37天过後, 北美又一起两车迎头相撞
Honda Civic 应当是无畏疾行, Honda Pilot很可能减速避让,致使Civic

说得好。当时看见这篇文章时就说,想必是方头方脑的 Honda Pilot 46岁
奥沙华市车祸 两车迎头相撞男子重伤
大多伦多地区奥沙华市(Oshawa)Mahina Street和Thornton Road North附近在今天凌晨约2时发生两车迎头相撞严重车祸,一辆Pontiac G6 房车沿Thornton Road North向北行驶,突然失控铲入南行线,与一辆黑色的丰田(Toyota)小货车迎头相撞。25岁的Pontiac 男司机身受重伤,要用救护直升机急孰多市新宁医院救治,而46岁小货车女司机则仅受轻伤。
错误的道路 渔阳山人
2015-02-28 11:22:37
8点15分,我开车去上班。我的路线是∶先开到一条州际高速公路上向西走2英里,再转到一条本地的高速公路上向南走7英里,然後拐到一条小街上走1 英里,最後进入另一条州际高速公路,向南再走8英里。轻车熟路,走了不知多少遍,没有任何值得记忆的事情发生,乏味至极。
可是昨天早晨却有些不寻常。刚上州际高速,就发现西行的车流比平日慢,大约只有45 mph。等到我进入本地高速的引道,赫然发现平日空无一车的引道上,居然蜿蜿蜒蜒地走着一长串车,车速不过15 mph。
“出事了?”我嘀咕着开上本地高速,发现这里的三条车道上塞满了车,所幸车流还在缓缓移动。5分钟後,车速从15 mph降到10 mph,然後又降到5 mph,最後完全动弹不得,高速公路变成了一个巨大的停车场。
我在开车时,总是开着收音机收听一家新闻电台的广播。此时电台刚刚报完天气预报,开始播报交通状况。突然,它提到了我走的这条本地高速,这是很新奇的。这家电台位于25英里之外的大都市,平时主要报道城市和近郊的公交和路况,今天居然垂青我们这荒郊野外的小地方,真有点受宠若 的感觉。
然而,它报道的不是好消息。我听到的是“wrong way”、“head-on collision”还有“lanes closed”这样一串不详的词语。果真出了大事故!
後面的二十多分钟,车时走时停,那家电台把这坏消息也播了好几遍。我得知∶大约四个小时之前,清晨4点钟的样子,一辆Honda Civic走进了错误的道路(wrong way),在我现在行驶的南行车道上逆行,与一辆正常行驶的Honda Pilot迎头对撞。结果,Honda Pilot的司机当场死亡,肇事的Civic司机也撞成重伤,生命垂危。然而,Honda Civic是小型家庭轿车(sedan),而Pilot却是方头方脑的SUV,一个庞然大物。当小车撞上SUV时,吃大亏的往往是小车。如今竟是这样的结果,令人难以置信。
小伙子为什厶会走上错误的道路?警方正在调查。可能他是从出高速的引道逆行而入?但是出口处都有禁止驶入标志,他难道没看见?再说,这条高速公路有很宽的隔 带分开上下行车道,一个神志正常的人在进入wrong way後,应该很快就发现错误才是。也许他刚刚开进来就撞上了迎面而来的警官的车?也许他是醉鬼或者受到什厶药物的影响?我所担心的是∶这条路我天天走,有时也会因为工作原因走夜路,丌一哪天遇上这厶一位怎厶办?
昨天,我不时想象着这种可怕的情形,希望能够想出一个可行的应急之道。我只能想到,在旁边车道无车时,可以紧急换车道避开来车。可是,如果他也想避开我呢?我们会不会避到同一条车道上去?Head-on collision是致命的,特别是在车速很高的情况下,air bag也不管用的。数年前的一个 诞夜,我的一个朋友在高速公路上遭遇逆行的醉鬼,在对撞中惨死,至今想来都无比痛惜。问题在于,当一个冒失鬼开车扑过来时,有几个人能机智镇定地避开大难?
