Dr. Sellin posted another twitter, this is definitely a bombshell 他这个推什么意思? What does the twitter say? 就是SARS-CoV-1 在2002-2004年的时候 Back in 2002-2004, which is the outbreak of SARS-CoV1 港大的团队就是这几个人,Malik, 袁国勇,潘烈文,管轶 This team from Hong Kong University, including Malik, Yuan Guoyong, Pan Liewen, Guan Yi, 他们当时对SARS-CoV-1的研究发现一个最重磅的东西, They found something amazing about SARS-CoV-1 就是它的病毒E蛋白里面氨基酸E69和G70这两个片段 The two segments of E protein, E69 and G70 用一个R代替,它的毒性以及病毒复制,繁殖的能力大大增强。 If you replace these two amino acids with Arginine (R), it will greatly improve the replication and reproduction of the virus 并且只要这个片段变成R的话,就能保证这个病毒具有感染脑部和神经系统的能力 Additionally, if R is to be replaced, it will sustain the neuronal infection capacity of the virus 这是港大的团队在2002-2004年(研究出来的) This is the major discovery of this Hong Kong University team in 2002-2004 大家想想,后来为什么这几个人这么牛? Just think about why these guys are so famous? 中共把他们捧到天上去了,就是因为发现了这一点 CCP put them in the heaven, just because they discovered this 他们当时对SARS-CoV-1,第一代SRAS,这个推里还有一个图 They worked on the SARS-CoV-1, first generation of SARS, we got a figure here in the twitter 这是SARS-CoV-1的片段,2002-2004时,E和G换成R以后, This is the segment of SARS-CoV-1, by 2002-2004, they swapped E and G to R 整个毒性,最重要的就是具有了感染脑部神经系统 Then, the toxicity, more importantly, the virus was able to infect the neuron system 看看而且这个推上还写了 The twitter also mentioned 这个片段变成R的现在世界上已知的只有三种 There are three viruses with R as this segement 一个就是舟山蝙蝠病毒ZX45 The first one is Zhou Shan BAT virus-ZX45 另外一个就是在泰国刚刚发现的所谓的RacCS203 Another one was just being discovered in Thailand-RacCS203 最后一个就是RaTG13云南fake 病毒 The last one is RaTG13, fake virus from Yunnan Sellin 博士直接说了RaTG13就是假的 Dr. Sellin said RaTG13 is fake 唯一找到的就是这个舟山蝙蝠(病毒ZX45)具备这个功能 The only one that actually has the function nis Zhou Shan BAT virus-ZX45 自然它就把这段E蛋白的这一小片段边成了R And it has this segment of E protein swapped to R 等于说就具备了感染神经系统功能 Therefore, has the function of neuro-infection
Zhou Shan Bat virus has such a good backbone, it has two E Amino acids swapped to R, allows it to infect the neuron
路德/Lude: 找了多少年,2009 年到2014年五年的大项目,全国找病毒 After many years, from 2009 to 2014, major projects for these five years were virus hunting 主要找冠状病毒,要至少找2-3种有脑部感染能力的新动物病毒 They were primarily looking for coronaviruses, at least 2-3 species that can infect the brain 港大的这个团队,2004年他们找到了这个片断,这个很关键 Hong Kong University team, by 2004 identified this critical segment 病毒找到了,马上序列查出来 After they found the virus, then they analyzed the sequence 只要 E蛋白的基氨酸69 和G70 变成了R 基氨酸来替代 If you swap the postion 69 and G70 of E protein with R 基本上,八九不离十,一定能感染脑部神经 Most likely, the virus will be able to infect the neuron 这就是他们当时的研究成果 That was the major accomplishments for them 管轶在采访中还专门说了一段话 Guan Yi also talked specifically 中间宿主群找不到,缺了这一块 No intermediate hosts were found, this is missing 那么什么东西可以顶替中间宿主 What can be the intermediate hosts 如果找不到,蝙蝠里的病毒是不会飞到人类的,没这个本事 If you cannot find it, the virus from bats don’t infect human, that is not possible 所以(CCP)再怎么撒谎,你也不能编成蝙蝠(病毒)直接(传染)到人 So, no matter how CCP lies, you cannot argue the virus from bat will directly infect human 这就为什么中共傻乎乎的让石正丽做了RaTG13 That is why CCP had Shi Zhengli faked RaTG13 它就想RaTG13直接到人,然后变异,就玩这一遭,明白吗? They want have RaTG13 infection of human, then mutate. This is the planned game, right? 但是站不住脚,这就是为什么Sellin 博士明确写的RaTG13 是云南 fake 假病毒 But, the lie will not fly, that is why Dr. Sellin said explicitly RaTG13 is a fake virus from Yunnan 所有关联都是舟山蝙蝠,为什么? All that is related is Zhou Shan bat virus, why? 因为有人亲自告诉闫博士,让她一定要保密 Because, someone told Dr. Yan, and ask her to keep it as a secret 这个就是舟山蝙蝠病毒 That is Zhou Shan bat virus 但是很恐慌的,极其恐慌,那种恐慌就像电影里的那种失魂的恐慌 They were in such a panic, like soulless 闫博士亲口给我说的,天涯海角都会被追杀的那种感觉 Just like Dr. Yan put it, they will hunt you down to the end of the earth for this.