四天之前 世界日报 先知先觉 奉旨放风
香港事情都是习大大和林郑胡搞八搞之错, 如果叫韩正来处理香港的事件, 香港的事情不会搞成这样; 如果再叫上王岐山副主席处理,香港一定完美结局。
英明领袖王主席(副)闪亮出场了 以没产阶级革命家的伟大战略眼光气魄 力挽狂澜 一把轮 挽救了香港 挽救了党 一举推出
The Final Solution To The Hong Kong Question:
金燦榮同志奉旨放风 2019年7月27日在上海說: 原來香港有一個意義就是台灣 為台灣一國兩制作樣板 現在我覺得這個意義也不大了 因為我覺得中央好像不想一國兩制了,就是「一國一制」
美金融大鱷:王岐山家族據傳在曼哈頓擁有 1000 多套公寓
2019-08-08 15:16
中國國家副主席王岐山。(法新社) 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美中貿易戰越演越烈,導致全球金融市場 動盪加劇,不過橋水基金(Bridgewater)創辦人達里歐(Ray Dalio) 6日建議,投資人現在應該美國、中國2方都要投資。對此,美國知名 對沖基金大鱷巴斯(Kyle Bass)7日質疑達里歐「為中國政府管理 多少錢」,更點名中國國家副主席王岐山,指王岐山家族據傳光是在 紐約曼哈頓就擁有超過1000套公寓。 曾在2008年金融海嘯精準做空次貸而一戰成名的海曼資本 (Hayman Capital)創辦人巴斯7日在推特上對達里歐稱投資人現在 應該投資中國的說法嚴詞抨擊,質疑「為何從來沒有人公開問過達里歐 為中國政府管理多少錢?」 巴斯認為,這只是1個簡單的問題,達里歐的答案可以影響任何人 對他分析中國的看法。 隨後有網友回應巴斯稱,在達里歐所撰寫的書中,曾提及他1980年代 的中國之行,以及他如何欽佩心目中的「英雄」王岐山,「我猜在 中共垮台後,我們終將看到橋水基金的成功有多少是建立在那 邪惡政權上。」 巴斯則回應稱,「王岐山是邪惡的,他是習近平的打手,他的家族 據傳僅在曼哈頓就擁有超過1000套公寓,有傳言指海航集團的股份 也是他所擁有的,對於1個共產黨員來說,這是一大筆錢」。 14612:38 AM - Aug 7, 2019 · Highland Park, TX
来了 ! 昨天,这个,有( NYPD / FBI )警察跟我说, 要抓某人,让我签字。我说可以,我说 这人抓了以后送哪儿啊?说在纽约最有名的 一个叫什么 Rikers 的监狱。他说,那里关押 的98%的人,是非洲裔,体格很强壮!他说, 这个人如果被抓以后,他一辈子不会再想回到 那里了! 唉,我问,这个人他要进去会发生什么事儿啊? 他说,我们看过中共原来一个内部的视频,几个 狱警干部虐待一个女孩儿,都是男的 ...... 就会发生那样的事,会被掏肛。 ( NYPD 拟扭送 Rikers 岛监 与非洲裔阶级 兄弟共享特供生活的是西诺同志?) 始自 9:46 ——
Rikers Island (/ˈraɪkərz/) is a 413.17-acre (167.204 ha) island in the East River between Queens and the Bronx that is home to New York City's main jail complex.[1] It is close to the runways of LaGuardia Airport.[2] Supposedly named after Abraham Rycken,[3][4] who bought the island in 1664,[5] the island was originally under 100 acres (40 ha) in size, but has since grown to more than 400 acres (160 ha). The first stages of expansion were accomplished largely by convict labor hauling in ashes for landfill. The island is politically part of the Bronx, although bridge access is from Queens and it is included as part of Queens Community Board 1 and uses a Jackson Heights, Queens, ZIP Code of 11370 for mail.[6] The island is home to one of the world's largest correctional institutions and mental institutions,[7] and has been described as New York's most famous jail.[8] The complex, operated by the New York City Department of Correction, has a budget of $860 million a year, a staff of 9,000 officers and 1,500 civilians managing 100,000 admissions per year and an average daily population of 10,000 inmates.[9] Approximately 85% of those detained at Rikers Island have not been convicted of a crime. Detainees include pretrial defendants, either held without bail or remanded in custody. The rest of the population have been convicted and are serving short sentences.[10] According to a study done in 2015 by the Vera Institute of Justice, it costs the city approximately $209,000 to detain one person for one year at Rikers Island.[11] Rikers Island has a reputation for abuse and neglect of inmates, attracting increased media and judicial scrutiny that has resulted in numerous rulings against the New York City government. It is also notorious for numerous assaults by inmates on uniformed and civilian staff, resulting in often serious injuries. In May 2013, Rikers Island ranked as one of the ten worst correctional facilities in the United States, based on reporting in Mother Jones magazine.[12] Violence on Rikers Island has been increasing in recent years. In 2015 there were 9,424 assaults, the highest number in 5 years.[13]
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