一部鲁迅先生力荐“立此存照”的书籍,一部逼真描述 中国人德行的书籍,一位在华居住34年的美国人122年 前惊动世界之作。 (《中国人德行》,新世界出版社)
作为近代中国改造民族性或国民性思潮最杰出的象征性人物的鲁迅先 生,其思想经历,可以说典型地见证了这一点。早在留日期间的20世 纪初年,鲁迅就曾读到涩江保所译的《中国人气质》一书[32]。他后 来塑造著名的文学形象"阿Q",对顾全"面子"、喜欢"做戏"和充当"看 客"(冷漠旁观)、"主奴根性"与"自欺",缺乏诚信和社会之爱、喜欢 瞒和骗、保守巧滑等"国民性"的体认、描写和讥刺等,受到该书观点 某种程度影响的事实,已有不少学者给予过研究和揭示,并为学界所 熟知。从1926年7月到1936年10月,鲁迅曾四次提到明恩溥此书及日 本人对其观点的吸纳。他并不完全赞同明氏的观点,甚至认为其错误 不少,但却多次强调该书对反思中国国民性的价值,希望能够翻译给 国人看。如1933年10月在致陶亢德的信中,他就写道: "日本方在发生新的'支那通',而尚无真'通'者。至于攻击中国弱点, 则至今为止,大概以斯密司之《中国人气质》为蓝本,此书在四十年 前,他们已有译本,亦较日本人所做为佳,似尚值得译给中国人一看 (虽然错误亦多),但不知英文本尚在通行否耳"。[33] 1936年10月5日,也就是其逝世前14天,在读到辱华影片《上海快车》 的有关评论后,鲁迅又一次以语重心长的笔调写道: "不看'辱华电影',于自己是并无益处的,不过自己不看见,闭着眼 睛浮肿着而已。但看了而不反省,却也并无益处。我至今还在希望有 人翻出斯密斯的《支那人气质》来。看了这些,而自省,分析,明白 哪几点说的对,变革、挣扎,自做工夫,却不求别人的原谅和称赞, 来证明究竟怎样的是中国人"。 http://www.lishiyushehui.cn/modules/topic/detail.php?topic_id=21


Arthur Henderson Smith 亚瑟·亨·史密斯,中文名明恩溥(1845-1932)是美国公理 会教士,1845年7月生于美国康涅狄格州(Connecticut),二十二岁毕业于比罗耶特大 学(Beloit College),二十六岁时与同学狄更生女士(Emma Dickinson)结婚,享 伉俪生活五十五年之久。1872年来华,在天津传教。后不久到山东,从事传教与救灾等 工作。自1880年后,他久居于恩县庞家庄,从事于农村布道、医药、慈善、教育等事业, 有二十五年之久。后来他在国际上得享盛名,大半由于他从山东这一带农村所得的经验 里所发表的文章。最早发表的是《中国的格言与谚语》(The Proverbs and Common Sayings of the Chinese)。1872年来中国后,他广泛接触中国社会各阶层人物,尤 其对中国最底层的农民生活十分熟悉。他在中国传教多年,凭着自己对中国的了解和思 考,写了许多有关中国的精彩篇章寄回美国的报刊发表。 明恩溥于 1906年返美,也就是在这一年,他为中国做了一件大事。
1906年3月6日,西奥多·罗斯福总统(Theodore Roosevelt)邀请 明氏在白宫午宴。宴后明氏向总统建议美国可退还庚款予中国。明氏 所申述的种种理由,以其热烈的情绪表现,激烈雄辩的口才,使罗斯 福总统于聆听之下大受感动。用明氏自己的话:“我预先准知道我要 说的是什么?并且当时清清楚楚地对总统一直说出来……总统像一个 电机似的,感觉非常灵敏,易为磁力所吸引,简直不能使他安静片刻。 他在我讲话的进行中。不时插言,以兴奋与郑重的语气说道:‘明博 士,我完全与你同意,就告诉我你要我做什么’……这个问题,就是 把二千万的庚子赔款要用在与中国有益的事业,特别是供给中国的学 生到美国来留学……总统回答说:‘你给我写一封信,说明你想应当 如何做。你最好也去到国务院见罗特(Elihu Root)谈谈。’…… 我随后就到了国务院,陈述了我的意见。”
十天后,在3月16日,总统致明氏一函,大意说:“我非常快乐地读 了你的两部大作,迥非它书所能比拟。我觉得对于中国的了解加深了 许多……前次会晤,至为愉快。对于我们所谈关于中美庚款的事,尊 意以为我能作什么,请即示知为盼……今日德国大使曾对我说在他读 过的所有关于中国的出版品中,尊著是最好的。”
4月3日,总统在复明氏的函内说:“……我极赞成你所建议的政策。 但庚款之退还一举,是否不被中国看为是一种示弱的行为,我也不能 不有所踌躇。但除非有反面的重要理由发生,我颇倾向取决于你的判 断。我也要与国务院的罗特商谈此事。自然你也知道我是不能控制国 会的行为。但我要在行政方面尽我的力量,并且也要与国内教育文化 机关共同努力,促进此事之实现。”
由总统的热心支持,庚款退还的议案遂得顺利地在国会通过。此后造 就了数千留美的各种人才,创办了完备的清华大学,并促进了中美的 邦交。均为明氏建议的结果。在明氏最初发表其意见时,论者笑之。 讥为一时的情感与幻想。及至此建议实现之后,在二三十年内各国人 士亦发表了种种的批评。但于近几年内其他各国也都跟着美国的脚步 把庚款一一退还中国了。今日饮水思源,吾人不能不归功于当日明氏 的卓见。
明氏在1932年8月31日去世,享年八十七岁。美国无线电及各处报纸均表示追悼。国务 院电唁其家属,表示哀悼之意,并称颂其在远东之功绩。在杂志中有不少纪念他的文章。
The individual who has done you a favour, for which it was impossible to arrange at the time a money payment, politely but firmly declines the gratuity which you think it right to send him in token of your obligation. What he says is that it would violate all the Five Constant Virtues for him to accept anything of you for such an insignificant service, and that you wrong- him by offering it, and would disgrace him by insisting on his acceptance of it. What does this mean? It means that his hopes of what you would give him were blighted by the smallriess of the amount; and that like Oliver Twist, he ''wants