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姚依林姐德国初恋儿子为明伟私生子养父 2019-08-09 14:03:33

  中国 德意志 两个国家的副总理 




   姚依林同志姐姐姚锦新( 1911-1992 )

   1933 - 1939 年柏林音乐学院钢琴系学习期间

   钢琴老师 Richard Rösler 理查德·罗斯勒

  ( 1880-1962,出生于俄国占领下拉脱维亚的

   首都里加的犹太人,精通俄语、波兰语、德语 )

   的儿子   为依林同志儿子姚明伟越南访问期间




Richard Rössler, auch Roessler oder Rößler (* 14. November 1880 in Riga; † 23. Juni 1962 in Berlin) war ein deutsch-baltischer PianistOrganistKomponist und Musikpädagoge (Hochschulprofessor). Er heiratete 1910 die Pianistin Dora Charlotte Mayer (1887–1951), eine württembergische Pfarrerstochter, die in Berlin bei Ernst von Dohnányi und Max Bruch studiert hatte. Das Ehepaar hatte drei Kinder.



Image result for waldfriedhof zehlendorf berlin

"Richard Rössler died in Berlin in 1962 at the age of 81. His grave is located

in the waldfriedhof zehlendorf berlin. [19]"



这是岐山主席(副)大侄子 菲利普·罗斯勒同志推特上面最新推文下的众多留言:









    1.  Aug 7MoreReplying to 

      ri ka   Retweeted ri ka   


      ri ka   added,

         @RiRika_1221_128【中国第二富豪家族王歧山】1️⃣我們要看一下王岐山家族結構圖裡邊相關的人物和他的財產。我們可以確認在銀行大概有兩百多億。他在海外通過家族信托,私人設置的各種複雜結構的離岸控制公司,控制的現金財富和資產…Show this thread0 replies20 retweets82 likesReply  Retweet 20 Like 82


    3. @PingSereanRyan

    4.  Aug 8

    5. More

    6. In fact,

    7. We do not care who you are 

    8. We do care :

    9. 1, where the huge money which behind you come from?

    10. 2, Does these billions of dollars that

    11. #You have earned from hard work 

    12. #or fallen from the sky, 

    13. Has #or your Uncle Wang stole from 1.4B poor Chinese people? ?😡😡😡

    14. 2 replies 14 retweets 65 likes

    15. Reply 2   Retweet 14   Like 65

    16. Js牧羊人之子

    1. @CHNeRevolution

    2.  20h20 hours ago

    3. More

    4. 2018年7月16日纽约时报-

    5. 德国自由民主党前主席菲利普·罗斯勒(Philipp Rösler)是那家纽约慈善机构的首席执行官


    7. 0 replies 4 retweets 13 likes

    8. Reply   Retweet 4   Like 13

    9. End of conversation

    10. New conversation

    11. 木兰传奇(文奇)


    13. @Mulan2020

    14.  Aug 8

    15. More

    16. Replying to @philipproesler

    17. Do you try to find out who is your biological father?

    18. All your family members are here👇

    19. 👹Your dad: 姚明伟 Yao Mingwei

    20. 👹Your grandpa: 姚依林 Yao Yilin

    21. 👺Your uncle in law: 

    22.       Wang Qishan 王歧山


    24. 6 replies 65 retweets 201 likes

    25. Reply 6   Retweet 65   Like 201

    26. 木兰传奇(文奇)


    28. @Mulan2020

    29.  Aug 8

    30. More

    31. @philipproesler

    32. 👹Your half- brother: Yao Qing 姚庆


    34. 2 replies 29 retweets 89 likes

    35. Reply 2   Retweet 29   Like 89

    36. 1 more reply

    37. New conversation

    38. 握拳而立


    40. @freebird939

    41.  Aug 7

    42. More

    43. Replying to @philipproesler

    44. 姚明伟是你的生父吗?一切都是刚刚开始!祝副总理七夕快乐!

    45. 9 replies 6 retweets 82 likes

    46. Reply 9   Retweet 6   Like 82

    47. LemonT柠檬红茶-文宁(续杯)


    49. @JoshuaLiu1618

    50.  Aug 8

    51. More

    52. 祝副总理七夕快乐。或者说海航受益人七夕快乐?

