在面对困难与心情不佳时,常听When you believe这首歌.这首歌是动画片The prince of Egypt的主题歌.由当时的两位超级歌手Whitney & Mariah联裾配唱.这个片子是根据圣经故事改编的.圣经说犹太人有一支流落到了埃及,总是受当地人的欺负.当中有个叫摩西的就对上帝发誓,一定要带着族人回到以色列去.于是摩西就带着老老小小走出埃及,要徒步走回去.这首歌就是来讲述摩西以及其他同他一样历经身心困顿的人们所经历的心理波折.这首歌的曲子偏深沉,但是每次听到Whitney以激昂的歌喉应着这个曲子时,心情就会平静许多.从这个歌里我明白:当前途怎么看都不光明时,希望就会变得非常渺小,但是再怎么渺小的希望却总是莫名其妙地牢牢地永存心中,不会轻易地消失.同时,人也会本能地去赞美这个渺小的希望.其实人更在意是否肯为看似遥不可及的梦想做出坚定的付出,因为很多情况下根本就不知何为奇迹,但却固执地坚信它会出现.很多时候祈祷没有人听,而为一个渺茫希望的祈祷却能执着地支撑一个困惑又坚定的心.困境肯定都不能够顺利地走出,但走出后总会有一个明白让自己感叹,那就是困难不可怕,可怕的是心中没有希望.其实走出困境含义就是让时间帮助我们有能力正视自己与自己所面临的困境,进而看淡它.这需要时间,而非常不容易渡过就是这段时间.不过呢,走出去,前面是个天.这首歌的歌词就在下面. WHEN YOU BELIEVE Many nights we've prayed With no proof anyone could hear In our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood Now we are not afraid Although we know there's much to fear We were moving mountains Long before we knew we could There can be miracles When you believe Though hope is frail It's hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe In this time of fear When prayer so often proves in vain Hope seemed like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away Yet now I'm standing here My heart's so full, I can't explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say So in times when all your hope is gone And you go through life afraid In your heart there lies a hopeful song That is there to guide the way And all the hurt and all the pain You soon will learn was not in vain For all your prayers, they will be heard They'll come to pass through faith |