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洗钱逃债罪犯郝海东之子惊魂躲过CCP绑架 2020-06-28 16:25:47

  大家都知道 咱们郝海东的儿子郝润泽



  被海关给拦下了 说他西班牙的居留证过期 



  去的话 那真有可能变成沙特记者卡舒吉


  也可能叫他染上冠状病毒 毁他一辈子 



  它咋知道郝润泽他爹是郝海东呢 这很奇怪 




  海东告诉了我 我说 你甭管了 当时班农正好在这儿

  他二话不说 抄起电话就给他哥们儿 ——

  塞尔维亚原来的国防部长打电话 你们怎么回事儿

  如何如何 你们这样做是不对的 然后就骂人

  对方回答很客气 第一句话就是 

  你不知道哇 班农先生

  这个国家大老板 是俄罗斯 二老板是中国共产党

  他儿子的事情 在塞尔维亚无人不知

  海东啊傻乎乎的不知道 我也没跟他说 

  人家这句话挺让我震惊的 ——

  整个郝海东叶钊颖的事情 在塞尔维亚无人不知

  中国驻塞尔维亚大使嗷嗷地喊 找每个当地官员 


驻塞尔维亚大使陈波拜会塞总统武契奇— 中华人民共和国外交部

    陈波大使女同志( 1970年1月- )

  班农继续跟他哥们儿大喊 你必须想办法

  把他给我送回西班牙 我在他旁边一声也没吱



  中国驻塞尔维亚使馆二把手 —— 政务参赞田一澍同志

  ...... 中国驻塞尔维亚使馆二把手说


  海东洗钱 海东哪儿有钱啊 我就纳了闷儿



  还好没说叶钊颖女士涉嫌强奸 郝海东强奸

  我估计 未来会有啊

  人家西班牙这哥们儿特别明确 说你把这东西给我

  没有证据 你甭跟我聊这个

  中共使馆这帮王八蛋说 没证据 稍后我们给你证据

  我们会拿出中国司法部门的证明  ......

  我们就安排了三架私人飞机 王雁平安排了一架

  我安排了一架 班农的家族安排了一架

  飞到塞尔维亚 相互之间谁都不知道

  对方已经安排了飞机 三架分别飞到塞国三个地方

  结果润泽乘坐了其中最小的那一架 另外两架

  大飞机 —— 达索的和邦巴迪的伴飞 回到了西班牙

  海东发回信息 啊文贵兄 孩子到家啦啊

  海东这个人非常干净 政治高度 道德修养 绝对佩服

  绝对的好老弟 钊颖妹妹就更别提了

  绝对了不起 非常高尚 跟我们想像的完全不一样

  但是对共产党 他们自己以为很了解了共产党

  但是真的不了解 昨天这事儿就看出来


  其实坏得 比他们以为的多得多 多得多 ......


            始自 -29:35













Every language, every culture has their own ways to express 

discontent. So, when learning Chinese it’s necessary to explore this 

aspect of the language – Chinese swear words. You need to know 

when others are swearing at you or when you might need to curse 

right back at them!

Today, let’s learn some Chinese swear words 粗話 (cūhuà – bad 

words) to better our understnaidng of the Chinese language. Before 

we start, we must note that these words are meant of adults only and 

only in the appropriate situations! Use them with caution or else you 

may suffer some serious consequences. 

王八蛋 (wáng bā dàn): “tortoise egg”. It is a combination of two 

words: 王八 (wáng bā) is the Chinese word for turtle and used as a 

slang, it means a cuckolded husband or a stupid man. Adding 蛋 

(dàn: egg) at the end somehow intensifies the pejorative meaning.



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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-06-28 20:21:14

China has been caught smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons parts into Louisville by US Customs and Border Protection officers. The shipment arriving from Shenzhen, China, and destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida was seized on May 22. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples – a common practice used by smugglers for contraband trafficking.

China Caught Smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Into Louisville By US Customs

At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country. As per the CBP press release:

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination.

Thomas Mahn, the Port Director at Louisville said that the Chinese smugglers were knowingly trying to avoid detection and smuggle in Assault Weapons parts into US.

“The importing of any type of munitions is regulated by the ATF,” said Thomas Mahn, Port Director, Louisville. “This smuggler was knowingly trying to avoid detection, however, our officers remain vigilant, ensuring our community is safe.”

The CBP Center of Excellence and Expertise, Machinery team estimate the domestic value of the shipment to be $129,600.

Earlier, in February, Indian intelligence caught China secretly shipping nuclear arms to Pakistan. The ship belonged to a Chinese shipping company COSCO blacklisted by the Americans last year. Sources in Coastal intelligence told GreatGameIndia the intercept was based on a tip-off from the Americans who were monitoring the entire fleet of the shipping line believed to be a front of Chinese intelligence.





路易斯维尔港口主管托马斯·马恩(Thomas Mahn)说,中国走私者有意避免在美国将突击武器零件侦破和走私。

“任何种类的弹药的进口都受到ATF的管制,”路易斯维尔港口总监Thomas Mahn说。“这名走私者有意地试图避免被发现,但是,我们的警察保持警惕,确保我们的社区安全。”


2月初,印度情报机构发现 中国秘密向巴基斯坦运送核武器。该船属于去年被美国人列入黑名单的中国中远船务公司。海岸情报局 的消息人士告诉 GreatGameIndia,这次拦截是基于美国人的提示,他们监视着整个被认为是中国情报前沿的船队。


中国走私者运送武器的时间是在美国陷入内战的时候被抓获的。领导内乱运动的组织“ 黑生命问题”与已知恐怖分子有直接联系,这一事实使问题变得复杂。

众多“黑人生活问题”组织者与过去的极端主义运动有联系,而不是仅仅为当今边缘化人群而战的一些全新运动。黑人生活问题已向警察宣战 ,并发布了 黑豹式武装“巡逻”监视警察的 蓝图。BLM的领导人在一次独家采访中透露,他们正在 动员一支训练有素的军事力量。

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GreatGameIndia 是 一本有关地缘政治和国际关系的期刊。在我们的专着《认知失调的印度》中了解印度面临的地缘政治威胁 。可以从“ 存档” 部分访问以前的杂志发行 。


The weapons shipment from Chinese smugglers has been caught at a time when the United States of America has been caught in the grip of a civil-war. The issue is complicated by the fact that the group leading the civil-unrest movement, the Black Lives Matter has direct ties to known terrorists.

Numerous Black Lives Matter organizers have ties to extremist movements of the past, and are not some brand new movement simply fighting for marginalized people today. Black Lives Matter has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm.

Send in your tips and submissions by filling out this form or write to us directly at the email provided. Join us on WhatsApp for more intel and updates.

GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance. Past magazine issues can be accessed from the Archives section.

We need your support to carry on our independent and investigative research based journalism on the external and internal threats facing India. Your contribution however small helps us keep afloat. Kindly consider donating to GreatGameIndia.

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