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美媒惊爆PLA2019向待离武汉美军释冠毒未果 2021-04-29 17:50:31





    This Scenario 与去年穆钢时评透露的情况一致



Guest post by Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

Officially known by the harmless name, the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, Unit 731 was actually a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development center of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War Two.

When the Chinese Communist Party subjugated mainland China in 1949, the People’s Liberation Army took control of Unit 731 and the Institute of Horse Disease, Continental Academy of Sciences, also founded by the Imperial Japanese Army in Manchuria.

According to the memoirs of the Japanese Kwantung Army, veterinary research and military horse healthcare were used as covers to hide the true purpose of the Manchurian facilities, the study and production of biological weapons.

It appears that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army adopted, not only its resources, but also the modus operandi of the Imperial Japanese Army.

In 1953, the five People’s Liberation Army Veterinary Universities in China were merged into a single large institution in Changchun, a mere 140 miles south of the former location of Unit 731.

In parallel and like its Imperial Japanese Army namesake, “Warhorse Health Institutes” or similar centers were established in Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Yunnan, roughly corresponding with the regional military commands.

The veterinary research network presented here, led by the People’s Liberation Army and supervised by the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, is the core command and control element for China’s biowarfare program.

Two military veterinarians, Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin, provide the leadership. They are both members of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and work together at the Institute of Military Veterinary Research and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun.

At least four associates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu  and Zhiqiang Wu.

Senior People’s Liberation Army officers Wuchun Cao, Ruifu Yang and Wei Chen are believed to be involved in the supervision of the program as members of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.

Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, played a key role in the isolation of ZC45 and ZXC21, bat coronaviruses claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.


A possible and logical scenario for a deliberate release of COVID-19 can be found in a February 22, 2021 video entitled “Origin of Covid-19: From Suppose to Truth” by James Quan.

According to that scenario, while subjected to increasing economic and geopolitical pressure from the Trump Administration, Chinese leader Xi Jinping authorized the People’s Liberation Army to expose U.S. soldier-athletes attending the Military World Games to COVID-19 while waiting to depart from the Wuhan airport between October 28 and 31, 2019.

The aim was to debilitate the U.S. military through an infection spreading in its bases, sow chaos among the U.S. civilian population and prevent the reelection of President Donald Trump.

About the time the U.S. soldier-athletes were being exposed to the virus, a diversionary release of COVID-19 inside Wuhan would provide a natural explanation to counter accusations about the use of a biological weapon.

The attack on the U.S. soldier-athletes failed, but the Wuhan release spread, with the number of infections accelerating by the end of November 2019.

在James Quan的2021年2月22日题为“ Covid-19的起源:从假设到真相”的视频中,可以找到故意释放COVID-19的可能和符合逻辑的情况。







Having failed in its initial direct action against U.S. military personnel and facing catastrophic pandemic effects inside China, the leadership in Beijing lied about the danger and allowed COVID-19 to spread globally through commercial travel.

Regardless of the actual release scenario, the Chinese Communist Party must be held accountable for creating the COVID-19 virus.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired from an international career in business and medical research with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He is a member of the Citizens Commission on National Security and the author of “Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution .” His email address is lawrence.sellin@gmail.com.


劳伦斯·塞林(Lawrence Sellin)博士从商业和医学研究的国际职业退休,在美国陆军预备役中服役29年,并曾在阿富汗和伊拉克服役。他是国家安全问题公民委员会的成员,并著有《恢复共和国:第二次美国革命的论点》一书的作者。他的电子邮件地址是lawrence.sellin@gmail.com

Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP's founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. His new book: 'In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics' is out now - please take a look and buy a copy.

































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