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远博远见世界大重置权贵治球奴隶一体化 2020-12-05 15:36:52




   与日月同辉 ——



   2010 - 3010 世界大重置战略规划:





  2020冠状病毒为起点抓手 ......


       If the majority of people go against the agenda,

       then release the Weaponized

       SARS/HIV/MERS Tribit Strain as a Phase 3 operation. 

       A virus with a 30+% mortality rate as a final scare 

       to punish the minority to quickly become the majority 

       and give a final “We told you so” to those

       that didn’t listen.


  致死率高达恐怖的 30% 超级病毒第三阶段 



2020 HEADLINES – Covid, 5-G, WHO,

Fauci, Birx and Gates all listed …


December 4, 2020 

We’re supposed to shut up and listen to reason that the information in Operation Lockstep from 2010 was just a think tank preparedness just in case COVID-19 WAS ACTUALLY A THING. And just in case WHO, Fauci, Birx and Gates were still actually peddling vaccines and doomsday scenarios. And just in case the United Nations still wanted to depopulate the world and have a global domination. Just in case.

Well SNOPES and fact checkers are at it again…telling those who can read and think that they aren’t reading and thinking…well the Jedi Knight tricks aren’t working.

The great merchants all friends of Rockefeller pay their little think tanks to work out scenarios like video games to conquer the meek of the earth and topple nations. Kids of such get million dollar jobs at foreign companies like Burmisma. I wonder if they laid out ideas to attack Trump? I’m sure they have. These lowly thinkers are rotten to the core and there are a lot of them out there being groomed at all times. The progressive marxist Dems and the never Trumpers have turned the world into an X-Box Arcade blowing up whatever their targets are and doing it in real life as it was as meaningless as the video game. They have lost their minds and most have sold their souls to the highest bidder.