作者:北方冷 留言时间:2015-03-07 22:26:25
写的不错, 很多人就是如此, 他们不想也不屑于去了解
具体, 恐怕说话晚了, 被人家当哑巴, 急于表态。
一点疑惑: 纪晓岚的书我没看过, 但是不大可能涉及到
dailynews.sina.com › 全球新闻 › 美国 › 新闻时政
2014年2月10日 - 佛州西南部一条公路9日清晨发生两车相撞,造成5人丧生的惨痛事故。 ... 现代索纳塔迎头相撞,导致休旅车立即引爆着火,车中男性司机当场死亡。
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2014年11月10日 - 原标题∶巴基斯坦两车迎头相撞致58人死或因大雾天引起 ... 信德省凯尔布尔县附近11日发生一起客车与卡车迎头相撞事故,目前已造成58人死亡。
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2012年6月2日 - 河南桐柏县警方2日称,1日发生在该县吴城乡境内的一宗货车、轿车相撞事故,已造成6人死亡。 处理此次事故的警方工作人员介绍,6月1日下午 ...
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2014年11月11日 - 中新网11月11日电 美联社报道,巴基斯坦南部信德省凯尔布尔县附近11日发生一起客车与卡车迎头相撞事故,目前已造成58人死亡。 警官霍克西 ...
www.worldjournal.com/.../article-康柯德 两车迎头撞一女... - 转为简体网页
2014年6月29日 - 康柯德两车迎头撞一女一童亡- 康柯德市警方表示,27日深夜发生两车迎头相撞事故,一名女子与一名女童身亡。 警方表示,27日晚11时,一名 ...
bbs.99people.com › 九九人网: 北美华人生活论坛 › 中国动态
2010年5月29日 - 九九人网: 北美华人生活论坛chinese yellow page, chinese classified info, ... [align=center][size=12px]这是5月28日拍摄的公交车相撞事故现场。
www. › 首页 › > 新闻 › > 北美新闻
2008年5月11日 - 美国宾夕凡尼亚州近俄亥俄州边境,周六有一辆客货车与一辆私家车迎头相撞,6人死亡。 - 北美新闻.
2015年1月21日 - 周三(1月21日)早上,一辆本田汽车与一辆雪佛兰Tahoe SUV在旧金山49人队新主场附近的路段发生迎头相撞的事故。
2014年2月10日 - 佛州西南部一条公路9日清晨发生两车相撞,造成5人丧生的惨痛事故。 ... 现代索纳塔迎头相撞,导致休旅车立即引爆着火,车中男性司机当场死亡。
2014年12月28日 - 多伦多警方表示,这宗巴士与街车迎头相撞的交通事故,发生于昨晨约10时30分。当时一 ... 目击者表示,两车相撞时发出如炸弹爆炸般的巨响。
Photos from scene of head-on collision on Umhlanga Rocks drive
Crisis Medical Paramedics were called to a serious Accident scene on 5 October at 20h10 on Umhlanga Rocks drive near the Rock church, on arrival on scene, paramedics found a horrible accident scene where two vehicles had collided head-on. Paramedics began to access to the patients, one patient was trapped inside his vehicle and paramedics began to treat and stabilize the patient in the vehicle, the patient sustained serious Head and chest injuries. The critical patient was extricated from the vehicle before being transported by Ambulance to hospital.
The three occupants from the other vehicle were treated and immobilized before being transported to hospital in a stable condition.
The exact cause of the accident is unknown, however DBN Collision Unit and all other officials were on scene and will conduct a full investigation.
Issued by: Neil Powell
Crisis Medical Media Spokesman
‘Oh My God! Oh My God!’: Cellphone Video Captures the Horrific Moment a Car Driving the Wrong Way Causes Fiery Head-on Collision
A second wrong-way crash on the other side of the country in California killed six people Sunday as well.
ugly scene. The Rock wrote a message on his Facebook in regards to this:
“My mom and cousin (Lina Fanene) were struck head on by a drunk driver this week ˉ they survived. My first reaction was to find the person who did this and do unrelenting harm to them. But then you realize the most important thing is that my family lived thru this and we can hug each other that much tighter these days. Hug your own family that much tighter today and be grateful you can look them in the eyes and say, “I love you”. Bear hugs and gratitude. Drunk driving accidents are 100% preventable. #ChoicesMatter“
His hashtag is 100% correct; Choices matter. These things are preventable and his family were one of the lucky few who were able to make it out alive.
A person kneels by the wreckage at the scene where a minivan collided head-on with an SUV, killing two male drivers near Bovaird Drive West and Worthington ...
