“Let trash do the talk.” This straight-out slogan introduced “Cosmic Unity” — Nike’s first sustainable performance shoe under its Move to Zero initiative toward zero waste and zero carbon. The Swoosh brand on Instagram unveiled Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, the Cosmic Unity through creative graphics and poster, playing along with the tagline while the shoe is being highlighted. The phrase “Yo! These kicks are straight basura!” are formed as the motion graphic rolls, since Cosmic Unity is made of at least 25 percent recycled content by weight.  With Nike’s technology, Cosmic Unity provides dynamic forefoot support, midsole responsiveness, and a full-length Zoom Air Strobel unit for the underfoot’s energy return and responsiveness as well. “We asked ourselves a question that is guiding our process into the future: Can a product that makes the world better also make an athlete better?” said Ross Klein, Nike’s Senior Creative Director for Performance Footwear, as reported by Nike News. “We wanted to create a synergy between making the world better by what we do, but also leave an impact for athletes so that they can perform at a higher level.” Aside from the shoe, the new line will also include jackets, pants, shorts, and shirts made of at least 95 percent recycled and/or organic material. Filipino basketball stars Paul Lee and Thirdy Ravena were also hyped with the announcement, sharing respective posts on their Instagram Stories. The “Green Glow” colorway, retailed for US $150 (approximately P7,212), is set to be released globally on Feb. 26 while the “Amalgam” and “Space Hippie” colorways will be launched on March 7 and 12 respectively. https://mb.com.ph/2021/02/04/let-trash-do-the-talk-nike-launches-first-sustainable-basketball-shoe-cosmic-unity/ 

解放军在日本海训练之际,美第7舰队旗舰出动,竟然挡在我军必经之路。这真是给人有一种碰瓷的赶脚啊。美帝真是越来越胆肥了,仗着他们盟友人多势众,不断挑衅英勇的人民解放军。 3月26日,澳大利亚议长毕晓普直接呼吁:澳大利亚必须做好同中国的战斗准备,还直接发出对美国的期许,希望美国能够提供援助军备,明确点出需要核潜艇作为国防增加力量。 据报道,美国空军列出中国50000个打击目标清单,这个清单上列出了一系列的作战目标,说是要战败中国的话,那么起码在36小时到72小时,对中国要进行连续地打击,才能完成这个目标。 这些攻击目标都是非常重要的,清单中70%的目标,是在距离中国海岸线400多公里范围之内,其中防控火力大概就占了6000多个目标,与航空兵相关的,比如跟战斗机、轰炸机相关的各种目标也有20000多,还有大批的支援性目标,另外加固的地下掩体等等,它也列出了2000多个。难怪美军侦察机不断地在中国沿海上空飞行,原来是来侦察地形来了。 就在大家的注意力放在中美中欧角力上时,美国与台湾当局私下勾结,签署协议,为美军进驻台湾做准备工作。 可以说美帝打出的牌,是一张接一张,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。作为大国,不能不引起高度注意。 继五眼联盟、欧盟、欧美等47国之后,日本很可能也会加入,日本前首相安倍称日本站在对抗中国最前线。这话就意味明显了。这些国家的GDP加起来占全球的80%,这要是一起抵制的话,估计压力应该有点大,任务应该有点重,要好好消化消化才行。 与此同时,亚洲重新组群,中国被排除在外。第53届东盟外长会议在越南河内召开,越南是轮值主席,越南外长范平明在会议上表示:我们欢迎美国为东盟对维护南海的和平、稳定与发展所做出的积极贡献。 这越南小霸公开站到了美帝一边去,这么强硬的表态站队支持美国,在之前是从来没有过的。 
01 有时拿美帝和大明的晚期比较,会发现很多相似之处; 大明的资本家是全球最富有的,通过国际贸易获得了惊人的财富,用瓷器、丝绸和茶叶的销售业务,获得了全球三成到五成的白银; 美国的资本家也是全球最富有的,尤其是华尔街,通过美军的保驾护航,到处抢劫,轻松的洗劫全球财富; 大明的朝廷是全球最贫穷的,崇祯穷到把宫廷里面的器皿都拿出去卖了换钱,找大臣去借钱还是不够支付各种政府开销; 美国的政府也是全球最贫穷的,一样是动不动就发行债券到处借钱,现在成了全球最大的债务国,还是不够支付政府的基本开销; 不过虽然都借钱,崇祯借钱的时候是真的求爷爷告奶奶,但是美帝越没钱越横,谁敢不给他借钱他就弄谁。 大明是皇帝世袭制度,实则朝廷为官僚所把持的贵族共和制度; 美国是家族政治制度,总统和高级幕僚的位置一直在圈子里面兜兜转转,而本质上是财阀共和制度; 大明的官员代表了江南财团的利益,朝廷征税永远征不到工商业的头上去,全靠穷人的农业税续命,朝廷的死活和资本家没关系; 美国的政府代表了华尔街金融资本、医疗利益集团、军工复合体的利益,结果政府的税收一直是劫贫济富,就是收中产的税,国家的死活和资本家也没关系; http://www.xilu.com/20210329/1000010001168797.html |