The provisional number of births in the U.S. was 3,605,201 in 2020. That is the lowest number of births in the United States since 1979, according to the Centers for Disease Control. 2020 also had the lowest fertility rate since the government started tracking births in 1902.
根据疾病控制中心的数据,2020 年美国的初步统计 出生人数为 3,605,201。这是自 1979 年以来美国的 最低出生人数。 自 1902 年政府开始追踪出生人数 以来,2020 年的生育率也是最低的。
COVID-19 vaccines – voluntary sterilization and death
别怪组织事前跟你没有打过招呼 是你自己自愿选择的绝育和早亡
—— 主动去注射两三针疫苗
COVID-19 vaccines – voluntary sterilization and death
COVID-19 is the final chapter in the depopulation agenda for both the United States and world. The Jaffe blueprint spoke of voluntarily sterilization. But 9/11 provided a further framework to execute the plan. If you scare Americans they become more obedient. “Terrorists” and “Muslims” were the boogeymen in 2001. An invisible, allegedly deadly, arbitrary virus took that role in 2020. The United States completely shut down in March 2020. The very popular NCAA basketball tournament was cancelled, the NBA season was postponed, and everyone was told to stay home for their own safety. It was all completely unprecedented and spooked the populace.
翻译结果 COVID-19 疫苗 ——
COVID-19 是美国和世界人口减少议程的最后一章。 Jaffe 蓝图谈到了自愿绝育。但是 9/11 事件提供了 执行该计划的进一步框架。如果你吓唬美国人,他们 就会变得更听话。 “恐怖分子”和“穆斯林”是2001 年的恶棍。一种无形的、据称是致命的、任意的病毒 在 2020 年扮演了这个角色。美国于 2020年3月完全 关闭。非常受欢迎的 NCAA 篮球锦标赛被取消,NBA 赛季被取消推迟了,每个人都被告知为了自己的安全 而待在家里。这一切都是史无前例的,吓坏了民众。
Scared into obedience
信息很明确——如果你感染了 COVID-19,你就会死。 尽管现成的 CDC 数据显示 70 岁以下的每个人的存活 率超过 99%,但绝大多数美国人仍然相信这种说法。 尽管现成的数据显示戴口罩与不断增加的 COVID-19 病例之间存在正相关,但人们还是虔诚地戴/戴口罩. 到 2020 年,2021 年的“疫苗”议程已经制定好了。
如果您相信统计数据,截至 10 月 13 日,57%的美国 人已“完全接种”疫苗。我们知道这些注射会导致 自然流产和死产。我们知道 mRNA 和病毒载体 DNA 注射在母乳喂养期间会从母亲传给婴儿。还有数据 显示这些注射会抑制胎盘发育,从而导致女性不育。 但这些事情只有在你活下来的情况下才会发生。
The injections do not stop the spread of so-called COVID-19. That is a fact. The only proven purposes of these injections are obedience and depopulation.
注射并不能阻止所谓的 COVID-19 的传播。 这是事实。
The only proven purposes of these injections are obedience and depopulation.
这些注射的唯一经证实的目的, 是服从和减灭人口。
让我们回顾一下。 1969 年的 Jaffe Memo 似乎是 2021 年发生的一切的蓝图。2020 年的生育率处于 历史最低点。核心家庭在美国几乎灭绝。 1949 年, 79% 的美国家庭拥有已婚夫妇。今天,这个数字是 48%。地下水被性别扭曲的化学物质污染。同性恋 文化(“LGBT”)现在是美国最受保护、最神圣的 人,因为他们不生育。该议程还确保核心家庭继续 走向灭绝。
但是当权者真的关心 LGBT 吗?该团体是迄今为止最 听话和最容易被操纵的,因为他们的整个存在都是 基于烟雾和镜子。一个支持 LGBT 的组织在 8月进行 的一项调查发现,92% 认定为 LGBT 的美国人接受了 其中一种 mRNA 或病毒载体 DNA 注射。因此,他们 是最有可能排队投篮的“群体”。这是一个有趣的 现象,因为人口减少议程需要这个群体才能发挥作用。 然而,他们被 vaxxed 的速度比任何其他所谓的群体 都要高得多,因此比任何其他群体都更“自我清除”。
The messaging was clear – if you catch COVID-19, you will die. The vast majority of Americans believe this narrative despite readily-available CDC data showing a 99%+ survival rate for everyone under age 70. People wore/wear masks religiously despite readily-available data showing positive correlations between mask mandates and rising COVID-19 cases. The 2021 “vaccine” agenda was set up well by 2020.
If you believe the statistics, 57% of Americans are “fully vaccinated” as of October 13. We know for a fact that these injections cause spontaneous abortions and still births. We know that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections pass from mother to baby during breastfeeding. There’s also data showing that these injections inhibit placenta development, thus rendering women infertile. But these things only happen if you survive.
The injections do not stop the spread of so-called COVID-19. That is a fact. The only proven purposes of these injections are obedience and depopulation.
Looking ahead to 2022
Let’s recap. The 1969 Jaffe Memo appears to be the blueprint for everything happening in 2021. Fertility rates are at all-time lows in 2020. Nuclear family is nearly extinct in the United States. In 1949, 79% of U.S. households had a married couple. Today, that number is 48%. Groundwater is contaminated with gender-bending chemicals. Homosexual culture (“LGBT”) is now the most protected, sacred people in America because they are not procreating. This agenda also ensures that the nuclear family continues its path to extinction.
But do the powers-that-be really care about LGBT? The group is by far the most obedient and most easily manipulated since their entire existences are predicated on smoke and mirrors. An August survey by a pro-LGBT organization found that 92% of Americans who identify as LGBT have received one of the mRNA or viral vector line up for the shots. It’s an interesting phenomenon since this group is needed for depopulation agendas to work. Yet they are being vaxxed at a much higher rate than any other so-called groups, thus are “self-deleting” more than any other group.
We know for certain that the world will look very different by the end of 2022. What that means exactly is anyone’s guess. The non-vaxxed will come out of this as the only pure humans left on Earth. GMO humans will be the majority, at least in the Western world. But they will also be sick and dying much younger than they should. Are there going to be piles of bodies? Will anyone ever be held accountable? This is The Great Reset. This is the New World Order. We are living the final days of what used to be humanity, and entering this new era.
我们确信,到 2022 年底,世界将极大不相同。 这究竟意味着什么,谁也说不准。 没有打过疫苗的,将作为地球上唯一剩下的 原装纯人类从中走出来。
至少在西方世界,转基因人类将占大多数。 但他们也会生病,也会比他们预期寿命 早得多得多地死亡。会是一番血海尸山景象吗? 会有人被追究制造这一切的责任吗?
这,就是伟大的重置。这,就是世界新秩序。 我们正生活在自然旧人类最后的日子里, 并将跨入这个崭新时代。
点击链接,品味英文全文: -planned-parenthood-from-its-documented-beginnings-in- 1916-race-based-eugenics-to-2021-global-genocide/
这些行动遵循2009年4月对她提起指控百特公司和AVIR 青山生物技术的奥地利生产污染的禽流感疫苗,声称 这是故意行为,以事业和利润来自大流行。[1]
https://titter.cowm/Antonio55184671 1447521451444162561
仅仅在过去的18年期间, 为了全球强制接种疫苗, 他们耍了多少次病毒套路?