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震惊疫苗可诱发脑退化痴呆症肌硬化折寿 2021-04-11 00:03:45

 Shocking Study Reveals

 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

 May Progressively

 Degenerate Your Brain 

 From Prion Disease


Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19

疫苗可能会缓慢地渐渐使你的大脑患上朊(读 软)毒体

 又称海绵状脑病、ALS / 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症、
















什么是 Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis (ALS) ?







































                                 April  10 ,  2021     

A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.

一项令人震惊的研究表明,mRNA COVID-19疫苗诱发基于based病毒




















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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2021-04-11 18:16:41

As can be expected when new experimental “vaccines” that are not approved by the FDA are given emergency use authorization to fight a “pandemic” that is now over a year old, reported deaths following the injections of these shots have now skyrocketed in the U.S. population by over 6000% here at the end of the first quarter of 2021, as compared to recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

6000% increase in reported vaccine deaths 1st quarter 2021 compared to 1st quarter 2020

These new products, which many doctors and scientists claim do not even meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” are described by the manufacturers themselves as “operating systems” called the “software of life,” and prior to COVID they have never been approved to be used on human populations.

There are literally thousands of doctors and scientists around the world who have spoken out against these experimental injections, some even calling them “biological weapons of mass destruction.”

Their voices are censored in the pharma-controlled corporate media and by Big Tech, so the people dying and becoming injured by these injections are the pro-vaccine people who primarily only get their information from these censored sources that are funded by Wall Street corporate billionaires, such as Bill Gates.

The CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths reported to be caused by vaccines, reported only 36 deaths during the first quarter of 2020 through March 31st, and almost 50% of those deaths were infants below the age of 3.

1st quarter deaths vaccines 2020


Since today, the day this report is being written and published, is the last day of March, 2021, we do not have complete stats from VAERS on injuries and deaths following vaccination yet.

But here’s what we know based on what the CDC has published through yesterday, March 30, 2021.

The last data dump into VAERS was published last week on March 26, 2021, and it listed 2050 deaths following the experimental COVID injections. See the report here.

However, some of those deaths following the COVID injections occurred in December, 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna shots were issued EUA’s by the FDA.

So we ran the report for this year, 2021, from which we know the data is only current through March 19, 2021, and it showed 1,754 deaths following ALL vaccines, not just the COVID injections.

vaccine deaths first quarter 2021


Notice that 80% of these recorded deaths are among seniors over the age of 65!

How is this NOT a national tragedy that should be headline news everywhere?

As noted above, there are 2050 deaths recorded following COVID injections as of March 19th, but those include some deaths in December, 2020.

Yesterday, the CDC reported that deaths following COVID injections are now 2,509. (Source.)

That is an increase of 459 deaths from what the CDC reported through VAERS through March 19th. So 1754 plus these 459 deaths gives us the total deaths so far through March 2021, which is 2,213, although after the next data dump in to VAERS this coming Friday, this number will increase even more when we add the non-COVID vaccine deaths also.

That is an increase of over 6000% from last year during the same time period.

The increase in deaths reported is most certainly related to the new experimental COVID injections, and yet the CDC and FDA’s position is that NOT ONE of these deaths are related to the COVID injections.

A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. (Emphasis theirs – Source.)

As we have reported numerous times now, the CDC and FDA are criminal organizations run by Big Pharma insiders controlled by the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers. Their main interest is in protecting Big Pharma and their products, and not the health of the public.

Those in the public who continue to trust them for accurate medical advice will suffer dearly, many with their own lives, as seen happening right now in the first quarter of 2021 with a 6000% + increase in deaths by injection.

So far, these tragic deaths are among the foolish who drank the COVID Kool Aid and did not bother to research these new medical products themselves first, blindly trusting in “health authorities” like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates who are MASS MURDERERS.

But once all of these pro-vaccine people eager to get the COVID “software of life” have been injected with this new human operating system which will need constant updates (booster shots), the eugencists will turn their attention to the “vaccine hesitant,” and they have all their ducks lined up in a row now.

They control the corporate mass media, including Big Tech, and they also control the American judicial system. At the very top we are dealing with psychopaths, most of them pedophiles involved in the Occult, and their goals are to control the world’s financial system, reduce the world’s population, and destroy the family and take over control of raising children for their own evil purposes.

The time is short now, where not a single person on this planet will be exempt from making very difficult choices that will no longer be optional.

