
中国科学院力学研究所研究员、怀柔激波风洞项目负责人 姜宗林: 第一个尺度大。我们这个风洞吹出来这个流场有2.5米的直径, 一般国外最大直径的话1.5米,这样的话你可以放更大的飞行器。 第二个时间长。在马赫10的时候我们达到40个毫秒,比国内国际 的同类先进水平大概要有几倍、成倍提高,实验的结果的精度也 高了。第三个总温高,总压高,性能高。现在可以做到2500摄氏 度到18000摄氏度,而总压的话,我们可以做到100个大气压一直 到10000个大气压。所以这个性能的话在世界上没有其它风洞可以 比的。


However, according to a researcher and professor, Chris Combs, an expert on hypersonics and aeronautical engineering, from San Antonio, the claims about the JF-22 hypersonic tunnel ignores the presence of a wide variety of decades-old facilities around the world. “In terms of defense vs space, when they talk Mach 30 that’s pretty much exclusively space. Also, I am not sure in terms of physics what is gained for Mach 20 vs Mach 30. But there are plenty of places that can do Mach 5-8ish (I even have a Mach 7 tunnel),” Combs told EurAsian Times. He says there are lots of different ways to get to Mach 20+, with several facilities present around the world that can do that. “With that said, they can likely run that facility at lower Mach numbers for more defense-centric applications,” he added. Most hypersonic test tunnels have existed since the Cold War to test space vehicles and missiles in the United States. NASA has built many such test facilities over the decades to study countless rockets and spacecraft that the space agency sent to space. Combs says the article doesn’t mention how they will handle the fact that a detonation-driven shock tunnel will alter the air chemistry to the point that the aero will no longer be representative of flight.
https://www.eurasiantimes.com/30-times-faster-than- speed-of-sound-is-china-really-wining-the-hypersonic- race-with-its-jf-22-wind-tunnel/


不过中国专家认为,即便建设30倍音速的风洞, 唯一不可能的用途就是制造30倍音速的高超音速武器。
专家称,30倍音速超过第二宇宙速度(每秒11.2千米; 每秒525千米为第四宇宙速度,即飞出银河系所需最小 初始速度),飞行器若以这个速度在大气层中飞行, 需克服巨大阻力和气动加热,而且在打击效果上没有 明显优势,经济上更划不来。
没有高超音速武器需要加速到这个速度。 https://news.cyol.com/content/2017-11/29/content_16730903.htm



