A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades. Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with COVID polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded. 一位民主党高级特工表示,选民欺诈,尤其是邮寄投票的欺诈行为,并非神话。而且他知道这一点,因为他几十年来一直在大规模地这样做。 邮寄选票已成为2020年选举的最新热点。特朗普总统和共和党警告说,缺席投票的广泛操纵将使COVID投票限制膨胀,但许多民主党人及其媒体盟友却认为这种担心是没有根据的。 但是这位政治内部人士因为不愿提出起诉而以不愿透露姓名的身份发言。他说,欺诈更多的是规则,而不是例外。他的肮脏工作使他度过了帕特森,大西洋城,卡姆登,纽瓦克,霍博肯和哈德逊县的市政选举和联邦选举的杂草,在整个加登州的地方立法,市长和国会竞选活动中都可以找到他的印记。根据《邮政》(The Post)审查的竞选记录,新泽西州的一些知名人士和最高职位的职员都从他的benefit俩中受益。 提示者说:“以500票,1000票摇摆的选举可以有所作为。” “翻转状态就足够了。” 这位举报人-他的身份,说唱歌手和作为各种战役顾问的悠久历史得到了《邮报》的证实-说他不仅多年来改变了自己的选票,而且还领导了欺诈者团队并在新泽西州指导了至少20名特工,纽约和宾夕法尼亚州–关键的2020年摇摆状态。 1 3 阿拉米库存照片 提示者说:“新泽西州没有从市议会到美国参议院的比赛,我们没有参加过。” “我在伯灵顿县参加了消防专员的比赛。比赛越小,比赛就越容易。” 伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)在总统竞选中不屈不挠地奋斗不息,他说,他感到被迫挺身而出,希望各州立即采取行动,解决邮寄选票中存在的严重安全问题。 他说:“这是真实的事情。” “到11月3日,将会有一场关于这种材料的前卫战争……如果他们知道香肠的制作方法,就可以修理它。” 邮寄投票的过程可能很复杂-足以使84,000名纽约人因错误填写而在6月23日的民主党总统初选中投了他们的邮寄票。 但是对于政治专业人士而言,这只是小菜一碟。例如,在新泽西州,它首先是用大信封将空白的邮寄选票发送给注册选民。包装盒内是回邮信封,选民必须签名的“选民邮件证明”以及选票本身。 那就是选举操纵者开始行动的时候。 假票 选票没有特定的安全特征(例如邮票或水印),因此内部人士说,他只会自己做选票。 知情人士说:“我只是把(选票)放在复印机上,结果是一样的。” 但是回国信封“比选票更安全。您永远无法重新创建信封,”他说。因此,必须从真正的选民那里收集它们。 1 4 彭博社通过盖蒂图片社 他将让他的特工散开,挨家挨户,说服选民让他们代表他们邮寄完整的选票作为公共服务。然后,骗子和他的仆从将密封的信封带回家,并用沸水将它们抱起来。 业内人士说:“您必须将其蒸掉以松开胶水。” 然后,他将删除真实的选票,将伪造的选票放入已签名的证书中,然后重新密封信封。 内幕人士说:“每张票顶上五分钟。” 知情人说,他注意不要将伪造的选票塞进几个公共邮箱中,而是将它们散布在城镇各处。这样一来,他避免了在今年新泽西州帕特森市议会竞赛中挫败选民欺诈行动的注意,在那里,仅三个邮箱就发现了900张选票。 知情人士说:“如果他们将它们散布在所有不同的邮箱中,就不会发生任何事情。” 内部工作 提示者说,有时邮政员工在骗局中。 “您有个邮递员,他是狂暴的反特朗普家伙,他在Bedminster或某些共和党据点工作……他可以参加那些(已填满的)选票,并且知道95%的人将去共和党,他可以将那些扔进去。垃圾。” 也可以看看新泽西州下令进行新的选举,因选民欺诈指控而受损在某些情况下,邮递员是他的“工作人员”的成员,他们会从邮件中筛选选票并将其移交给操作员。 2017年,纽约市超过500份邮寄选票从未到达选举委员会参加11月的比赛-剩下数百票被剥夺了选举权。他们最终在2018年4月被发现。“由于一些不确定的原因,一些绑定到纽约市选举委员会的邮件在布鲁克林处理设施旁被搁置了,”城市选举老板迈克尔·瑞安(Michael Ryan)在纽约发现的时间。 疗养院 知情人士说,建立辅助生活设施并“帮助”老人填写缺席选票是一个金矿。 “在某些疗养院中,护士实际上是带薪的操作员。告密者说:“他们逐个房间地走到这些仍想与自己保持联系的老人身上。” “ [他们]确实为他们填写了内容。” 知情人士指出,前泽西市市长杰拉尔德·麦肯(Gerald McCann )曾在2007年以惊人的优势赢得地方学校董事会席位后被起诉,理由是该组织欺骗了“无能……生病的”疗养院居民为他投票。麦肯否认了这一点,尽管他确实承认协助缺席选票的一些疗养院居民。 选民模拟 当所有其他方法都失败时,内部人员会派特工在投票站现场投票,特别是在新泽西州和纽约州等不需要选民证的州。宾夕法尼亚州在大多数情况下也没有。 最好的目标是注册选民,他们通常会跳过总统选举或市政选举,而这些信息都是公开的。 1 3 阿拉米库存照片 内幕人士在谈到他如何派遣他的团队时说:“您用这些人的名字和所在的地区填写这些索引卡,然后绕着城市说,'您将成为他,您将成为他'。”肮脏的骗子。 知情人士说,在投票站,伪造的选民将登录并“排队并……投票”。冒名顶替者会尽可能地重新创建已经出现在选民名单中的签名。在极少数情况下,一个真正的选民已经登录并进行了投票,模仿者只会将其归咎于无辜的错误和mistake发。 贿赂选民 提示者说,新泽西州的无家可归者收容所提供了几乎无穷无尽的可靠(可购买)选民。 他笑着说:“他们可以登记居住的地方,然后投票给民意调查。”迈克·彭博(Mike Bloomberg)赢得他的第三任市长一职时,每票约为174美元。他说,他本可以以70%的折扣获得相同的结果,例如房地产开发商和Hoboken nabob的Frank“ Pupie” Raia去年因向低收入居民支付50美元以投票给他们而被联邦定罪他在2013年市政选举中的意愿。 提示者说,在组织上,他在花园州和其他地方的选民欺诈计划类似于黑手党组织,老板(通常是竞选经理)将暴民士兵的日常管理移交给了下层首领(他)。实际的候选人通常被故意隐藏在黑暗中,因此他们可以维持“合理的可否认性”。 通过邮寄选票,双方的党派人士都会在当地的选举委员会中散列并计算选票-辩论哪些选票会减少,哪些选票因不合规定而被扔掉。 1 3 美联社 知情人说,他或他的行动提供的任何选票都将沿着选民证书上弯曲的一角(包含选民签名),因此民主党选举委员会的计数器会知道解决办法,而不是反对。 提示者说:“它不会弯曲,但您可以知道它已经弯曲了。” “在[证书]获得批准之前,投票无所谓。除非他们批准[证书],否则他们看不到投票。” 这位内部人士夸口说:“我发明了弯角,”他说,一旦将固定选票与普通选票混合在一起,便制成了床。“一旦开票,这是匿名投票。” 尽管联邦法律警告最高可判处五年徒刑,但破灭的选民欺诈行为所受到的惩罚要少得多。而在2018年得克萨斯州女人被判处有期徒刑五年,在邮件中给出只是一个男人亚利桑那州破获投票两次缓刑三年。保守的传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)进行的一项研究发现,在美国有1000多起有记录的选民欺诈案,几乎所有案件都发生在过去20年中。 Heritage负责选举法改革计划的高级法律研究员Hans von Spakovsky说:“这些技术没有什么新意。” “他所说的一切都是完全可能的。” 市选举委员会拒绝回答有关投票安全的问题。 But the political insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he fears prosecution, said fraud is more the rule than the exception. His dirty work has taken him through the weeds of municipal and federal elections in Paterson, Atlantic City, Camden, Newark, Hoboken and Hudson County and his fingerprints can be found in local legislative, mayoral and congressional races across the Garden State. Some of the biggest names and highest office holders in New Jersey have benefited from his tricks, according to campaign records The Post reviewed. “An election that is swayed by 500 votes, 1,000 votes — it can make a difference,” the tipster said. “It could be enough to flip states.” The whisteblower — whose identity, rap sheet and long history working as a consultant to various campaigns were confirmed by The Post — says he not only changed ballots himself over the years, but led teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania — a critical 2020 swing state. 