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疫苗专家疾呼立即中止灾难前景疫苗接种! 2021-03-16 15:36:56





3月11日,據The Highwire網站報導,世界著名的疫苗專家吉爾特·範登·保茨(Geert Vanden Bossche)博士在本周進行了開創性的採訪,他冒著個人聲譽和職業生涯的危險上書WHO勇敢地表示反對COVID-19疫苗的使用,因為大規模疫苗接種將導致免疫逃避機制出現,進而造成全球免疫災難。

評論對於大多數讀者來說免疫逃逸Immune Escape)”是一個全新的名詞面對世界頂級疫苗專家的大聲疾呼我們真的有必要做一點功課來瞭解一下疫苗對人體產生的影響將會有多大。

免疫逃逸是免疫抑制病原體通過其結構和非結構產物,抵抗、阻斷和抑制機體的免疫應答。 病原体的免疫逃逸機制:1)抗原性的變化病原體的中和抗原,可經常地持續性地發生突變,逃逸已建立的抗感染免疫抗體的中和和阻斷作用,導致感染的存在。2)持續性感染胞內病原體可隱匿於胞內呈休眠狀態,逃避細胞免疫和體液免疫的攻擊,長期存活,形成持續性感染。


  1. The Highwire的報導

  2. 免疫逃逸_百度百科









 Experts sound the alarm

 about risks of mass



 By Contributor


Letter to Editor

By Health and Consumer NGOs


A LEADING global environmental virologist and microbiologist for 30 years and involved in human vaccine development for 23 years with various major pharmaceutical firms, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche warns that the global vaccination programme amid the global pandemic does more harm than good.

Expressing genuine concerns if the vaccination was the right thing to do against this super smart mutating coronavirus, he stated: “If you go to war, make sure you have the right weapon at the right time against the enemy that you understand enough.”

一位从事研究30年的病毒与微生物学家,同时还先后在几所大型生物制药公司参予过人类免疫疫苗研发23年的吉尔特.凡登.博歇博士(Dr.Geert Vanden Bossche) ,于3月12日通过马来西亚媒体<聚焦马来西亚>发出公开警告:



他质疑对于这个异常狡猾的变异冠状病毒,免疫接种是否为合理的对抗手段? 他形容说:”想在战场上赢,你需要一把合适的武器,并了解你的敌人.”而当今我们制造的武器-免疫疫苗,为我们都做了些什么?








大制药商默克(Merck)的执行总裁坎.夫瑞泽(Kan Frazier)在2020年6月公开表示:在通过快速研制免疫疫苗之前, 应该对这个冠状病毒有更多了解。默克是免疫疫苗研发的全球典范,历史上,它曾成功研发出4款有效疫苗, 成功率4/7.默克放弃了对这个持续变异的”帝王级”病毒疫苗不切实际的研发, 非常诚实地转向寻找治疗方法。

美国CDC(US Center For Disease Control and Prevention)负责人于3月2日在CNN的新闻节目中也表示:由mRNA接种在美国创下的乐观局面会很快被新变种病毒给抹掉.这也支持了博歇博士的观点.美国政府支持的国家健康研究院(National Institutes of Health,NIH)早已证实mRNA疫苗是一种基因治疗方法,这种治疗手段可以引起”严重健康危害,如毒性,炎症及致癌反应”.全球已经有许多接种辉瑞(Pfizer)mRNA疫苗后的不可解释的死亡案例及严重副反应报道。






He further warns that the vaccination:

Creates more asymptomatic cases to spread the virus as the vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission;

Merely suppresses COVID-19 symptoms and can prevent hospitalisation and deaths. But at what price?

only stimulates artificially induced antigen-specific antibodies and not natural killer (NK) cells needed to neutralize the coronavirus effectively;

Allows antigen-specific antibodies, which may not work on new variants, to remain permanently and compete with, undermine and even destroy capable and loyal warrior NK cells;

Helps create new variants and “teaches” the virus on “viral immune escape”; and

It is a “lose-lose” situation that is dangerous at all levels, emphasizing that dealing with the coronavirus and pandemic must be based on science.

In a nutshell, if we aren’t cautious, humanity – facing a “global catastrophe without equal” – will suffer exponentially by this “emperor” virus. 

In June 2020, Ken Frazier, CEO of Merck, implored the need to understand the coronavirus more before rushing for a quick solution via vaccines. (Merck is the gold standard for vaccine development and had produced four out of seven successful vaccines in world history)

Merck was honest enough to give up its COVID-19 vaccine development programme to this mutating “emperor” virus to focus on a treatment or cure.

The Director of US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in stating in a CNN report on March 2 that gains made in the US including the mRNA vaccination could be wiped out by new variants. This supports Dr Bossche’s warning.

The US Government National Institutes of Health (NIH) has confirmed that the mRNA vaccine is a form of gene therapy, an approach that can have “serious health risks, such as toxicity, inflammation and cancer.”