Local News: Head-on collision results in fatality, serious injuries (04/25/13)
Three sorority sisters heading off for spring break are all killed in highway smash when wrong-way woman driver hits them head on
Driver Winifred Lein, 69, also died after going wrong way on Ohio highway
Two other students seriously injured - Angelica Mormile and Kayla Somoles
Crash happened on Interstate 75 south of Toledo this morning at 2:30am
Rebekah Blakkolb, 20, Christina Goyett, 19, and Sarah Hammond, 21, died
Police said students were helpless and could've done nothing to avoid it
The girls were among 16 going on holiday to Dominican Republic resort
UPDATED: 14:32 GMT, 4 March 2012
A driver travelling the wrong way on a road crashed head-on into a car carrying five students going away for spring break, killing herself, three of the students and leaving two other students injured.
The three Bowling Green State University sorority sisters heading out of town were killed in the accident this morning at 2:30am on Interstate 75 south of Toledo, Ohio, just miles from the campus.
It happened at a crest in the highway and the northbound student who was driving, Christina Goyett, had no warning, police said. The woman, Winifred Lein, 69, of Perrysburg, Ohio, was travelling alone.
All dead: Christina Goyett, Sarah Hammond and Rebekah Blakkolb (left-to-right) seen in their school photos
Tragedy: Three sisters were killed in this car after it crashed head-on into another car driving the wrong way
The students killed were Rebekah Blakkolb, 20, a junior from Aurora, Ohio; Miss Goyett, 19, a sophomore from Bay City, Michigan; and Sarah Hammond, 21, a junior from Yellow Springs, Ohio.
'I don't think the college girls ever saw it coming. Nothing they could have done to avoid the crash'
Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn
The injured were freshman Angelica Mormile, 19, from Garfield Heights, Ohio; and Kayla Somoles, 19, a sophomore from Cleveland, Ohio. There were 16 of them going to a Dominican Republic resort.
‘I don't think the college girls ever saw it coming,’ Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn said. ‘Nothing they could have done to avoid the crash.’
‘The college girls apparently did nothing wrong. They were just driving northbound and a woman driving in the opposite direction in the wrong way on the roadway hit them head-on.’
Wreckage: The students were driving a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix, and three of them were killed by the crash
Destroyed: Ms Lein, 69, was in a 1999 Plymouth Breeze which burst into flames following the crash
The university said the students were members of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. The school's president Mary Ellen Mazey said on Facebook that the two students were hospitalised with serious injuries.
The students were driving a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix while Ms Lein was in a 1999 Plymouth Breeze which burst into flames following the crash, police told student newspaper BG News.
Christina was driving the vehicle and Angelica was in the front passenger seat. Kayla was in the right rear seat, Rebekah was in the rear middle and Sarah was in the rear left.
Rebekah was taken to hospital and later died there, but Christina and Sarah died at the scene - as well as Ms Lein. Christina and Angelica were wearing seatbelts, but Rebekah and Kayla were not.
Dead: Two of the students killed in the accident on Interstate 75 south of Toledo, Ohio, were Rebekah Blakkolb, left, 20, a junior from Aurora, Ohio; and Sarah Hammond, right, 21, a junior from Yellow Springs, Ohio
Tragic: Christina Goyett, left and right, 19, a sophomore from Bay City, Michigan, was also killed on Friday
In hospital: Two other students were injured - Angelica Mormile, 19, left, and Kayla Somoles, 19, right
Ms Lein was wearing a seatbelt but it's unknown if Sarah had one on, reported the BG News.
'The college girls apparently did nothing wrong. They were just driving northbound and a woman driving in the opposite direction in the wrong way on the roadway hit them head-on'
Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn
Four drivers called 911 after 2:10am to report a car going south in the northbound lanes of the road - and another car of students in convoy with Christina's vehicle was almost hit too.
Court records show Ms Lein had been previously cited locally for a lane change violation. She pleaded guilty in September 2002 to the traffic violation and was told to pay $61 court costs.
Christina's family friend Dee Bishop said she had left with friends planning to be at Detroit airport by 2am on Friday in preparation for a 5:30am flight.
More than 250 people went to St Thomas More University Parish at the university for a lunchtime mass
Grief: The mass was held by Father Mike Dandurand in remembrance of the students who have died
Mourning: Students gather outside the Alpha Xi Delta sorority house on Friday after three members died
The university's spring break begins tomorrow.
Ms Bishop called Goyett a wonderful, happy positive person who loved animals and children, who was was studying English but thought she might become a special education teacher.
Rebekah Blakkolb, 20, Aurora, Ohio
Christina Goyett, 19, Bay City, Michigan
Sarah Hammond, 21, Yellow Springs, Ohio
Winifred Lein, 69, Perrysburg, Ohio
Angelica Mormile, 19, Garfield Hts., Ohio.