13 Alamy Stock Photo “There is no race in New Jersey — from city council to United States Senate — that we haven’t worked on,” the tipster said. “I worked on a fire commissioner’s race in Burlington County. The smaller the race, the easier it is to do.” A Bernie Sanders die-hard with no horse in the presidential race, he said he felt compelled to come forward in the hope that states would act now to fix the glaring security problems present in mail-in ballots. “This is a real thing,” he said. “And there is going to be a f–king war coming November 3rd over this stuff … If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it.” Mail-in voting can be complicated — tough enough that 84,000 New Yorkers had their mailed votes thrown out in the June 23 Democratic presidential primary for incorrectly filling them out. But for political pros, they’re a piece of cake. In New Jersey, for example, it begins with a blank mail-in ballot delivered to a registered voter in a large envelope. Inside the packet is a return envelope, a “certificate of mail in voter” which the voter must sign, and the ballot itself. That’s when the election-rigger springs into action. Phony ballots The ballot has no specific security features — like a stamp or a watermark — so the insider said he would just make his own ballots. “I just put [the ballot] through the copy machine and it comes out the same way,” the insider said. But the return envelopes are “more secure than the ballot. You could never recreate the envelope,” he said. So they had to be collected from real voters. 14 Bloomberg via Getty Images He would have his operatives fan out, going house to house, convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service. The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water. “You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider. He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, and reseal the envelope. “Five minutes per ballot tops,” said the insider. The insider said he took care not to stuff the fake ballots into just a few public mailboxes, but sprinkle them around town. That way he avoided the attention that foiled a sloppy voter-fraud operation in a Paterson, NJ, city council race this year, where 900 ballots were found in just three mailboxes. “If they had spread them in all different mailboxes, nothing would have happened,” the insider said. Inside jobs The tipster said sometimes postal employees are in on the scam. “You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.” SEE ALSONew election ordered in NJ race marred by voter fraud chargesIn some cases, mail carriers were members of his “work crew,” and would sift ballots from the mail and hand them over to the operative. In 2017, more than 500 mail-in ballots in New York City never arrived to the Board of Elections for races that November — leaving hundreds disenfranchised. They eventually were discovered in April 2018. “For some undetermined reason, some baskets of mail that were bound to the New York City Board of Elections were put off to the side at the Brooklyn processing facility,” city elections boss Michael Ryan said at the time of discovery. Nursing homes Hitting up assisted-living facilities and “helping” the elderly fill out their absentee ballots was a gold mine of votes, the insider said. “There are nursing homes where the nurse is actually a paid operative. And they go room by room by room to these old people who still want to feel like they’re relevant,” said the whistleblower. “[They] literally fill it out for them.” The insider pointed to former Jersey City Mayor Gerald