区区 2500万 美元 订购一批大黄蜂式杀人飞行机,足以屠杀掉
半个 城市人口;500万?还是2500万人口的城市呢? 你以为呢?
你嫌杀人数目 不够多么? 追加采购预算资金,就是了!
Slaughterbots—An Inevitable Reality of combining AI, drones and miniaturization
子弹(!)、 无害人群,仅 用三公克炸药、炸开锁定目标的头骨
天灵盖 !
本文末尾,有位同志对此 Gadget 的认识,上升到了这样一个
智能杀人飞行机 —— 言论自由的末日终结 !
的天下奇宝, 要叩见中共中央 宣传部部长 刘奇葆 刘 大 人 ......
见识一下,就这么个大小:Lethal Microdrone / Slaughterbot
它的飞行速度可以躲避子弹,一旦锁定了你的头盖骨,你, 还活得了么?!
UC Berkeley professor’s ‘slaughterbots’ video on
killer drones goes viral
By Lukas Mikelionis November 21, 2017
A UC Berkeley computer science professor helped to create a video
that imagined a world where nuclear weapons were replaced by
swarms of autonomous tiny drones that could kill half a city and are
virtually unstoppable.
Stuart Russell, the professor, said these drones are already a reality.
The video takes the viewer to an auditorium where a speaker
showcases a drone roughly the size of a mockingbird. At one point
the drone lands on his hand, the speaker quickly recalibrates it and
then throws it out into the audience again. After a few seconds, the
small drone turns back to the stage and crashes into the forehead of
a dummy standing off to the left of the speaker.
The demonstration was meant to show how a palm-sized drone is
capable of penetrating a human’s skull and destroying “the
contents" inside.
The video was released earlier this month by the Future of Life
Institute, which is backed by Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk. It
was presented by Russell at a United Nations Convention on
Conventional Weapons in Geneva, according to The Mercury News.
“Trained as a team, [the drones] can penetrate buildings, cars, trains,
all while having the capacity to evade any countermeasure. They
cannot be stopped,” the speaker told the audience in the video.
He noted that “a $25 million order” can now buy a swarm of such
tiny “slaughterbots” that could kill half a city.
Russell said that although A.I.’s “potential to benefit humanity is
enormous, even in defense,” allowing the widespread use of
machines that “choose to kill humans will be devastating to our
security and freedom.”
“Thousands of my fellow researchers agree. But the window to act
is closing fast,” he said.
网络热传。( Stop Autonomous Weapons YouTube视频截图 )
加州大学伯克利分校一名计算机教授制作的无人机屠杀人类的影片在 网络热传。这名教授在视频中警告,这些屠杀机器人已真实存在,人 类采取行动制止的机会之窗正在关闭中。
英国知名物理学家霍金(Stephen Hawking)2014年接受英国广播公司(BBC) 专访时表示,人工智能的发展确实对人类有帮助,但是如果持 续发展下去,恐怕会导致人类灭绝。
加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学教授图尔特・罗素( Stuart Russell ) 近日完成一个有关无人机屠杀人类的视频“终止自动武器”( Stop Autonomous Weapons )并于11月12日将其上传至YouTube,截至美东时 间21日,点阅次数超过110万。
福克斯新闻报导,在这个虚构故事的视频中,一名演讲者向观众展示 一个比手掌还小,像一只小鸟的无人机。在这名演讲者演说时,无人 机从舞台后方飞了出来,不时地瞄准演讲者的脑部,最后,演讲者将 手伸出来,无人机降落在他的手掌上。
接着,演讲者将无人机扔进观众群,无人机重新校准后,转身飞回舞 台上,精准地撞进了舞台左侧的一个假人的额头正中间,“夺取假人 脑部内的信息”。
演讲者说,想像在一个世界里,密密麻麻的无人机取代核武器,毁灭 半个城市,而且人类几乎是无能为力,只能任由无人机屠杀人类。
接下来,这个演讲者播放一段虚构的情节,无人机执行空袭式的“外 科手术”,狙击坏家伙。主讲人说,无人机可以被训练成狙击小组进 入建筑物、车辆、火车厢等任何场合,躲开坏人的枪弹,几乎无人可 以阻挡。
他接着说:“现在,一笔2,500万美元的订单,就可以买下足以摧毁 一个城市五成人口的屠杀机器人。”
这个视频获得霍金及特斯拉首席执行官马斯克( Elon Musk )的支持, 罗素日前在日内瓦的联合国常规武器大会( United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapon )上公开播放。
他说,虽然人工智能造福人类的潜力很大,即便在防御方面的贡献也 很可观,但是容许大范围地使用具杀伤力的无人机,对人类的安全及 自由,将造成“毁灭性的后果”。
Wow! 你赶上现场直播讲解的了!
智能杀人飞行机 —— 言论自由的末日终结 !