  • 创造一种传染力很强但是死亡率超低的病毒,以适应计划。

  • 利用在迪特里西堡4级实验室培养的SARS,HIV和杂交实验病

  • 株,在2008年至2013年期间,作为研究项目的一部分,研究

  • 为什么新冠病毒能普遍存在于蝙蝠中但却极其难于感染人类。

  • 为了削弱这种(人类极难感染的)情况,他们在病毒中注射了

  • 4个HIV 片段。 其中(原本)缺少的ACE-2-受体是免于人类

  • 被感染的关键。

  • 备选方案是创造出死亡率更高的武器化的病毒。如果需要的

  • 话,这个病毒将会在第三阶段被释放出来。SARS,HIV和

  • MERS三位一体的武器化病毒病株已于2015年就在迪特里西堡

  • 的四级实验室中被制造出来。

  • 这些研究病株被运送到了各个不同的四级实验室,在加拿大温

  • 伯的国家微生物实验室中,“这些病毒被中国偷走”,Xi

  • Jang Lee提到,这是蓄谋为之,病毒被送往了中国唯一的四级

  • 实验室,那就是位于中国武汉的武汉病毒研究所。为了合理

  • 推诿(责任)并帮助巩固想要的公共备用剧本(计划),以备

  • 不时之需。

  • 最初的剧本是,病毒是自然产生的。备用版本是中国制造了

  • 它,并意外泄漏了病毒。

  • 参与资助这个项目的人有:Fauci, Brix, Tedros和各种机构包

  • 括:世界卫生组织,NIAID,疾病预防控制中心还有联合国,

  • 他们都会在计划泄露研究病株前就参与到这次疫情反应中来,

  • 以确保整个剧本能在这次行动中正常进行。

  • 研发并资助疫苗开发和推广计划,使其能在全球范围类推广开

  • 来。盖茨:在2010年至2020年期间,这是一个十年疫苗和

  • 全球化疫苗的行动计划。

  • 建立并资助疫苗接种,核查和认证协议,以及数字身份证,

  • 以便在强制推出疫苗后执行和确保疫苗接种计划。


  • 2019年10月201事件:在释放研究病株之前就进行了Lock-

  • step 假说模拟,将实战演习作为最终的战争游戏来确保达到

  • 预期效果,时间线和成果。

  • 2019年11月,武汉水产市场。武汉病毒研究所自行释放了研究

  • 病株,按照早先设定的剧本,把这个责任归咎于天然的

  • 替罪羊。

  • 这与制定的模拟计划一模一样。

  • 尽可能的淡化人传人的事实,以便在没有任何国家采取封城

  • 行动从而减少初期感染之前,让研究病株得以在全球范围内

  • 传播。

  • 一旦一个国家出现了感染情况,要首先限制出入境的旅行。

  • 让病毒尽可能的在国内长时间传播发酵。

  • 一旦一个国家或地区有足够多的人被感染了,就颁布该地区的

  • 制隔离政策,并伴随着时间的推移,将封锁地区慢慢扩大

  • 开来。

  • 将研究病株和与其完全不相干的死亡联系起来,夸大病毒的

  • 致死率,以便最大限度的制造出恐慌,让人们听从指挥。如果

  • 有任何人,无论因什么原因去世,如果发现他感染了新冠病

  • 毒,那么就把他的死因归咎于这个病毒。如果有任何人可能

  • 有新冠的症状,那么他就会被认为感染了新冠,如果他去世

  • 了,那必然会被认为死于新冠。

  • 尽可能的保持大众的隔离,破坏该地区的经济,制造内乱,

  • 破坏供应链,造成大规模的食物短缺。缺少与外界细菌的

  • 接触,缺少与外界的互动,这就缺少了那些能让我们的免疫

  • 系统保持警惕和活跃的东西,人们的免疫系统也会因此被

  • 削弱。

  • 淡化和攻击任何潜在的治疗方法,并继续呼吁说对抗这种

  • 病毒的唯一办法就是疫苗。

  • 继续实施“两周间隔“的隔离办法。【又是那个两个星期的

  • 语。这是中情局的一个项目】这会最终导致越来越多的人

  • 站起来反抗。蔑视他们。

  • 【这是现在的关键】在第一期阶段的最后,一旦他们得到最

  • 够多的大众抗议,预计在2020年6月,会公开表示,他们

  • 认为“虽然此刻结束隔离防疫还为时尚早,但无论如何我都

  • 会这么做。“

  • 一旦公众恢复正常,几周后,在2020年8月到9月期间,结合

  • 们由于经过几个月的隔离而被削弱的免疫系统,基础疾病

  • 死亡率会大幅增加,继续(他们会)过度炒作研究病株的

  • 死亡率。【就像我说的:你们应该和经常带口罩的人保持

  • 社交距离。这就是他们跟你说过的。 因为这些人的免疫系统

  • 已被高度弱化。】以此来进一步帮助他们提高死亡率,同时

  • 也为第二阶段封锁到来前的炒作。

  • 最终在2020年10月至11月颁布第二阶段更加严格的隔离措

  • 施,并指责抗议的人,那些因为第二波疫情浪潮的来临,

  • 已经不再信任政府的人。因此媒体会说“我们告诉过你们。

  • 为时尚早。这是你们自己的过错,仅仅因为你们需要理发

  • 而已。你们会为自由付出代价的。“ 【如果这一切以这种

  • 方式发展开来,美国大选会被取消,延迟或是被叫停。个人

  • 观点,你能在第二阶段隔离期间投票吗?不,你不能。】

  • 以尽可能更极端的方式强化第二阶段的隔离措施,加强违反

  • 规定的处罚。用监禁代替罚款。将所有旅行视为非必要的旅

  • 行,增加检查站,包括军事援助。通过强制性的应用,加强

  • 人口监控。接管食品,燃气监控,增加大规模供应短缺,

  • 这样人们就只能在获得他们的首肯后才能获取基本的食品和

  • 基础服务。

  • 第二阶段封锁的时间会比第一阶段长很多,持续的摧毁全球

  • 济。更进一步的削弱供应链,进一步放大食品短缺的问题。

  • 使用极端行为或者武力镇压、平息民愤,将反抗者视为那些

  • 屈服于规定的人的头号敌人。

  • 在经历了6个多月长时间的隔离后,推出疫苗接种计划和疫苗

  • 证,强制接种,给那些从一开始就听话的人优先接种,而

  • 那些从开始就反抗的人,他们就会说,“这些人是威胁,

  • 是造成一切的问题的根本“,诸如此类的话,”一切都无法

  • 回到正轨,除非每个人都接种了疫苗。“ 而藐视他们的人

  • 则是”破坏我们的生活方式,他们就是敌人。“【换句话说,

  • 他们要人们反目成仇。】

  • 如果大多数都同意这个计划,那么就让这些人进入新的系统,

  • 的常态,同时限制那些少数的抗议者的工作,旅行和生活。

  • 如果大部分人都反对这个计划,那么他们就会在第三阶段

  • 行动中释放SARS/HIV/MERS三合一的武器化病株。这是

  • 一种死亡率高达30%以上的病毒,这是对于抗议者最后的

  • 通牒,让他们也随大流,最后再对那些不听话的人说,

  •  We told you so long ago 我们早就告诉过你们了“。

  • 制定新经济模式。微软专利的060606加密货币系统会使用

  • 身体活动数据,而这些数据是基于人类行为和意愿提交

  • 建立的。



And that is your New World Order:

technology on steroids 

where you have no option 

but to comply. 

And if anyone thinks that this isn’t true, 

then go and check out 

some parts of China

because they’ve already started 

some of the crypto currencies system 

in place in certain areas. 











Lockstep末日计划-读起来就像2020年的头条:新冠,5G,WHO, 福奇,比克斯,盖茨…追求真相的人们注意了