more.'' / And yet it. may not mean this after all, but may be an intimation ,' that there is something else which happens at the time to be morel serviceable to him than your money, and which he must give upj hoping for if he takes the money. Or it is possible, that the real meaning is, that though the money is desirable, there is I a probability that you will at some future time have it in your power to give him something which will be even more desirable, to the acquisition of which the present payment would be a bar, so that he prefers to leave it an open question, till such time as his own best move is obvious. '
If the Chinese are thus guarded when they speak of their interest, it follows from the universal dread of giving offence, that they will be more cautious about speaking of others, when thero is a possibility of trouble arising in consequence. Fond as they are of gossip and all kinds of small talk, the Chinese distinguish with a ready intuition cases in which it will not do to be too> communicative, and under these circumstances, especially where foreigners are concerned, they are the grave of whatever they/ happen to know. In multitudes .of instances the stolid looking people by whom we are surrounded could give us "points," the possession of which would cause a considerable change in our conduct toward others. But unless they clearly see in what way they are to be benefitted by the result, and protected against the risks, the instinct of reticence will prevail, and our friends will maintain an agnostic silence.
一个人帮了你的忙,而你又不可能立刻付钱报答,事后你再送去,他 会有礼貌地坚辞不受。他会说,为了这点不足挂齿的小事而要了你任 何东西,会有损“五常” ①,如果你坚持要送给他那是错看了他,硬要 他接受那你就贬低了他。这些话是什么意思呢?意思是:这么一点钱 与他对你抱的希望相去甚远,像奥列佛·特维斯特②,“想要更多”。也 可能根本不是这个意思,而是一种暗示,想让你现在或将来尽你的能 力,给他更想要的什么,因此现在不能接受,他宁愿把这件事情放一 放,留待以后他自己有了好主意时再说。 ①译注:五常,指仁、义、礼、智、信。 ②译注:奥列佛·特维斯特(Oliver Twist),19世纪英国著名小 说家查尔斯·狄更斯同名小说的主人公,该书一译为《雾都孤儿》。
中国人谈及自己利益时都那么谨慎,谈及别人,尤其是可能会带 来麻烦,会得罪人,就更加小心了。中国人虽然喜欢闲聊,但他们凭 直觉就能分辨出哪些场合不宜说话过多。遇到这种场合,特别是有外 国人在场,他们就会像坟墓一样守口如瓶。大多数场合下,我们周围 不露声色的人会给我们一些“指点”,有了这些指点,我们待人接物就 会有很大的不同。但是,除非他们明显看出这样做有好处,而且不冒 风险,否则,他们沉默寡言的本能就会占上风,我们的这些朋友会保 持高深莫测的沉默。
Chinese nouns, as is by this time known to several, appear to be indeclinable. They are quite free from "gender" and "case." Chinese adjectives have no degrees of comparison. Chinese verbs are not hampered by any "voice," "mood," "tense," "number," or "person." There is no recognizable distinction between nouns, adjectives, and verbs, for any character may be used indiscriminately in either capacity (or incapacity) and no questions asked. We are not about to complain that the Chinese language cannot be made to convey human thought, nor that there are wide ranges of human thought which it is difficult or impossible to render intelligible in the Chinese language (though this appears to be a truth), but only to insist that such a language, so constructed, invites