    53. 1 reply 3 retweets 45 likes

    54. Reply 1   Retweet 3   Like 45

    55. LemonT柠檬红茶-文宁(续杯)


    57. @JoshuaLiu1618

    58.  Aug 8

    59. More

    60. 我也被屏蔽了😂

    61. 德国应该立个法,类似川普总统不能屏蔽别人推特的法律🤣

    62. 3 replies 2 retweets 20 likes

    63. Reply 3   Retweet 2   Like 20

    64. 握拳而立


    66. @freebird939

    67.  Aug 8

    68. More

    69. 看来副总理很紧张啊,时刻盯着推特,姚家私生子全世界都知道了,屏蔽我们有毛用,掩耳盗铃而已。姚副总理,七夕已经过了,早点去医院验DNA吧!😂😂

    70. 1 reply 8 retweets 47 likes

    71. Reply 1   Retweet 8   Like 47

    72. 2 more replies

    73. New conversation

    74. 李倍儿喜


    76. @Li70510868

    77.  Aug 7

    78. More

    79. Replying to @philipproesler

    80. 李倍儿喜 Retweeted 李倍儿喜

    81. Yao Yilin, family relationship diagram at home and abroad

    82. Carrie Lam is also among them.

    83. Everyone noticed that Hong Kong Carrie Lam is also in the network diagram of Yao Yilin and Wang Qishan.

    84. Can Wang Qishan’s power control Hong Kong be clear?李倍儿喜 added,

    85. 李倍儿喜


    87. @Li70510868

    88. #姚依林 国内外家族关系图

    89. #林郑月娥 也在其中。

    90. 大家注意了,香港林妖娥也在姚依林、王歧山家族网络图里面啊。…

    91. Show this thread

    92. 2 replies 36 retweets 159 likes

    93. Reply 2   Retweet 36   Like 159

    94. 李倍儿喜


    96. @Li70510868

    97.  21h21 hours ago

    98. More

    99. 虽然王子屏蔽我了,

    100. 但是我可以回复自己的推啊!

    101. 来一张高清的王子家族关系图!

    102. 林郑月娥跟菲利普王子什么关系啊?

    103. 1 reply 2 retweets 13 likes

    104. Reply 1   Retweet 2   Like 13

    105. 李倍儿喜


    107. @Li70510868

    108.  21h21 hours ago

    109. More

    110. 近期,众多网友纷纷去推特给菲利普.罗斯勒留言,被其大量屏蔽、禁止访问,这其中也包括战友之声的推特。

    111. 名为王岐山的推特账号在回复德国 菲利普.罗斯勒(Philipp Rsler)推文后也被其拉黑。由此可见菲利普.罗斯勒的事情是重大事件!中共几大家族的丑恶只有更大没有最大!!!

    112. 我是免费的搬运工

    113. 0 replies 0 retweets 8 likes

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    115. End of conversation

    116. New conversation

    117. 李倍儿喜


    119. @Li70510868

    120.  Aug 7

    121. More

    122. Replying to @philipproesler

    123. 你的人生真是传奇啊!

    124. 中国的傻五毛还一个劲的爱国爱国,爱个鬼的国啊!

    125. 看看人家爱的是哪个国,看看人家花着哪国人民的钱爱不爱国?

    126. 五毛们都来这里膜拜膜拜吧,

    127. 这个菲利普才是爱国的最高境界!

    128. 坐拥一国14亿人的财富,却伪装的跟这国毫无关系!

    129. 牛不牛?

    130. 这国爱的悄无声息

    131. 1 reply 29 retweets 87 likes

    132. Reply 1   Retweet 29   Like 87

    133. J J


    135. @JJ29350995

    136.  Aug 7

    137. More

    138. 這個孫子認識中文嗎?看得懂嗎?

    139. 1 reply 0 retweets 13 likes

    140. Reply 1   Retweet   Like 13

    141.  🌕老雪茄 🚬


    143. @foni1919

    144.  Aug 7

    145. More

    146. 罗斯勒,应该懂中文!他装不懂怕暴露……

    147. 0 replies 0 retweets 8 likes

    148. Reply   Retweet   Like 8

    149. End of conversation

    150. New conversation

    151. 王岐山


    153. @wangqishan_VP

    154.  Aug 7

    155. More

    156. Replying to @philipproesler

    157. 大侄子,你好。

    158. 6 replies 5 retweets 68 likes

    159. Reply 6   Retweet 5   Like 68

    160. 王岐山


    162. @wangqishan_VP

    163.  Aug 8

    164. More

    165. 大侄子@philipproesler 把我拉黑了

    166. 3 replies 1 retweet 5 likes

    167. Reply 3   Retweet 1   Like 5

    168. 王岐山


    170. @wangqishan_VP

    171.  Aug 8

    172. More

    173. 大侄儿媳妇 Wiebke Rösler @ottoadelheid 也把俺拉黑了

    174. 2 replies 5 retweets 11 likes

    175. Reply 2   Retweet 5   Like 11

    176. 弘燚(I support Miles Kwok fighting with CCP)


    178. @hongyihope

    179.  16h16 hours ago

    180. More

    181. 是不是你让范冰冰 跟李晨分手的?