我们都应该停止争论好好看看,那就是在2010年的“Lockstep行动”中的信息只是他们的智囊团留下的行动计划,以防万一COVID-19真的被制造出来,万一世卫组织,福奇(安东尼·斯蒂芬·福奇), 比克斯 (Deborah Leah Birx) 和盖茨(比尔盖茨)兜售疫苗和(可能会面临)末日景象,万一联合国还想减少世界人口,统治全球,(这些准备都是)以备不时之需。


那些成功的商人们,他们大部分都是洛克菲勒基金会的朋友,他们雇来“智囊团”,让他们设计出一些场景,就像电脑游戏一样,来征服地球上那些愿意服从的人,以至于推翻国家民族。这些(智囊团的)孩子们在一些海外公司,如缅甸,能得到百万美元的工作。我在想他们有没有编排出一些攻击川普的点子。我相信他们是有的。这些思想低级的人,已经坏到了骨子里,与此同时,还有许多人正在被培养成为像他们一样的人。马克思主义民主进步党和那些“从不支持川普(‘Never Trump’)”的人,他们已经把这个世界变成一个X-BOX Arcade,不管他们的目标是什么,在做什么,在现实生活中都会被放大,这些都会像电子游戏一样没有意义。他们已经失去理智,大多数人已将把他们的灵魂卖给了最高竞标者。









As long as you scoff at those who are telling you, warning you and showing you what these evil ones are doing… you are never going to know what hit you if those who are fighting the good fight are taken out of the way. You had better pray these crazy people who love America and humanity win this war for if they don’t, you will live each day thereafter in an unbelievable hell on earth shamefully woeing the day you laughed.

Just to remind you, the messengers aren’t the ones worshipping Molleck the Owl in Bohemian Grove and not the one torturing and killing children at satanic alters to drink the adreneline in their blood. The messenger is not the one smuggling drugs and human cargo to sell to the Oligarchs, nor are they the ones harvesting human organs on healthy humans tossing their carcasses aside to later grind them up and sell their meat like cattle. No one wants to hear this let alone know it is true. In a short while all things will be divulged in a manner that you will have to see and hear. Whether by the good guys who win and expose it, or the bad guys who win and do it in your face. Either way the time to see all things is evidently on the horizon.

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010

They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall
timelines, and expected outcomes. This was posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:

• Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan.
Using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab 
2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like
wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans. To counteract that,
they added 4 HIV inserts into the virusThe missing key to infect the human is the

• Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a
backup plan. Ready to be released in Phase 3, but only if needed. SARS, HIV,
MERS, Weaponized Tribit Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab in 2015.
• Transport the Research Strain to different Class 4 lab, the National Microbiology Lab
in Winnipeg Canada, and have it “stolen and smuggled out by China”, Xi Jang Lee,
on purpose and taken to China’s only Class 4 lab which is Wuhan Institute
Virology in Wuhan China. For added plausible deniability and to help cement the
wanted backup public script as something to fall back on if needed. The primary
script being its natural. Backup script being that China created it and released it by

• Fund all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedros and agenciesWorld Health
Organization, NIAID, the CDC and also the UN,
 that would be involved with
pandemic response prior to the planned release of the Research Strain to control the
wanted script throughout the operation.
• Create and fund the vaccination development and roll out plan so it’s capable of
being rolled out on a global scale. Gates: A Decade of Vaccines and the Global
Action Vaccine action plan, 2010 to 2020.