McCann, who was sued in 2007 after a razor-thin victory for a local school board seat for allegedly tricking “incompetent … and ill” residents of nursing homes into casting ballots for him. McCann denied it, though he did admit to assisting some nursing home residents with absentee ballot applications. Voter impersonation When all else failed, the insider would send operatives to vote live in polling stations, particularly in states like New Jersey and New York that do not require voter ID. Pennsylvania, also for the most part, does not. The best targets were registered voters who routinely skip presidential or municipal elections — information which is publicly available. 13 Alamy Stock Photo “You fill out these index cards with that person’s name and district and you go around the city and say, ‘You’re going to be him, you’re going to be him,'” the insider said of how he dispatched his teams of dirty-tricksters. At the polling place, the fake voter would sign in, “get on line and … vote,” the insider said. The impostors would simply recreate the signature that already appears in the voter roll as best they could. In the rare instance that a real voter had already signed in and cast a ballot, the impersonator would just chalk it up to an innocent mistake and bolt. Bribing voters The tipster said New Jersey homeless shelters offered a nearly inexhaustible pool of reliable — buyable — voters. “They get to register where they live in and they go to the polls and vote,” he said, laughing at the roughly $174 per vote Mike Bloomberg spent to win his third mayoral term. He said he could have delivered the same result at a 70 percent discount — like when Frank “Pupie” Raia, a real estate developer and Hoboken nabob, was convicted last year on federal charges for paying low-income residents 50 bucks a pop to vote how he wanted during a 2013 municipal election. Organizationally, the tipster said, his voter-fraud schemes in the Garden State and elsewhere resembled Mafia organizations, with a boss (usually the campaign manager) handing off the day-to-day managing of the mob soldiers to the underboss (him). The actual candidate was usually kept in the dark deliberately so they could maintain “plausible deniability.” With mail-in ballots, partisans from both parties hash out and count ballots at the local board of elections — debating which ballots make the cut and which need to be thrown out because of irregularities. 13 AP The insider said any ballots offered up by him or his operation would come with a bent corner along the voter certificate — which contains the voter signature — so Democratic Board of Election counters would know the fix was in and not to object. “It doesn’t stay bent, but you can tell it’s been bent,” the tipster said. “Until the [certificate] is approved, the ballot doesn’t matter. They don’t get to see the ballot unless they approve the [certificate.]” “I invented bending corners,” the insider boasted, saying once the fixed ballots were mixed in with the normal ones, the bed was made. “Once a ballot is opened, it’s an anonymous ballot.” While federal law warns of prison sentences of up to five years, busted voter frauds have seen far less punishment. While in 2018 a Texas woman was sentenced to five years, an Arizona man busted for voting twice in the mail was given just three years’ probation. A study by the conservative Heritage Foundation found more than 1,000 instances of documented voter fraud in the United States, almost all of which occurred over the last 20 years. “There is nothing new about these techniques,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at Heritage who manages their election law reform initiative. “Everything he’s talking about is perfectly possible.“ The city Board of Elections declined to answer Post questions on ballot security. 由KIM ZETTER 美国东部标准时间11/04/2020 01:55 PM 一位县选举主管 说,周二上午在佐治亚州两个县中止了一次技术故障,原因是供应商在前一天晚上向其选举机器上传了更新。 