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美军法兰克福交火CIA毙1人5人壮烈牺牲 2020-11-28 12:12:01


    Deep State Show Down 

            In Germany

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Situation Update – Nov. 27th – DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe

          DoD versus CIA

    隶属美国国防部特种部队 与 

     受训于中央情报局 从阿富汗






Christopher Miller, who was named acting defense secretary 

Nov. 9, 2020, on a deployment to Afghanistan with 5th 

Special Forces Group circa 2001-2002.

(Natural News) At this very minute, a covert war is raging across the globe, pitting Trump’s DoD and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) against black hat deep state factions running the CIA.

The good news is: Trump is winning.



As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.

One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being “killed in Somalia.” Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a “helicopter crash” in Egypt.

Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump’s private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored.

Here’s where this gets good:

Sidney Powell is about to roll out expert witnesses in the Georgia and Michigan lawsuits. One of these witnesses has been handed details of the vote theft which were acquired through two means: 1) The “Kraken” cyberwarfare program run by the DoD, and 2) Information found in the servers which were acquired during the multiple raids. (There were also server farm raids in Bercelona and Toronto, we are told.)

One of these witnesses is Dr. Keshavarz-Nia, a well-known cybercrimes investigator, who has a long history of working with U.S. military counterintelligence, as well as the NSA and CIA.

He has now offered sworn statements to Sidney Powell, which can be viewed at this link.

His statements include:

I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time… I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in a hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.

And so the circle is complete: DoD forces deploy cyber warfare weapons (“Kraken”) as well as kinetic troops (Special Forces, under the US Army) to acquire physical servers, all the information derived from these operations is extracted by DIA forensic analysts, it is then handed over to various expert witnesses who are prepared to testify under oath, resulting in the courts nullifying the fraudulent vote manipulations in the swing states.

This is how Trump gets to 300+ electoral votes and secures his second term as President. If successful, these revelations will also utterly destroy the Democrat party and result in thousands of treasonous actors going to prison for their roles in this attempted cyber warfare election theft to overthrow the United States government.

Listen to my full Situation Update for the full, point-by-point explanation of all the details:























浏览(2516) (11) 评论(11)
作者:Pascal 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-11-28 23:44:54

Yes, Sir. 嘴炮结束,抄家伙,上手段。

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作者:远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-11-28 21:26:24


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作者:gmuoruo 回复 天雅 留言时间:2020-11-28 15:15:12

奥巴马确实发现了美国的软肋,在司法部门安插了大量的政治正确的左棍,连弗林花钱雇的律师都是卧底,若不是 Sydney Powell,弗林死定了。

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:46:28


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作者:天雅 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:42:38
听听这个,应该不假。怪不得DJT要急急忙忙的 Pardon 他。。。奥巴马却"暗令"法官苏利文拖住案子,尽管DOJ已经取消了案子。。。没有原告,那来的被告? 美国的法律系统被O8之留玩坏了。
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作者:Pascal 回复 天雅 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:41:36

是,惊悚型的。Laughing Out Loud.

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作者:天雅 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:37:55
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作者:花名鸭仔 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:36:55

听说加拿大也卷入了, 难道牧人博也属于“xxxxxxx”? 还有几个“名”博, 也一起跳出来:没有或不可能有舞逼。。。。。。

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作者:天雅 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:34:44
看题就知是Pascal 博的。就进来看一下拉,和我早先读到的是否同源,或异源。lol
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作者:Pascal 回复 gugeren 留言时间:2020-11-28 14:25:40




回复 | 2
作者:gugeren 留言时间:2020-11-28 13:18:42






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