• Create and fund the vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to
enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll out is enacted.
Gates: ID2020.
• Simulate the lockstep hypothesis just prior to the planned Research Strain release
using a real-world exercise as a final war game to determine expected response,
timelines, and outcomes, Event 201 in Oct 2019.
• Release the Research Strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame
its release on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script. Wuhan wet market,
Nov 2019. Exactly the same as the simulation.

• Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the
Research Strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lock down
respond to avoid initial infection.
• Once a country has seen infection in place, lock down incoming/outgoing travel.
Keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible.
• Once enough people in a country/ region are infected, enact forced
quarantines/isolation for that area
 and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time • Overhype the mortality rate by tying the Research Strain to deaths that have little to
nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum
. If
anyone dies for any reason and is found to have Covid, consider it a Covid death.
And if anyone is thought to of maybe had symptoms of Covid, assume they have
Covid, and consider it as a Covid death.

• Keep the public quarantines for as long as possible to destroy the region’s economy,
create civil unrest, break down the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food
shortages. As well as cause people’s immune system to weaken due to a lack of
interaction with other people’s bacteria, the outside world, aka the things that keep
our immune systems alert and active.

• Downplay and attack any potential treatments and continue to echo that the only cure
that is viable to fight this virus is the vaccine.

• Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over again in “two-week intervals”
[There is that two weeks spell casting again. It is a CIA program.] causing more and
more people to eventually stand up and protest. Defy them.
• [And here is the key part to now:] Eventually end Phase 1 quarantine once they get
enough public push back, expected June 2020, and publicly state that they think it’s
“too early to end the isolation, but I’m going to do it anyways.”
• Once the public go back to normal, wait a few weeks and continue to overhype the
Research Strain mortality rate, Aug to Sept 2020
, and combine it with the increase in
deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate than normal due
to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation
backs up what I said: you should social-distance people who wear masks regular.
That’s what they’ve just told you. They have highly weakened immune systems.] to
help further pad the mortality rate and also hype the up and coming Phase 2

• Eventually, enact Phase 2 quarantines, Oct through Nov 2020, on an even more
extreme level and blame the protesters, 
mostly people who don’t trust their
governments already, as the cause of the largest second wave whereby the media
will say ‘we told you so. It was too early. It’s all your own fault because you needed a
haircut. Your freedoms have consequences.’ [Should this all unfold in this manner,
the US election will be cancelled delayed or suspended. My opinion. How can you
vote with Phase 2 quarantines? You can’t.]
• Enforce the Phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level increasing the
penalty for defiance. Replace fines with jail time. 
Deem all travel as non-essential.
Increase checkpoints, including military assistance. Increase tracking/tracing after
population via mandatory app. Take over control of food, gas, and create large scale
shortages so that people can only get access to essential products or services if they
are first given permission.

• Keep the Phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time than the Phase
1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy. Further degrade the supply
chain and further amplify the food shortages and the like. Quell any public outrage
using extreme actions or force and make anyone who defies them appear as public
enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit.

• After a rather long Phase 2 lockdown of 6 months plus, roll out the vaccination
program and the vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone, giving
priority access to those that submitted from the start and have those that are for it
attack those that are against it, saying ‘they are a threat and the cause of all the
problems’ by using words like “We can’t go back to normal until everyone takes the
vaccine.” And people defying them are “hurting our way of life and therefore are the
enemy.” [In other words they are going to turn the people against each other.]

• If the majority of people go along with the agenda, then let those people enter the
new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that defied the agenda’s
ability to work, travel and live. 
• If the majority of people go against the agenda, then release the Weaponized
SARS/HIV/MERS Tribit Strain as a Phase 3 operation. 
A virus with a 30+% mortality
rate as a final scare to punish the minority to quickly become the majority and give a
final “We told you so” to those that didn’t listen.
• Enact the new economy model. Microsoft patent 060606 crypto currency system
using body activity data which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit.
It is a tweaked version of the black mirrors 15 million merits program using food,
water, shelter, and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new
economic system. Basically, do what we want and get rewarded. Gain credits score
and gain more access to things you need to survive. Or go against what we want and
get penalized. Lose credits score and lose access to things you need to survive.
And that is your New World Order: technology on steroids where you have no option but to
comply. And if anyone thinks that this isn’t true, then go and check out some parts of China
because they’ve already started some of the crypto currencies system in place in certain
areas. Transcript-The-Covid-Plan_Rockefeller-Lockstep-2010.pdf (agmiw.org)

If this was just a think tank get together…why is it being played out to the “T”? They have lost sight of their own twilight zone versus reality. These are wicked thinking monsters.

