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依据网评员枪手纯属个人行为线索.竟查出布什前1天巨额卖空川普股 2024-07-18 00:38:39

 政府就是有组织的欺骗。— 英国首相希斯










REVEALED: The firm that took the suspicious and enormous bet against President Trump’s Truth Social stock ($DJT) ONE DAY before the assassination attempt is Austin Private Wealth LLC, majority held by George Soros’ Vanguard and BlackRock. Coincidentally, BlackRock, the party that would have greatly profited from President Trump’s death, included the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, in a 2022 promotional video. Alex Soros infamously shared an Atlantic Magazine cover image which featured a bullet hole in glass, followed by a picture of cash which added up to the number 47, a message some interpreted as a cryptic death threat against President Trump. Austin Private Wealth LLC is also connected to the late-President George H.W. Bush, who was a client, and through his son, President George W. Bush, who attended events and was involved in the company's charitable initiatives. Bush family close associate James A. Baker III, a former Secretary of State and H.W.’s White House Chief of Staff, has served as the firms Senior Policy Director since its inception in 2006. Being that this was the largest bet the firm has ever taken, it’s fair to presume Baker had a role in making it. It’s also important to remember the moment H.W. made a Sicilian style death motion toward a tv showing President Trump decimating his son Jeb during the 2016 Presidential primary. Lastly, Austin Private Wealth LLC, according to their website, directly supports the ACLU, ADL Austin, Shalom Austin, Jewish Community Center, Camp Young Judaea, Congregation Beth Israel, Austin Jewish Academy, and Hadassah.

NEW: Soon-to-be unmasked entities bet that President Trump’s $DJT stock would plummet ONE DAY before the assassination attempt. Shorts against the Truth Social stock more than doubled from July 1 -July 12, meaning, people or large organizations were predicting that by Monday the stock would plummet, something that undoubtedly would have occurred had President Trump died in Pennsylvania. This could mean some had foreknowledge of the plot against President Trump’s life and tried to profit off the coming calamity. This also happened on 9/11, where bets were placed against the stocks of major airline companies American and United a day before the attack. An investigation showed that in both cases a single entity and a well placed insider newsletter tipped off investors to miraculously bet against the top two airlines in USA, who took a major hit after the hijackings.




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作者:Pascal 回复 老度 留言时间:2024-07-18 17:16:30

度老的反义疑问句,直戳问题的核心。或许,开始想的是,不会有人注意;后来呢,“ 反正人已经被刺杀了,你能怎么着? ”不在乎你们怎么反应。

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作者:Pascal 回复 天雅 留言时间:2024-07-18 17:10:43


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作者:老度 留言时间:2024-07-18 07:39:26


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作者:天雅 留言时间:2024-07-18 01:13:42

听塔克RNC访谈提到,在宣布万斯作VP前48小时,很多捐助者和党内人士游说川普反对万斯。我就在猜,幕后操手很可能是共和党建制派中倒川的 Linken Project 那帮人。。。科州选票除名案,和另一些缠讼川普案后面,也有同一伙人的影子。

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