Kayla Somoles, 19, Cleveland, Ohio
More than 250 people gathered at St Thomas More University Parish at the university for a lunchtime mass held by Father Mike Dandurand in remembrance of the students who have died.
It was the second school tragedy in five days in Ohio. On Monday, three students were fatally shot and two others wounded at Chardon High School. T.J. Lane, 17, was charged.
Ten years ago six Bowling Green students, all aged 19, were killed returning home from a spring break trip to Panama City, Florida, in March 2002, when their minivan slid into oncoming traffic and was struck.
Authorities said severe winds and heavy rain may have contributed to that crash in 2002, which happened on Interstate 71 near Verona, Kentucky, about 25 miles south of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sadness: People embrace near the Alpha Xi Delta sorority on Friday on the campus of Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio, as news filtered through of the students' deaths in the early morning
Wreckage: The accident occurred at a crest in the highway and the student who was driving had no warning
Location: The three girls heading out of town were killed in the accident this morning on Interstate 75
Bowling Green State University, which has a $300million operating budget and costs up to $25,604 a year to attend, was founded 102 years ago and has more than 22,000 students from 70 countries.
Do you ever get to a point in your day where you feel like giving up on the world? I hit that point pretty early on today. The kid being perfect for my husband but ignoring every word I had to say didn’t give me the greatest start to my day. Annoying my husband by having to repeat myself to the child over and over didn’t help either, so I left feeling pretty crummy. After dropping the boy at daycare, I was almost t-boned by a Mustang who was paying zero attention to the world around him and total attention to whatever was in his hand (I’m assuming a phone, but it was dark). This happens quite frequently around daycare; people from all directions all either assume they have the right of way over everyone else or simply pay no mind to any car or pedestrian that may be in their path. If my husband and I weren’t accustomed to it (which we shouldn’t have to be), I suspect we would have been in an accident or two by now.
After getting the hell away from that Mustang, I ended up stuck behind a white car that not only insisted on going 25 miles below the speed limit, but insisted on trying to brake check me every 100 feet or so. When I reached a point in the road where I could pass the car, it swerved over to straddle the middle line, leaving me no room to pass. Lucky for me, the car turned onto a different road after a few minutes and spared me the annoyance of being stuck for too long. When I lived in Connecticut, cars that wished to drive slower than the speed limit would always pull over to let cars pass. It happened less frequently in Georgia, but still enough to keep my hope alive that people do care about others around them. Now? I can’t remember ever having this happen unless you count the occasional farmer that pulls his massive equipment off of the road to let cars pass. No one cares who they slow down and everyone seems to get incredibly offended if you dare try to pass them.
On the flipside, yesterday it was my husband and I that were too slow. In the morning, we were politely passed by a car that felt we weren’t accelerating quickly enough after passing through a four way stop. In the afternoon, we were passed by a thoughtless dickhole that was seemingly offended by our decision to go the speed limit on a country road. The car passed us and quickly cut back in front of our car. This bugs me to no end. I can almost excuse it if the person you’re passing is driving like a moron and you want to silently tell them to get it together. But the car that passed us had no valid reason to be annoyed and no urgency to get back over, as there were no other cars coming. The guy/girl just wanted to be an ass. Whoever you are, I hope you end up in a ditch.
When I arrived at work this morning, I had to change parking spaces because of the moronic way people choose to park in our giant lot. I then had to weave through security while three middle-aged women with backpacks on wheels decided that they were handicapped in some way, skipped the line, and went through the handicap accessible entrance. This bugs me just as much as when people steal handicap parking spaces. The handicap doors and line is not for lazy, entitled people. It’s for the guy in my building with no arms, the lady with one leg, the people in wheelchairs, and those on crutches. If the blind guy that works here can go through the regular line, you suitcase toting folk can do so as well. Fat and/or tired is not a handicap.
The whole abuse of the handicap line definitely bothers me more than it has any right to, but I don’t think it’s okay for people to skip the regular line and breeze through the automatic doors simply because they think that the extra 20lbs on their body gives them the right to do so. There have been times when the security guard checking badges will tell these people to use the regular line, but for the most part he doesn’t have the time or the patience to do so, so the lazy crowd takes full advantage. What gets me is the feeling of entitlement that these people have. Newsflash: you aren’t entitled to special treatment. You’re not special. I’m not special. Quit acting as if the world owes you something.