州官员说,在电子设备坠毁后,选民在摩根和斯伯丁县无法连续几个小时投票。为回应延误,高等法院法官W. Fletcher Sams将投票延长至晚上11点 各县使用由Dominion Voting Systems制造的投票机和KnowInk制造的用于在选民身上签名的电子民意调查书。 斯伯丁县选举委员会选举主管玛西娅·里德利(Marcia Ridley)说,这两家公司“昨晚上传了一些不正常的东西,这引起了故障”。这种故障使民意调查人员无法使用民意调查表对选民插入投票机的智能卡进行编程。 里德利说,两家公司的代表在民意调查人员星期二早上开始对设备出现问题之后给她打电话,并说问题是由于他们的一名技术人员在一夜之间将设备上传到机器上造成的。 “这是他们从未做过的事情。我从未见过他们在大选前一天有任何更新。”里德利说。里德利说,她不知道上传的内容。 国务卿办公室投票系统实施经理加布里埃尔·斯特林(Gabriel Sterling)对记者说,问题可能出在上传到系统上的数据集上,但他们不确定。他没有透露数据集是否由投票机供应商上传。 斯特林告诉记者,此问题需要花费一些时间来解决,因为技术人员必须带进更多设备以纠正问题。 Dominion和KnowInk均未回应评论请求。国务卿办公室发言人也未回答有关谁上传数据集以及是否有人事先审查和测试过后续问题的后续问题。 摩根县选举与登记委员会选举主任詹妮弗·多兰(Jennifer Doran)说,问题在于KnowInk投票簿如何编码与Dominion投票机一起使用的选民访问卡。 当选民在投票地点签到,投票工作人员将一张选民接入卡插入投票Pad平板和编码它为选民。然后将卡插入投票机以显示该选民的正确选票。该故障显然阻止民意测验人员对这些卡进行编码。 多兰说:“摩根县民意调查人员在迅速转移到紧急备用程序方面做得很好,以便选民能够继续投票。” 她说,Dominion技术人员解决了该问题。 县在某些情况下设计了一种解决方法,即让民意管理者使用自己的卡和代码来初始化每个选民的投票机。但这在某些区域导致排长队。 佐治亚州在全州范围内使用Dominion投票机和KnowInk投票站,这是该州在取代其已有20年历史的电子投票系统后,今年才在每个县中首次部署该系统。 目前尚不清楚为什么其他佐治亚州的县没有摩根和斯伯丁遇到的问题。 埃里克·盖勒(Eric Geller)为这份报告做出了贡献。 Camp/AP Photo By KIM ZETTER 11/04/2020 01:55 PM EST A technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday morning was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before, a county election supervisor said. Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said. In response to the delays, Superior Court Judge W. Fletcher Sams extended voting until 11 p.m. The counties use voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and electronic poll books — used to sign in voters — made by KnowInk. The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election. That glitch prevented pollworkers from using the pollbooks to program smart cards that the voters insert into the voting machines. Ridley said that a representative from the two companies called her after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight. “That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said. Ridley said she did not know what the upload contained. Gabriel Sterling, voting system implementation manager in the secretary of state’s office, told reporters that the issue likely was a dataset that got uploaded to the systems, but that they don’t know for certain. He did not say if the dataset was uploaded by the voting machine vendor. Sterling told reporters the issue took some time to fix because technicians had to bring in additional equipment to correct the problem. Neither Dominion nor KnowInk responded to a request to comment. A spokesperson for the secretary of state’s office also did not respond to follow-up questions about who uploaded the dataset and whether it had been reviewed and tested by anyone beforehand. Jennifer Doran, elections director for the Morgan County Board of Elections and Registration, said the issue was with how the KnowInk pollbooks encode a voter access card that is used with the Dominion voting machines. When voters sign in at a voting location, poll workers insert a voter access card into the Poll Pad tablet and encode it for that voter. The card is then inserted into voting machines to display the proper ballot for that voter. The glitch apparently prevented poll workers from encoding those cards. “Morgan County poll workers did a great job of quickly moving to emergency backup procedures so that voters were able to continue voting,” Doran said. She said Dominion technicians fixed the issue. The counties devised a workaround in some cases by having poll managers use their own card and a code to initialize the voting machine for each voter. But this caused long lines at some precincts. Georgia uses Dominion voting machines and KnowInk Poll Pads statewide — systems that the state only deployed in every county for the first time this year after replacing its previous 20-year-old electronic voting systems. It’s not clear why other Georgia counties did not have the problems Morgan and Spalding had. Eric Geller contributed to this report. |