認知決定國運千年 認知決定你的性命
你是鍵盤挺普滅澤 我是以命援俄!
空洞自足,沒完沒了 ————
已有 2964 次閱讀 2009-6-17 15:44
近日閱讀《原始思維》。《原始思維》是列維-布留爾得到 世界公認的名著。一路看下來,感到出彩之處頗多,受益匪淺。 不料在 第447頁 處有這樣一段文字:
Chinese scientific knowledge affords a striking example of this arrested development. It has produced immense encyclopedias of astronomy, physics, chemistry, physiology, pathology, therapeutics and the like,
中國的科學,就是發展停滯的一個怵目驚心的例子。 它產生了天文學、物理學、化學、生理學、病理學、 治療學以及諸如此類的浩如煙海的百科全書。
and to our minds all this is nothing but balderdash.
但在我們看來, 所以這一切只不過是扯淡。
怎麼可以在許多世紀中付出這樣多的勤勞和機智 而其結果卻完全等於零呢?
這是由於許多原因造成的, 但無疑主要的是由於這些所謂的科學中的每一種 都是奠基在僵化的概念上, 而這些概念從來沒有受到過經驗的檢驗, 它們差不多只是包含着一些帶上神秘的前關聯的 未經實際證實的概念。 這些概念所具有的抽象的和一般的形式可以容許 一種表面上合邏輯的分析與綜合的雙重過程, 而這個永遠是空洞的自足的過程可以沒完沒了地繼續下去。
How can so much effort and skill have been expended in the long course of ages, and their product be absolutely nil? This is due to a variety of causes, no doubt, but above all to the fact that the foundation of each of these so-called sciences rests upon crystallized concepts, concepts which have never really been submitted to the test of experience, and which contain scarcely anything beyond vague and unverifiable notions with mystic pre- connections. The abstract, general form in which these concepts are clothed allows of a double process of analysis and synthesis which is apparently logical, and this process, always futile yet ever self-satisfied, is carried on to infinity.
Those who are best acquainted with the Chinese mentality—like De Groot, for instance—almost despair of seeing it free itself from its shackles and cease revolving on its own axis.
—— How Natives Think , pp. 380-81
balderdash (ˈbɔl dərˌdæʃ) n.
senseless, stupid, or exaggerated talk or writing; nonsense. [1590–1600; of obscure orig.]
說實話,列維-布留爾的這段文字讓我讀來怵目驚心。 作者對原始思維的研究深入細緻,評論客觀公允, 怎麼在述及中國古代科學時,且不論正確與否, 會帶有如此強烈的感情色彩? 這段引文中的最後一句話尤其令我震撼。 在相當程度上, 這段話確是對國人延續至今之思維方式的深刻把握: and this process, always futile yet ever self-satisfied, is carried on to infinity. 空洞自足,沒完沒了。
https://archive.org/details/shijiemingzhuA/A0311%E5%8E%9F%E5%A7% 8B%E6%80%9D%E7%BB%B4/page/n456/mode/1up?view=theater
在醫院特設的注射疫苗的大棚外面,排着長長的隊, 儘管都是經過預約的。看到這種令人興奮的場面,