    182. 1 reply 0 retweets 1 like

    183. Reply 1   Retweet   Like 1

    184. 王岐山


    186. @wangqishan_VP

    187.  12h12 hours ago

    188. More

    189. 宁拆十座庙不毁一桩婚

    190. 0 replies 1 retweet 1 like

    191. Reply   Retweet 1   Like 1

    192. End of conversation

    193. New conversation

    194. 李倍儿喜


    196. @Li70510868

    197.  Aug 7

    198. More

    199. Replying to @philipproesler

    200. 李倍儿喜 Retweeted 贵在行动 -推推党宣传部长(自封) 👊

    201. so happy!李倍儿喜 added,



    204. 贵在行动 -推推党宣传部长(自封) 👊


    206. @tuiqiandang

    207. 幸福的默克尔大妈!!!! 

    208. Show this thread

    209. 3 replies 23 retweets 131 likes

    210. Reply 3   Retweet 23   Like 131

    211. 1 more reply

    212. ri ka ✊ ✊ ✊


    214. @RiRika_1221_128

    215.  Aug 7

    216. More

    217. Replying to @philipproesler

    218. ri ka ✊ ✊ ✊ Retweeted ri ka ✊ ✊ ✊

    219. 姚家生殖器霍乱全世界!ri ka ✊ ✊ ✊ added,

    220. 2:20

    221. ri ka ✊ ✊ ✊


    223. @RiRika_1221_128

    224. 【中国第二富豪家族王歧山】1️⃣我們要看一下王岐山家族結構圖裡邊相關的人物和他的財產。我們可以確認在銀行大概有兩百多億。他在海外通過家族信托,私人設置的各種複雜結構的離岸控制公司,控制的現金財富和資產…

    225. Show this thread

    226. 0 replies 20 retweets 82 likes

    227. Reply   Retweet 20   Like 82

    228. New conversation

    229. 西行小宝


    231. @htommy998

    232.  Aug 7

    233. More

    234. Replying to @philipproesler

    235. Yes it has almost come to an end. The wealth CCP kleptocrats exploited from Chinese people has to be returned. Yao family’s evilness to Chinese is unforgivable. Wang qishan, your uncle, is pushing Chinese to hell! He is drawing blood from them! 

    236.  Aug 7MoreReplying to 

      李倍儿喜 Retweeted 贵在行动 -推推党宣传部长(自封) 👊

      so happy!

      李倍儿喜 added,

        贵在行动 -推推党宣传部长(自封) 👊 @tuiqiandang幸福的默克尔大妈!!!! Show this thread3 replies22 retweets130 likesReply 3 Retweet 22 Like 130

    237. 1 more reply

    1.  Aug 7MoreReplying to 

      Hey! I heard today that you are the son of Yao Mingwei and grandson of previous CCP leader Yao Yilin.   Waht's your comment on that?  What's your relationship with HNA?

      0 replies6 retweets69 likesReply  Retweet 6 Like 69

    1. New conversation
    2.  Aug 7MoreReplying to 

      Yes it has almost come to an end. The wealth CCP kleptocrats exploited from Chinese people has to be returned. Yao family’s evilness to Chinese is unforgivable. Wang qishan, your uncle, is pushing Chinese to hell! He is drawing blood from them! His destination is hell!

      2 replies17 retweets133 likesReply 2 Retweet 17 Like 133

    3. 2 more replies

    1. New conversation
    2.  20h20 hours agoMoreReplying to 

      本推以下留言的,99.99%是親戰友。 😄😄😄 姚孫子,現在你成動物園裡的猴子了,還免費。 火燒猴子🐒

      1 reply4 retweets47 likesReply 1 Retweet 4 Like 47

    3.  4h4 hours agoMore

       我也被拉黑了🙄 很明顯這個姓姚的孫子的城府,比王國副差多了

      2 replies0 retweets6 likesReply 2 Retweet  Like 6

    4.  4h4 hours agoMore

      毕竟西方长大,不懂的中南坑那一套, 用小号继续关注

      0 replies0 retweets3 likesReply  Retweet  Like 3

    5. End of conversation

    1. New conversation
    2.  Aug 7MoreReplying to 

      1 reply12 retweets80 likesReply 1 Retweet 12 Like 80

    3. 1 more reply

    1.  Aug 7MoreReplying to 

      李倍儿喜 Retweeted DTinLosAngeles

      李倍儿喜 added,

    2.   贵在行动 -推推党宣传部长(自封) 👊 @tuiqiandang幸福的默克尔大妈!!!! Show this thread1 reply2 retweets32 likesReply 1 Retweet 2 Like 32

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-08-10 00:21:51








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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-08-09 17:00:04

Image result for 姚依林姐姐


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