This was written to a different group of people in a different day and age, but its principles are eternal, and as true today as any other point in history, if not more so today:

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.

For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. (Deuteronomy 30:15-18)



With each passing day, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that mRNA vaccines are a death weapon against humanity. Now, we’re learning that mRNA vaccines may pose a threat to the viability of the human species thanks to the fact that a mechanisms exists whereby mRNA sequences can be transformed into DNA and inserted into your human genome.

mrna vaccines may edit your genes through 'retro integration' and the dna damage might be passed on to future generations

This means there is a possibility that mRNA vaccines might turn you into a “genetically engineered” organism, with potentially catastrophic consequences for your own health as well as impacting fertility and future generations.

It is technically possible that mRNA vaccines may cause widespread infertility, birth defects or horrific deaths by altering human DNA.

The problem is that nobody knows for sure how many people might be impacted in this way because no long-term safety trials have been conducted.

Thus, people taking the vaccine right now are unwittingly taking part in a global vaccine experiment that may alter their own genes and remove them from the human gene pool.

In effect, mRNA vaccines might be the most powerful vector of so-called “natural selection” we’ve ever seen, wherever people remove themselves from the gene pool by rendering their own reproductive capabilities non-functional.

This is all covered in great detail at the Children’s Health Defense website.

That’s the focus of today’s Situation Update podcast, along with a lot of other commentary, including shocking new information about a black book author who is promoting a prayer to “hate white people.”

The new “tolerance,” it seems, is to beg God to hate white people. “Hatred” is the new progressivism.

Also, tech companies are throwing billions of dollars into startups that will harvest the blood of children and then transfuse it into the bodies of paying clients.

Soon, it seems, harvesting the blood of children will become an FDA-approved business model. America is becoming a “vampire” society run by child traffickers, medical vampires and vaccine zombies.



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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2021-04-11 18:02:43

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2021-04-11 17:08:35


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2021-04-11 09:54:57

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作者:高鹏 留言时间:2021-04-11 07:43:20


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2021-04-11 00:46:19

Back in November 2020, we wrote about Gates after he warned that climate change (“climatedemic”) is another global crisis that could be worse than the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In a personal blog post, Gates warned that “if we think COVID-19 is awful, climate change could be worse.” In his blog post, Gates estimated that 3 million people could die by 2100 if climate change is not stopped, adding that “climate change is an even harder problem than the coronavirus pandemic.”







在2010年TED演讲中,盖茨分享了一个数学公式,他相信有一天可以解决我们面临的气候变化问题。CO2(二氧化碳输出量)= P x S x E x C(=人x每人的服务x每项服务的能量x每单位能量的CO2)。您可以在这里阅读故事 。

Now, Gates is sounding another alarm bell about an upcoming pandemic that could be 10 times worse than the current coronavirus. Gates said that humanity is not currently prepared for it. In an interview with the German media, Mr. Gates insisted that people must learn the lesson that COVID-19 is giving us, according to a report from RT. Gates said: “This pandemic is bad, but a future pandemic could be 10 times worse and we are not prepared.”

Gates added:

“We are not prepared for the next pandemic. I hope the situation will be different in a couple of years. Vaccines, tests, drugs, epidemiology, follow-up – there is a lot to do. This pandemic is bad, but a future pandemic could be ten times more serious” and there must be a global response to it.”

According to Gates, “We never progress so much during illness”: Bill Gates reveals what fuels his hopes for 2021. At the same time, Gates praised scientific advances in the development of vaccines against the new disease. “It is a miracle: if the pandemic had broken out five years ago, the world would not have had a vaccine after this short period of time,” he added.

Gates has been warning about pandemic for over a decade now. So, this is not the first time that Gates has warned about the future pandemics. In an interview with the Financial Times via Skype on April 2, 2020, Microsoft co-founder said that this coronavirus pandemic was the “largest event that many people will experience in his entire life, “and Mr. Gates “predicted that a similar viral outbreak will likely occur every 20 years.”

Gates has also been consistent in his views about the danger of climate change and the need to vaccine people in African against treatable diseases. In the 2010 TED talk show, Gates expressed his concerns about the danger of climate change and the consequence of lack of action from the government, people, and institutions around the world.

During the 2010 TED talk presentation, Gates shared a mathematical formula that he believes could one day solve the climate change problem we are facing. CO2 (carbon dioxide output) = P x S x E x C (= People x Services per Person x Energy per Service x CO2 per unit of Energy). You can read the story here.


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