Already, there are many reported cases worldwide about unexplained deaths and suffering from severe side effects after taking the Pfizer product.

Being constructive and based on Dr Bossche’s revelatory warning, we appeal to the Government and its relevant agencies to:

Urgently consider deferring, if necessary, the mRNA vaccination programme to truly curb long-term harm;

Do an honest “benefits versus risks” analysis for every vaccine purchased based on the latest information (It is UNFAIR to lump these vaccines together as not all vaccines are equal. We are NOT anti-vaxxers but pro-SAFE vaccines);

Keep its promise NOT to force – directly or indirectly – vaccination, especially with the experimental mRNA vaccine, which is a breach of the Nuremberg Code; and

Consider (after a study) using more appropriate, much safer, and tried and tested vaccines such as using inactivated or attenuated virus technology while choosing the right timing to enforce the vaccination programme.

Therefore, we urge the Government to immediately approve Ivermectin, a repurposed” wonder drug” that’s easily available, very safe and effective in preventing and treating COVID-19 and also fund a low-cost Ivermectin Programme.

We are aware that Ivermectin poses a major financial threat to some big pharmaceutical firms and unfortunately. Ivermectin is being discredited and demonized by people with selfish interest, whose biased views must be seriously dismissed.

In fact, Ivermectin has already been proven to be safe for over 40 years. The Government has nothing to lose by immediately approving Ivermectin in Malaysia, as a prescribed drug. There is no need to wait for clinical trials as people are dying fast and getting infected from COVID-19.

We state clearly here that we do not have vested interest, directly or indirectly, in the manufacturing, selling or distribution of Ivermectin. – March 12, 2021






This week, a group of scientists and doctors have issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to answer urgent safety questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines, or withdraw the vaccines’ authorisation. 




信致函EMA执行董事Emer Cooke,并于2021年3月1日星期一发送。该信已抄送给欧洲委员会主席和欧洲委员会主席。

它指出:“我们原则上支持使用新的医疗干预措施。” 但是,“存在严重的问题,包括但不限于以上所述,EMA批准COVID-19疫苗为时过早,鲁re,并且疫苗的使用构成并且仍然构成'人类实验' ,它曾经并且仍然违反《纽伦堡守则》。”


“我们刚收到挪威药品管理局的来信 ,便警告说 ,对于脆弱的老年人来说,COVID-19疫苗的使用风险太大,这正是这些疫苗旨在保护的人群。我们将补充说,由于疫苗的作用机制,刺激具有不利的病理生理特性的刺突蛋白的产生,可能还会有一些尚未衰老且已经患病的脆弱人群。新数据表明,疫苗副作用是 例如以前感染过冠状病毒的人的三倍 。没有一种疫苗经过超过几个月的临床测试,对于建立安全性和有效性而言,这太短了。




这封信是针对英国政府针对疫苗护照的计划的请愿书 ,该 计划通过了270,000个签名,是迫使国会议员考虑辩论所需的两倍多。请愿书将于2021年3月15日在英国议会进行辩论。

以下视频声明由COVID伦理学博士,Sucharit Bhakdi教授,医学微生物学和免疫学名誉教授,德国约翰内斯·古腾堡美因茨大学医学微生物学和卫生学研究所前主席组成。手表:

The letter describes serious potential consequences of COVID-19 vaccine technology, warning of possible autoimmune reactions, blood clotting abnormalities, stroke and internal bleeding, “including in the brain, spinal cord and heart”. The authors request evidence that each medical danger outlined “was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.”

“Should all such evidence not be available”, the authors write, “we demand that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn until all the above issues have been properly addressed by the exercise of due diligence by the EMA.”

The letter is addressed to Emer Cooke, Executive Director of the EMA, and was sent on Monday 1 March 2021. The letter was copied to the President of the Council of Europe and the President of the European Commission.

It states: “We are supportive in principle of the use of new medical interventions.” However, “there are serious concerns, including but not confined to those outlined above, that the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by the EMA was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute ‘human experimentation’, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.”

In a public statement the group said…

“No sooner did we deliver our letter than the Norwegian Medicines Agency warned that COVID-19 vaccines may be too risky for use in the frail elderly, the very group these vaccines are designed to protect. We would add that, by virtue of the mechanisms of action of the vaccines, to stimulate the production of spike protein, which has adverse pathophysiological properties, there may also be vulnerable people who are not old and already ill. New data shows that vaccine side effects are three times as common in those who have previously been infected with coronavirus, for example. None of the vaccines have undergone clinical testing for more than a few months, which is simply too short for establishing safety and efficacy.

“Therefore, as a starting point, we believe it is important to enumerate and evaluate all deaths which have occurred within 28 days of vaccination, and to compare the clinical pictures with those who have not been vaccinated.

















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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2021-03-16 16:24:34






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