1942年6月捷克: 用三万布拉格公民的生命换取七位英雄的功成身退?
九十年代一天晚上,看罢央视播放的 Operation Daybreak (1975)电影,
朋友即刻打来电话说,英国这小片儿,拍得真不错啊。导演 Lewis
Gilbert (1920.3.6-),即央视 English on Sunday节目中播放第一部
英 语原声影片 Carve Her Name With Pride (1958) 《女英烈传》的同
一位 导演,很有二战时期抵抗德军入侵的游击队情结。
身高1.92米的38岁 帅哥:
莱因哈德·特里斯坦·欧根·海德里希(德语:Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich,
1904 年3月7日-1942年6月4日),德国纳粹党党卫队的重要成员之一,指挥权地位仅次于
希特勒、希姆 莱,而且 希特勒有意培养海德里希为自己的接班人;由于行事极其残酷,
而有着“金发的野 兽”、 “铁石心肠的人”、“纳粹的斩首官”、“死亡的追随者”、
“纳粹魔王,“第三帝 国的黑 王子”等许多恐怖称号。
昨晚随意拿起一张新片蓝光影碟名为 Anthropoid 播放,完全没有意识
语 调,没有一句听着舒服顺耳的,全部都是斯拉夫种族人的大舌头似的
音 调,字头音尾咬不清楚,极具当地居民母语的特征。而男主角之一的
演 员Jamie Dornan ( 1982.5.1-), 可是来自北爱尔兰、去年主演Fifty
Shades of Grey 的男主角。可见优秀演员们语言口音模仿功夫之深之
另一大亮点,是这位 T.J.Centazzo 女士说的:
5.0 out of 5 stars Emotional !!
By Mrs T J Centazzo on September 14, 2016
Watched this film today, I found it very emotional and
I still can't stop crying !!
长久地 凝固在地下幸存者的脸上,泪水夺眶而出,慢慢地流淌下来;
出现在 影片的结尾,无声地、静静地、缓缓地、意味深长的结尾。
有网友对于此片评价说:Anthropoid review: a humdrum 单调、乏味
account of an extraordinary plot
年,德国演员Anton Diffring ( 20 October 1916 – 19 May 1989 ) 演绎
的海德里希将军深邃的蓝色眼神、狂傲的气场、做派,像是 George
Campbell Scott ( Oct.18,1927-Sep.22,1999 )饰演的《巴顿将军》
上 一部片中被刺目标起居出行气派的展示一争高下,而在后半部教堂
里激烈枪战 场面,时间延长了,功夫下足了,击毙的德军更多了, 看
起来好是过 瘾。
双方对射的情景,那是 —— 越拍越逼真、越拍越惨烈、凶狠。
重机枪 扫射的威力、声响、弹着点、破坏力,真是恐怖,颇为震撼。
有位 Karl Gauss 问:
During World War II in occupied Czechoslovakia (i.e. The
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia), what was the
worth of 10,000,000 Koruna? Or, if not answerable in
dollars, pounds, etc., does anyone know the price of
goods in that state at that time.
How much did a loaf of bread cost? A man's shirt?
An automobile? What did ten million Koruna buy?
I ask in order to get a better sense of the magnitude of
the reward offered to help capture the assassins of
Reinhard Heydrich (as recounted in the terrific book
I'm now reading called HHhH).
1942年6月,德军悬赏举报缉拿刺杀海德里希刺客 10,000,000
捷克 克朗,等于现在的多少美元?
Elmer J. Fudd ( Millionaire. I own a mansion and
a yacht ) 回答说:
During the occupation, Germany set the value of
the 1 Czech Crown at 0.10 of a German Reichmark.
So the reward would be one million German
Reichmark s or about $400,000 US dollars in 1941.
In 2015, the relative value of $400,000.00 from 1941
ranges from $5,070,000.00 to $55,800,000.00.
等于 US$5,070,000 至 US$55,800,000 之间。
A simple Purchasing Power Calculator would say
the relative value is $6,440,000.00. This answer is
obtained by multiplying $400000 by the percentage
increase in the CPI from 1941 to 2015.
This may not be the best answer.
The best measure of the relative value over time depends on if you are
interested in comparing the cost or value of a Commodity , Income or
Wealth , or a Project.
If you want to compare the value of a $400,000.00 Commodity in 1941
there are four choices. In 2015 the relative:
real price of that commodity is $6,440,000.00
real value of that commodity is $12,200,000.00
labor value of that commodity is $12,300,000.00 (using the
unskilled wage) or $16,500,000.00 (using production worker
income value of that commodity is $23,100,000.00
If you want to compare the value of a $400,000.00 Income or
Wealth , in 1941 there are five choices. In 2015 the relative:
historic standard of living value of that income or wealth is $6,440,000.00
contemporary standard of living value of that income or wealth is
$12,200,000.00 labor earnings of that commodity is $12,300,000.00
(using the unskilled wage) or $16,500,000.00 (using production worker
compensation) economic status value of that income or wealth is
$23,100,000.00 economic power value of that income or wealth is
将报复 性地任选30,000布拉格人陪葬枪毙。就此,一个与历史事实
不符、与74 年之后 的国人没有一毛关系的伪问题是:
Jirí Simek As Karel Curda
A member of the Out Distance group like Opálka, Curda betrayed his partners
in the operation in exchange for 1 million Reichsmarks and a new German
identity. After the war, he was tracked down by the Czech government and
sentenced to death for treason.
遗臭 万年的抵抗战士Karel Curda,没有向盖世太保检举告密,后者
再怎么挨家 挨户 全城 疯狂搜捕,也未搜到任何刺客行踪,进而恼羞
成怒、一天 1,000、最终 30天 滥捕滥杀 了 30,000布拉格市民;而七名
抵抗战士凿 通了隔墙的 下水网道, 成功逃出布拉格城郊,胜利返回
捷克斯洛伐克 流亡政府 所在地 —— 英国伦敦,七勇士功成三万尸骨
假设,正如片中一位抵抗战士所言,既然大功已成,为了30,000 公民
捷奸Karel Curda的告密,毁灭了Curda家族世代的名声,出卖了同志, 成全了战友们的万世英雄、25,000百姓却因此免遭屠宰(实际最终杀 戮了 5,000多人)?
还是第一种假设版本理念的续延:为了除掉这个布拉 格屠 夫、欲存在
一千年的第三帝国元首接班人,不要说牺牲我们三万 人, 哪怕 放大十
倍 —— 牺牲三十万捷克人民,也在所不惜?!
人性 道德?
Infuriated by Heydrich's death, Hitler ordered the arrest
and execution of 10,000 randomly selected Czechs. But
after consultations with Karl Hermann Frank, he tempered
his response. The Czech lands were an important
industrial zone for the German military, and indiscriminate
killing could reduce the region's productivity.
Anthropoid Official Trailer ( 2016 ) - Movie HD
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