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中共10月8日汇入多米尼公司4亿美元单据 2020-12-01 17:53:35
























Dominion Voting Systems operates voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night.

“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014.

“UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.

The overall owners of UBS Securities Co LTD are;

– Beijing Guoxiang (33%)
– UBS (24.99%)
– Guangdong Comm. Group [zh] (14.01%)
– China Guodian (14%)
– COFCO Group (14%)

Aside from UBS, the other four owners of UBS Securities are all Communist Chinese front groups.


“UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.

— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 1, 2020

More from The National Pulse:

Beijing Guoxiang is a state owned asset.

Guangdong Comm. Group 100% stakeholder is the Guangdong Provincial Government.

China Guodian is state owned enterprise administered for the SASAC for the state Council

COFCO Group is a state owned enterprise under the direct supervision of the SASAC.

SASAC The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is a special commission of the People’s Republic of China, directly under the State Council.

Our apologies to Inforwars.














CHINA PROBLEM: Parent Company of Dominion Voting Systems Received $400+ MILLION from Swiss Investment Bank — 75% Owned by the Chinese Government

 December 1, 2020 

Folks, just like we’ve been telling you, this isn’t just voter fraud at this point, we’re now on the verge of full blown treason.

The following is from The Gateway Pundit:

An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.

The investigation, conducted by Austin Security and Investigation Solutions, centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.

Dominion Voting Systems operates voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night.

“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014.

“UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.

The overall owners of UBS Securities Co LTD are;

    – Beijing Guoxiang (33%)

    – UBS (24.99%)

– Guangdong Comm. Group [zh] (14.01%)
– China Guodian (14%)
– COFCO Group (14%)

Aside from UBS, the other four owners of UBS Securities are all Communist Chinese front groups.


“UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.


An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.

The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.

Dominion Voting Systems operates voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night.

“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014.

“UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.

The overall owners of UBS Securities Co LTD are;

– Beijing Guoxiang (33%)
– UBS (24.99%)
– Guangdong Comm. Group [zh] (14.01%)
– China Guodian (14%)
– COFCO Group (14%)

Aside from UBS, the other four owners of UBS Securities are all Communist Chinese front groups.

Beijing Guoxiang is a state owned asset.

Guangdong Comm. Group 100% stakeholder is the Guangdong Provincial Government.

China Guodian is state owned enterprise administered for the SASAC for the state Council

COFCO Group is a state owned enterprise under the direct supervision of the SASAC.

SASAC The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is a special commission of the People’s Republic of China, directly under the State Council.

The revelation that Dominion Voting Systems has financial ties to the Chinese government via UBS Securities will bolster claims by Trump supporters that foreign actors working on behalf of Communist China may have sought to meddle in the presidential election to help Joe Biden.

Other connections between Dominion Voting Systems and the Chinese government have also emerged in recent weeks, including the company’s Core Infrastructure Manager of Information Technology, Andy Huang, who previously worked for China Telecom, which is “wholly run by the Chinese government,” reported the National Pulse.

View the full document batch here: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5

Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article incorrectly credited a particular research firm for performing this investigation. That information was erroneous, and this article has been updated to correct that. We apologize for the confusion.




浏览(2150) (13) 评论(10)
作者:Pascal 回复 一冰 留言时间:2020-12-02 12:08:59

胆儿肥哈! 就是她! 要再炸两幢楼:

Stephanie Becker Field Producer

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作者:一冰 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2020-12-02 11:13:58



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作者:一冰 留言时间:2020-12-02 04:05:37



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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-12-01 23:40:42


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作者:Pascal 回复 旁观者未必清 留言时间:2020-12-01 23:14:38

Wow ! 好惊悚!谢谢磅礴!

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-12-01 23:10:54

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作者:Pascal 回复 体育老师 留言时间:2020-12-01 22:43:07



“ 肯定要有大亊,你死我活的大事!”


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作者:旁观者未必清 留言时间:2020-12-01 22:39:19


12/1 翻译:吉娜·哈斯佩尔(Gina Haspel)在德国突袭行动中被枪击致伤(不严重),没有被谣传杀死,她正前往关塔那摩。 她在飞行途中投诚,像金丝雀一样唱歌。 消息来源:Charlie Wood,母亲CIA父亲MI5特工。

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作者:体育老师 留言时间:2020-12-01 21:25:00


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-12-01 20:31:41



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