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洗錢逃債罪犯郝海東之子驚魂躲過CCP綁架 2020-06-28 16:25:47

  大家都知道 咱們郝海東的兒子郝潤澤



  被海關給攔下了 說他西班牙的居留證過期 



  去的話 那真有可能變成沙特記者卡舒吉


  也可能叫他染上冠狀病毒 毀他一輩子 



  它咋知道郝潤澤他爹是郝海東呢 這很奇怪 




  海東告訴了我 我說 你甭管了 當時班農正好在這兒

  他二話不說 抄起電話就給他哥們兒 ——

  塞爾維亞原來的國防部長打電話 你們怎麼回事兒

  如何如何 你們這樣做是不對的 然後就罵人

  對方回答很客氣 第一句話就是 

  你不知道哇 班農先生

  這個國家大老闆 是俄羅斯 二老板是中國共產黨

  他兒子的事情 在塞爾維亞無人不知

  海東啊傻乎乎的不知道 我也沒跟他說 

  人家這句話挺讓我震驚的 ——

  整個郝海東葉釗穎的事情 在塞爾維亞無人不知

  中國駐塞爾維亞大使嗷嗷地喊 找每個當地官員 


駐塞爾維亞大使陳波拜會塞總統武契奇— 中華人民共和國外交部

    陳波大使女同志( 1970年1月- )

  班農繼續跟他哥們兒大喊 你必須想辦法

  把他給我送回西班牙 我在他旁邊一聲也沒吱



  中國駐塞爾維亞使館二把手 —— 政務參贊田一澍同志

  ...... 中國駐塞爾維亞使館二把手說


  海東洗錢 海東哪兒有錢啊 我就納了悶兒



  還好沒說葉釗穎女士涉嫌強姦 郝海東強姦

  我估計 未來會有啊

  人家西班牙這哥們兒特別明確 說你把這東西給我

  沒有證據 你甭跟我聊這個

  中共使館這幫王八蛋說 沒證據 稍後我們給你證據

  我們會拿出中國司法部門的證明  ......

  我們就安排了三架私人飛機 王雁平安排了一架

  我安排了一架 班農的家族安排了一架

  飛到塞爾維亞 相互之間誰都不知道

  對方已經安排了飛機 三架分別飛到塞國三個地方

  結果潤澤乘坐了其中最小的那一架 另外兩架

  大飛機 —— 達索的和邦巴迪的伴飛 回到了西班牙

  海東發回信息 啊文貴兄 孩子到家啦啊

  海東這個人非常乾淨 政治高度 道德修養 絕對佩服

  絕對的好老弟 釗穎妹妹就更別提了

  絕對了不起 非常高尚 跟我們想像的完全不一樣

  但是對共產黨 他們自己以為很了解了共產黨

  但是真的不了解 昨天這事兒就看出來


  其實壞得 比他們以為的多得多 多得多 ......


            始自 -29:35













Every language, every culture has their own ways to express 

discontent. So, when learning Chinese it’s necessary to explore this 

aspect of the language – Chinese swear words. You need to know 

when others are swearing at you or when you might need to curse 

right back at them!

Today, let’s learn some Chinese swear words 粗話 (cūhuà – bad 

words) to better our understnaidng of the Chinese language. Before 

we start, we must note that these words are meant of adults only and 

only in the appropriate situations! Use them with caution or else you 

may suffer some serious consequences. 

王八蛋 (wáng bā dàn): “tortoise egg”. It is a combination of two 

words: 王八 (wáng bā) is the Chinese word for turtle and used as a 

slang, it means a cuckolded husband or a stupid man. Adding 蛋 

(dàn: egg) at the end somehow intensifies the pejorative meaning.



瀏覽(1647) (3) 評論(1)
作者:Pascal 留言時間:2020-06-28 20:21:14

China has been caught smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons parts into Louisville by US Customs and Border Protection officers. The shipment arriving from Shenzhen, China, and destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida was seized on May 22. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples – a common practice used by smugglers for contraband trafficking.

China Caught Smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Into Louisville By US Customs

At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country. As per the CBP press release:

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination.

Thomas Mahn, the Port Director at Louisville said that the Chinese smugglers were knowingly trying to avoid detection and smuggle in Assault Weapons parts into US.

“The importing of any type of munitions is regulated by the ATF,” said Thomas Mahn, Port Director, Louisville. “This smuggler was knowingly trying to avoid detection, however, our officers remain vigilant, ensuring our community is safe.”

The CBP Center of Excellence and Expertise, Machinery team estimate the domestic value of the shipment to be $129,600.

Earlier, in February, Indian intelligence caught China secretly shipping nuclear arms to Pakistan. The ship belonged to a Chinese shipping company COSCO blacklisted by the Americans last year. Sources in Coastal intelligence told GreatGameIndia the intercept was based on a tip-off from the Americans who were monitoring the entire fleet of the shipping line believed to be a front of Chinese intelligence.





路易斯維爾港口主管托馬斯·馬恩(Thomas Mahn)說,中國走私者有意避免在美國將突擊武器零件偵破和走私。

“任何種類的彈藥的進口都受到ATF的管制,”路易斯維爾港口總監Thomas Mahn說。“這名走私者有意地試圖避免被發現,但是,我們的警察保持警惕,確保我們的社區安全。”


2月初,印度情報機構發現 中國秘密向巴基斯坦運送核武器。該船屬於去年被美國人列入黑名單的中國中遠船務公司。海岸情報局 的消息人士告訴 GreatGameIndia,這次攔截是基於美國人的提示,他們監視着整個被認為是中國情報前沿的船隊。


中國走私者運送武器的時間是在美國陷入內戰的時候被抓獲的。領導內亂運動的組織“ 黑生命問題”與已知恐怖分子有直接聯繫,這一事實使問題變得複雜。

眾多“黑人生活問題”組織者與過去的極端主義運動有聯繫,而不是僅僅為當今邊緣化人群而戰的一些全新運動。黑人生活問題已向警察宣戰 ,並發布了 黑豹式武裝“巡邏”監視警察的 藍圖。BLM的領導人在一次獨家採訪中透露,他們正在 動員一支訓練有素的軍事力量。

通過填寫此表單 來發送您的提示和意見, 或者直接通過提供的電子郵件給我們寫信。加入我們的 WhatsApp, 獲取更多信息和更新。

GreatGameIndia 是 一本有關地緣政治和國際關係的期刊。在我們的專着《認知失調的印度》中了解印度面臨的地緣政治威脅 。可以從“ 存檔” 部分訪問以前的雜誌發行 。


The weapons shipment from Chinese smugglers has been caught at a time when the United States of America has been caught in the grip of a civil-war. The issue is complicated by the fact that the group leading the civil-unrest movement, the Black Lives Matter has direct ties to known terrorists.

Numerous Black Lives Matter organizers have ties to extremist movements of the past, and are not some brand new movement simply fighting for marginalized people today. Black Lives Matter has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm.

Send in your tips and submissions by filling out this form or write to us directly at the email provided. Join us on WhatsApp for more intel and updates.

GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance. Past magazine issues can be accessed from the Archives section.

We need your support to carry on our independent and investigative research based journalism on the external and internal threats facing India. Your contribution however small helps us keep afloat. Kindly consider donating to GreatGameIndia.

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註冊日期: 2014-10-22
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