Pray for wisdom and strength for our leaders. God has given us a man to stand in the gap for us and his name is DONALD JOHN TRUMP. Pray that we are granted mercy from this ugly future the heartless global order thugs have planned.

Dianne Marshall





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作者:Pascal 回复 一冰 留言时间:2020-12-06 11:18:36

一冰好客气,帕博昨日也是头次认真注意到洛克菲勒的这篇 Lockstep Masterplan and Actionplan 的综合体,真是震撼了,看晕了,你说这是谁在给那谁洗地呢,还是谁在揭老底?你再看福奇 Fauci 2016年就警告,几年后全球爆发传染病大疫情;拜登同志2019年10月19日推文警告美国没有准备好疫情到来,他那是在回应前一天《华尔街日报》----- 2019年10月18日世界各国包括美国都没有准备好全球疫情的到来的报道。这几条都与 Lockstep 战略规划吻合贴切至极。


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作者:一冰 留言时间:2020-12-06 06:57:56






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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-12-05 18:52:51

新中国联邦的坚定盟友Kyle Bass先生在其社交媒体上愤慨的表示:位于美墨边境地区美军最大飞行员训练基地的跑道附近,竟然有余18万英亩的得克萨斯州农场土地被中共所购入.




Kyle Bass先生同时表示“不敢相信这一采购案是在美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)的监督允许下通过实施的.”











据报道称,中国正尝试制造”美国队长”式的士兵,并已进行了人体测试,以制造所谓的 “超级士兵”。

美国情报部门已对此事进行了通报,并表示中国政府已对解放军士兵进行了”人体测试”。据美国全国广播公司 (NBC) 新闻报道,美国一名高级情报官员12月4日表示,中国正试图制造具有’生物增强能力’的士兵。

美国家情报局局长约翰·拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe)在《华尔街日报》发布的文章中称中国是美国国家安全的头号威胁。



据美国全国广播公司 (NBC) 新闻报道,美国学者在去年写了一篇论文,研究关于中国将生物科技应用于战场的野心,并发现中国有意将 “基因编辑技术 “应用于人类和潜在的士兵身上,从而提高他们的技能表现的迹象。

学者们将目光聚焦在中国的基因编辑工具CRISPR (规则间隔的短回文重复序列簇)上。很显然,CRISPR已经被用于编辑植物基因和治疗遗传疾病。

对此事展开研究的学者、新美国安全中心的中国国防科技专家-艾尔莎·卡尼亚(Elsa Kania),与前海军军官、中国事务顾问-威尔逊·沃恩迪克 (Wilson VornDick) 表示,”虽然目前使用CRISPR技术提高人类在未来战场上的能力只是一种假设的可能,但已有迹象表明中国的军事研究人员正在开始探索其潜在性。” 而中国军事科学家和战略专家一直在强调,生物科技可以成为 ‘未来军事变革的新战略制高点’。





China Has Conducted Human Testing To Create Super Soldiers, US Intelligence Says


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作者:Pascal 回复 天雅 留言时间:2020-12-05 16:54:45

果真多方证实、权威认定如此,真是要对远博 五体投地 。

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作者:Pascal 回复 talkswitch1 留言时间:2020-12-05 16:51:59

是啊,晕了,计中计,局中局,是谁在洗地?还是在抄老底?小龙鱼同志亦是大英雄 ----- 剑指减灭地球总人口老巢 Fort Detrick。

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作者:天雅 留言时间:2020-12-05 16:39:41
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作者:talkswitch1 留言时间:2020-12-05 16:23:26

我早说了,远博那套阴谋论,搞来搞去,最后要搞到美帝头上。 这样搞法,选举和中共的问题都是小儿科。

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作者:Pascal 回复 Siubuding 留言时间:2020-12-05 16:10:54


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作者:Siubuding 留言时间:2020-12-05 15:50:51

Movies with such plot I had watched a few.

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