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9岁男孩的奇幻之梦 2007-02-11 16:47:04


    I woke up and found myself at a world where machines work everywhere. I stared down the windows, and found robots in motorcycles, nailing  papers at poles, houses buildings and side walks.

    I hurried down the kitchen and found a robot, size of a mouse, panicking and running in circles at the dining table. I asked the robot,

    \"What\'s wrong?\"

    The robot stopped and answered,

    \"Because, advanced robotic soldiers will attack the whole colony!\"

    And before the robot start running again, I asked

    \"Can I help?\"

    The robot replied,

    \"Oh sure, there \'s weapons at the shop. Here\'s some money.\" He gave me fifty huge pieces of metals.

    \"Thanks!\" I told him.


    I went outside, called for a taxi, and entered a shop, and in no time, found myself in the \'weapons\' aisle. I saw everything from atomic bombs to zebra disguises. I calculated all of the weapons and saw that I could afford all of it, So I bought all of it. The shopkeeper gave me 35 pieces of metals, I asked the shopkeeper,

    \"Where should I go if I\'m about to destroy our enemies?\"

    \"You\'ll just have to go  to the place next to here.\" Replied the shopkeeper.


    I left the building, and went to a robot and with a crystal ball. I asked the same question I asked the shopkeeper.

    \"It\'s right here.\" The robot answered.

    \"But how?\" I questioned.

    \"I ... can make ... an army ...\" Shouted the robot, while the ball grew lighter and lighter.

    The ball flashed robots, some as small as bacteria, and some as huge as giants.

    After a few moments, the ball stopped, the robots grabbed my weapons and the robot hurriedly said,

    \"The invaders will be here at tomorrow afternoon!\" And held a sign that looked exactly like the motorcycle robot\'s paper, It says:

                Daily Fictional

        Attention! Attention! A citizen overheard

        the colonies enemies that they are going to

        take over the colony by tomorrow afternoon!!!!

    \"Sounds awful!\" I replied.

    \"It\'s worse than awful!\" Yelled the robot, \"We need to get to work!\"

    He gave me a broken time traveler, \"This will transport you to earth, while this will destroy all the enemies you wish! Except the leader!\" Told the robot while getting a golden box and he told me that only a human can open it.

     \"So when do you want me to open it?\" I asked.

    \"Open it near the invading army!\" Replied the robot.

    After a few hours, we fixed the teleporter, we ate lunch and dinner together, I even slept with them!


    Tomorrow, I ate breakfast, bought and played games, and planned the war. When we saw the army approaching , I ran as fast as a cheetah at its fastest speed, I soon got crammed into the iron body of the soldiers, but opened the box as a pinkish purple light surrounded us, squished us like sauce in a spaghetti meal. The light blinded me while burning soldiers, while blaster beams hit by our army, hit and shrunk the leader. Thousands of robot citizens crowded near the light while I tried to reach the teleporter. I jumped and luckily went through the teleporter and \"POOF!!!\"  


    I found myself in my bed, my mom called me down to my dining table. I rushed to the table. My mom asked,

    \"Good dream?\"

    \"Yes, very good dream.\" I proclaimed.

    \"How good?\" questioned my mom.

    \"Very good!\" I answered.

    But I never told her what actually happened.

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