to " intellectual turbidity" as the incandescent heats of summer gently woo to afternoon repose. Nothing is more common in conversation with an educated Chinese, than to experience extreme difficulty in ascertaining what he is talking about. At times his remarks appear to consist exclusively of predicates, which are woven together in an intricate manner, the whole mass, seeming like Mahommed's coffin to hang in the air, attached to nothing whatever. To the mind of the speaker, the omission of a nominative is a point of no consequence. He knows what he is talking about, and it never occurs to him that this' somewhat important item of information is not conveyed to the mind of his auditor by any kind of intuition. It is remarkable what expert guessers long practice has made most Chinese, in reading a meaning into words which do not convey it, by the simple practice of supplying subjects or predicates as they happen to be lacking. It is often the most important word in the whole sentence which is suppressed, the clue to which may be entirely unknown. There is very frequently nothing in the form of the sentences, the manner of the speaker, his tone of voice, nor in any concomitant circumstance, to indicate that the subject has changed, and yet one suddenly discovers that the speaker is not now speaking of himself, as he was a moment ago, but of his grandmother, who lived in the days; of Tao Kuang. How he got there, and also how he got back again, often remains an insoluble mystery, but we see the feat accomplished every day. To a Chinese there is nothing more remarkable in a sudden invisible leap without previous notice, from one topic, one person, one century to another, than in the ability of a man who is watching an insect on the window pane to observe, at the same time and without in the least deflecting his eyes, a herd of cattle on a distant hill, situated in the same line of vision.
如今已经有不少人知道,汉语的名词是没有形态变化的。完全没有 “性”和 “格”。汉语的形容词没有比较级。汉语的动词不受“语态”、 “语气”、“时态”、 “数”和“人称”的任何限制。名词、形容词、动词 之间没有可辨的区别,因为任何一个汉字都可以不加选择地用作 (或不用作)这些词性,且毫无任何问题。我们并不是抱怨说汉语 不能表达人类的思想,也不是说人类的许多思想很难或无法用汉语 表达清楚(尽管情况的确如此),我们只是坚持认为这样一种语言, 具有这样的结构,会导致“心智混乱”,正如炽热的夏季会导致午睡 一样。
同一位没有受过教育的中国人交谈,最平常的事情就是很难弄 清楚他究竟在说什么事情。他讲的话常常只有好几个谓语,复杂地 混在一起,像穆罕默德的悬棺那样悬在半空,无所依傍。在说话人 心中,省略主格根本无所谓。他知道自己在说什么,但他从没想到 过省略主格这个重要的信息内容之后,听他讲话的人是无法用什么 直觉来听明白的。值得注意的是,长期的训练已经使大多数中国人 成为很会猜测的人,只要简单地补上原先偶然失去的主语和谓语就 行了。常常会这样:省略了全句最关键的词,也根本不知道省略的 是哪个词。句子的型式、说话人的举止和语调、伴随的情景,都常 常没有表明主语已经改变,但人们会发现说话人不像几分钟前那样 在说他自己,而是在说他道光年间的祖父。他是怎么说过去的,又 是怎么说回来的,常常是难解的谜,但我们每天都可以看到这种完 美的技艺。对于一个中国人来说,从一个话题、一个人、一个世纪, 突然而又不知不觉地跳到另一个地方,实在过于稀松平常,根本不 值一提,好比看着玻璃窗上的一只小虫,便可以顺着视线望见远方 山上的牛群。
What the Chinese lack is not intellectual ability. It is not patience, practicality, nor cheerfulness, for in all these qualities they greatly excel. What they do lack is Character and Conscience.
中国人并不缺少智慧,也不缺少忍耐、务实和乐天性格, 在这些方面,他们都非常杰出。他们真正缺少的是人格和良知。