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美军智能型狙击步枪人人一秒钟变神枪手 2016-12-20 15:44:57

美军测试一种傻瓜型智能狙击步枪 人人一秒钟变神枪手

     2016-11-02  浙江资讯网  http://www.6z77.com/keji/shuma/1444.html





The smart rifle is packed with sensors and it own computer to control the firing process.

The smart rifle is packed with sensors and it own computer to control the firing process.

The U.S. military has begun testing several so-called smart rifles made by TrackingPoint, which include computer controlled scopes and their own app

The U.S. military has begun testing several so-called smart rifles made by TrackingPoint, which include computer controlled scopes and their own app






生在使用Tracking Point步枪射击时,分别准确命中了200米、500米、




Archive (2012) - Innovations: Networked Tracking Scope

TrackingPoint - Precision Guided Firearm 

(PGF) Demonstration [360p]

  Next Level Shit Right There:  

         Insane Accuracy at Tracking Point









  首次展览 引6万人震惊

  总部位于美国奥斯汀业的公司Tracking Point于2013年成功研发



  2013年底的美国射击用品博览会上,Tracking Point公司首次向



US military is testing gun that could turn ANYONE 

into an ace sniper

Users simply 'tag' their target using a button near the 

trigger Smart rifle can then work out the range and 

weather conditions before shooting can even send target 

details to other nearby rifles - and be controlled by an 

iPad app

                                      By Mark Prigg   PUBLISHED: 22:20 GMT, 16 January 2014 

The US military is testing a radical 'smart rifle' that can automatically aim itself, 

it has been revealed.

The army is believed to have acquired six $27,000 'smart rifles' from Texas firm 

Tracking Point.

It uses a built in computer to aim at a target, and can even 'lock on' top targets 

and automatically track them.

The U.S. military has begun testing several so-called smart rifles made by 

TrackingPoint, which include computer controlled scopes and their own app


A laser rangefinder is used by the shooter looking through the scope to identify

 the target that he or she wants to hit.

The high-tech sight then takes into account humidity, wind and the typical 

ballistic drop you'd expect from a bullet fired over such a distance.

Once the target has been selected, the scope provides cross-hairs which have 

to be lined up with the pin that is dropped on the target.

To ensure accuracy, the shooter can not even squeeze the trigger unless the 

cross-hairs and pin are alined.

Oren Schauble, a marketing official with the Austin, Texas-based company, 

confirmed the military bought a handful of them in recent months for evaluation. 

'The military has purchased several units for testing and evaluation purposes,' 

he said during an interview with Military​.com at the annual SHOT Show, the 

country’s largest gun show with 60,000 attendees.

The system includes a Linux-powered computer in the scope with sensors that 

collect imagery and ballistic data such as atmospheric conditions, cant, 

inclination, even the slight shift of the Earth’s rotation known as the Coriolis 


The smart rifle is packed with sensors and it own computer to control the firing 


A laser rangefinder is used by the shooter looking through the scope to identify 

the target that he or she wants to hit.

The high-tech sight then takes into account humidity, wind and the typical ballistic 

drop you'd expect from a bullet fired over such a distance.

Once the target has been selected, the scope provides cross-hairs which have 

to be lined up with the pin that is dropped on the target.

To ensure accuracy, the shooter can not even squeeze the trigger unless the 

cross-hairs and pin are alined.

The rifle offers an iOS app that connects to the scope via a mobile Wi-Fi network 

and streams the scope's display to the app, allowing someone with an iPad or 

iPhone to act as a spotter and for videos to be uploaded to the Internet

To shoot at something, you first 'mark' it using a button near the trigger. Marking 

a target illuminates it with the tracking scope's built-in laser, and the target gains

 a red pip in the scope's display

On their website TrackingPoint say they build 'Precision Guided Firearms, or 

'PGFs,  'Which are a series of three heavily customized hunting rifles, ranging 

from a .300 Winchester Magnum with a 22-inch barrel up to a .338 Lapua 

Magnum with 27-inch barrel, all fitted with advanced computerized scopes.

To shoot at something, you first 'mark' it using a button near the trigger. 

Marking a target illuminates it with the tracking scope's built-in laser, and the 

target gains a red pip in the scope's display.



French Can Can Dancers in Times Square 

filmed on Saturday September 26, 2015


浏览(1441) (2) 评论(9)
作者:Pascal 回复 BFTS 留言时间:2016-12-20 19:39:22


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作者:BFTS 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2016-12-20 19:13:22



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作者:Pascal 回复 老度 留言时间:2016-12-20 18:46:56


$17,000 Linux-powered rifle brings “auto-aim” to the real world

The TrackingPoint XS1, chambered in a .338 Lapua Magnum, with a 27-inch Krieger barrel and 300 grain match rounds.Enlarge / The TrackingPoint XS1, chambered in a .338 Lapua Magnum, with a 27-inch Krieger barrel and 300 grain match rounds.TrackingPoint


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作者:Pascal 回复 溪谷闲人 留言时间:2016-12-20 18:32:54



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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2016-12-20 18:29:28


人家白小哥有了这根烧火棍,射击准头上和BFTS君,呵呵,扯平了。智能狙击步枪有好几种型号呢, 还有不同子弹的两种直径(?):

Tracking Point Precision Guided Firearms – sniper rifle (USA)

Tracking Point Precision Guided Firearms bolt action rifle in 7.62х51 (.308)

Tracking Point Precision Guided Firearms semi-auto rifle in 7.62х51 (.308)

Tracking Point Precision Guided Firearms bolt action rifle in .338 Lapua Magnum

Tracking Point Precision Guided Firearms semi-auto rifle in .300 Winchetser Magnum

Display view of the Tracking Point system a moment before "guided" shot is taken at the game


5.56x45 NATO (.223 Rem), 7.62x51 NATO (.308 Win), .300 Win Magnum

7.62x51 NATO (.308 Win), .300 Win Magnum, .338 Lapua Magnum


Gas operated semi-automatic

Bolt action

Overall length

Barrel length

Weight, with scope and empty magazine

Magazine capacity

10 or 20 rounds

5 rounds

In January, TrackingPoint plans to introduce three precision guided rifles. The XS1 will be a tactical rifle chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum, one the remaining candidates for the new US special ops sniper caliber. The XS2, and XS3 will be smaller versions of the XS1 chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum cartridges.

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作者:BFTS 回复 老度 留言时间:2016-12-20 18:04:05



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作者:老度 留言时间:2016-12-20 17:27:44



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作者:溪谷闲人 留言时间:2016-12-20 16:50:54

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作者:BFTS 留言时间:2016-12-20 16:48:59


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