的消息人士告诉路透社,唐纳德特朗普总统正在考虑在新的一年中发布一项行政命令,宣布全国进入紧急状态,禁止美国公司使用中国华为和中兴通讯制造的电信设备。






文件图片:一名男子于2018年6月14日在中国上海举行的CES(消费电子展)2018年亚洲消费电子展上走过华为的招牌。路透社/ Aly Song









文件图片 - 中国中兴通讯的标识见于2018年6月13日在中国北京的中兴通讯北京研发中心大楼。路透社/杰森李







华为是小型运营商的核心,华为技术美国公司销售副总裁William Levy是农村无线协会的董事会成员。


RWA总法律顾问Caressa Bennet表示,RWA担心行政命令会迫使其成员撤销中兴通讯和华为设备,并禁止未来购买。




In March, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said “hidden ‘back doors’ to our networks in routers, switches — and virtually any other type of telecommunications equipment - can provide an avenue for hostile governments to inject viruses, launch denial-of-service attacks, steal data, and more.”

In the December filing, Pine Belt Communications in Alabama estimated it would cost $7 million to $13 million to replace its Chinese-made equipment, while Sagebrush in Montana said replacement would cost $57 million and take two years.

Sagebrush has noted that Huawei products are significantly cheaper. When looking for bids in 2010 for its network, it found the cost of Ericsson equipment to be nearly four times the cost of Huawei.

Reporting by Diane Bartz and David Shepardson; Editing by Chris Sanders, Leslie Adler and Alistair Bell

今年3月,美国联邦通信委员会主席Ajit Pai表示,我们在路由器,交换机以及几乎任何其他类型的电信设备中隐藏的“后门”可以为敌对政府提供注入病毒,发动拒绝服务攻击的途径, 窃取数据等等。“

在12月提交的文件中,阿拉巴马州的Pine Belt Communications估计,要更换中国制造的设备需要花费700万到1300万美元,而蒙大拿州的Sagebrush说,更换将需要花费5700万美元,需要两年时间。

Sagebrush指出,华为的产品要便宜得多。 在2010年为其网络寻找出价时,它发现爱立信设备的成本几乎是华为成本的四倍。

Diane Bartz和David Shepardson的报道; 由Chris Sanders,Leslie Adler和Alistair Bell编辑



【高高在上的代价】—— 领导来视察滑沙旅游项目,

但没人敢指点他蹲下,致使 ....... 然后该项目被迫立即关停了!

Image result for 华春èŽ1æ’’è°Ž




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