谢谢蒋大公子上心关注,添上疫苗汞的细节。经蒋博提示,顺手查了一下,美国CDC网站上有解: 硫柳汞和疫苗问题和疑虑硫柳汞是一种基于汞的防腐剂,几十年来在美国一直用于药物和疫苗的多剂量小瓶(包含多于一剂的小瓶)中。除了注射部位发红和肿胀等轻微反应外,没有证据表明疫苗中的低剂量硫柳汞会造成伤害。然而,1999 年 7 月,公共卫生服务机构、美国儿科学会和疫苗制造商一致同意,作为预防措施,应减少或消除疫苗中的硫柳汞。 关于硫柳汞汞是一种天然存在于地壳、空气、土壤和水中的元素。人们可能接触到的两种汞——甲基汞和乙基汞——非常不同。 甲基汞是在某些鱼类中发现的一种汞。在高暴露水平下,甲基汞可能对人有毒。在美国,联邦指导方针尽可能多地将甲基汞排除在环境和食物之外,但在一生中,每个人都会接触到一些甲基汞。 硫柳汞含有乙基汞,它比甲基汞更快地从人体中清除,因此不太可能造成任何伤害。 硫柳汞可防止疫苗中细菌的生长。硫柳汞被添加到含有超过一剂(多剂瓶)的疫苗小瓶中,以防止细菌和真菌等细菌的生长。当注射器针头进入小瓶时,可能会引入细菌和真菌,因为正在准备注射疫苗。疫苗中的细菌污染可能导致严重的局部反应、严重疾病或死亡。在某些疫苗中,在制造过程中添加了防腐剂,包括硫柳汞,以防止细菌生长。 人体很容易消除硫柳汞。硫柳汞不会在体内长时间停留,因此不会积聚并达到有害水平。当硫柳汞进入人体时,它会分解为乙基汞和硫代水杨酸盐,它们很容易被消除。 硫柳汞已被证明在用于疫苗中时是安全的。硫柳汞在医疗产品中的使用具有非常安全的记录。许多研究的数据表明,没有证据表明疫苗中低剂量硫柳汞会造成伤害。 疫苗中硫柳汞有一些副作用。最常见的副作用是注射部位发红和肿胀等轻微反应。虽然很少见,但有些人可能对硫柳汞过敏。 科学研究并未显示硫柳汞与自闭症之间存在联系。研究并未显示疫苗中的硫柳汞与自闭症(一种神经发育障碍)之间存在任何联系。许多进行良好的研究得出的结论是,疫苗中的硫柳汞不会导致自闭症的发展。即使在几乎所有儿童疫苗中都去除了硫柳汞之后,自闭症发病率仍在继续增加,这与硫柳汞导致自闭症的预期相反。 硫柳汞于 2001 年在美国从儿童疫苗中取出。麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹 (MMR) 疫苗没有也从来没有含有硫柳汞。水痘(水痘)、灭活脊髓灰质炎 (IPV) 和肺炎球菌结合疫苗也从未含有硫柳汞。流感 (flu) 疫苗目前有含硫柳汞(用于多剂量疫苗小瓶)和不含硫柳汞的两种版本。 有关疫苗及其硫柳汞含量水平的完整列表,请参阅美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 疫苗中的硫柳汞外部图标 页。这个图表pdf 图标[PDF – 4 页] 显示按疫苗分类的疫苗成分。 Thimerosal and VaccinesQuestions and ConcernsThimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that has been used for decades in the United States in multi-dose vials (vials containing more than one dose) of medicines and vaccines. There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure. About ThimerosalMercury is a naturally occurring element found in the earth’s crust, air, soil, and water. Two types of mercury to which people may be exposed — methylmercury and ethylmercury — are very different. Methylmercury is the type of mercury found in certain kinds of fish. At high exposure levels methylmercury can be toxic to people. In the United States, federal guidelines keep as much methylmercury as possible out of the environment and food, but over a lifetime, everyone is exposed to some methylmercury. Thimerosal contains ethylmercury, which is cleared from the human body more quickly than methylmercury, and is therefore less likely to cause any harm. Thimerosal prevents the growth of bacteria in vaccines.Thimerosal is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose (multi-dose vials) to prevent growth of germs, like bacteria and fungi. Introduction of bacteria and fungi has the potential to occur when a syringe needle enters a vial as a vaccine is being prepared for administration. Contamination by germs in a vaccine could cause severe local reactions, serious illness or death. In some vaccines, preservatives, including thimerosal, are added during the manufacturing process to prevent germ growth. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal/index.html |