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  零星拾集 --------Understanding of the people, one gene at a time.
註冊日期: 2011-09-09
訪問總量: 458,882 次
歡迎 歡迎 寬贏
· 1 公布結果 2 民運都是骯髒的hat
· 下一博寫啥涅? "關於對綠帽的答
· Case closed, 民運選擇了挑釁下
· 阿妞,至少在投訴時,你的偷偷刪
· 下期微博預告: 民運選擇了挑釁
· 實現人類民主自由理想 與 看清萬
· 是民主的要義還是悖論? (微博)
· love陽光:陽光的博客
· 笑看糊塗蛋:笑看糊塗蛋的博客
· 喀什:喀什的博客
· 月彎兒:月彎兒的博客:外賣店
· Cowboy:Cowboy的博客
· 幽久橋:幽久橋的博客
· 與愛同在:與愛同在的博客
· 華歡笑:華歡笑的博客
· 山月歌:山月歌的博客
· 方鯤鵬:方鯤鵬
· 山哥:山哥的文化廣場
· 史語:史語的博客
· 瀛洲大蟹:輕扣柴扉
· 米笑:米笑的博客
· 落基山人:落基山人的博客
· 歡樂誦:歡樂誦
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· 庭榕:庭榕的博客
· 白凡:白凡的博客
· 椰子:椰風陣陣,思緒如河
· 蘆鶴:蘆鶴
· 湯安: 科學社會的三段論 (微博)
· 湯安: 感恩節探古,一個關於感
· 美食和情感,少了哪一樣都吃不出
· 扶了一個摔倒不起的老人 攙扶老
· zt 朋友土佬的阿爾巴尼亞遊記
· 天生刀魚好時光
· 周五影視: NHK記錄片 顏色革命的
· 外國人當時拍的中國形象新聞照片
· 琉球 蔣介石 中國最大的戰略錯
· 關於辛亥革命的評價 ---- 毛澤東
· 勇敢的不同方式: 秋瑾與魯迅
· 扶了一個摔倒不起的老人 攙扶老
· 感恩節快樂!三個小菜
· 大羹無和味 美食無限貴
· 湯安: 你可能沒見過的水果 5 鮮
· 湯安: 你可能沒見過的水果 4
· 湯安: 你可能沒見過的水果 3
· 湯安: 你可能沒見過的水果 2
· 湯安: 你可能沒見過的水果 1
· 美食和情感,少了哪一樣都吃不出
· 愛吃臘汁肉的老婦人
· 世上最難學透的學問就是如何享受
· zt The Sick Man of Asia 美刊稱
· 周五影視推薦: 歷史回顧 國慶記
· 非死不可是個好東西
· 英國充滿挑撥和歪曲中國的報道:
· 周五電影推薦: 《Limitless》永
· 了解國際政治的經典電影: 《Into
· 周五影視推薦: 由電影《Awake (
· 周五影視推薦: 斷刀 ----- 中國
· 當指揮權放進政治鑽營者手中:
· 一生需要看十遍的理想主義經典作
· 1 公布結果 2 民運都是骯髒的hat
· 下一博寫啥涅? "關於對綠帽的答
· Case closed, 民運選擇了挑釁下
· 阿妞,至少在投訴時,你的偷偷刪
· 下期微博預告: 民運選擇了挑釁
· 實現人類民主自由理想 與 看清萬
· 是民主的要義還是悖論? (微博)
· 洪博培 1.應如何處理美中關係 2.
· 有沒有共濟會針對中國的陰謀?
· [轉載] 蘇聯末期的“南方系”---
· 【轉載: 我把一個美國女人說的鴉
· 史上著名的10個思想實驗及提出者
· 中美庚子賠款留美幼童被撤回後的
· 有沒有共濟會針對中國的陰謀?
· 湯安: 象不象近代當代中國的處境
· zt 賴帳:不單單是希臘的光榮傳
· Stephen Ambrose 寫的美國近代史
· 美國上流社會
· 達爾文和他改變的世界 紀念查爾
· 從兩幅奧諾雷·杜米埃的畫看法國
· 禾墩, 一首經典優美的美國詩詞
· 西方戲劇及名劇簡介
· 湯安: 大愛梵高
· 音樂是人們掛在自己腦子裡的畫
· 下一博寫啥涅? "關於對綠帽的答
· 湯安: 科學社會的三段論 (微博)
· 2011最佳發明
· Lily's Disneyland Birthda
· 如何在網上辯論之對付謾罵者
· 湯安: 我的太陽
· 二戰德軍 "軍魂之歌"
· "Besame Mucho 深情的吻&qu
· 愛情美麗,可是,生活中你更難以
· 民歌《茉莉花》最早版本
· Time to Say Goodbye ---一種無
· 不衰的經典: Nights In White Sa
· In The Mood 一首值得肆意歡樂的
· The Warsawian 華沙曲 (Red Army
· 快樂童年,如今一去不復返
12/01/2011 - 12/31/2011
11/01/2011 - 11/30/2011
10/01/2011 - 10/31/2011
09/01/2011 - 09/30/2011
用戶名: 密碼: 您還不是博客/論壇用戶?現在就註冊!
湯安: 你可能沒見過的水果 3





Common snowberry 雪果
雪果屬忍冬科,是一種低矮灌木。原產於北美洲,僅有1個種原產中國中部。忍冬科雪果屬約18種低矮灌木的統稱。均原產於北美洲,僅有1個種原產中國中部。 皆有鍾狀、淡粉紅色或白色的花和雪白色漿果。最著名的觀賞種如︰尖葉雪果(S. albus),高1公尺,莖柔軟,葉卵形,漿果大而多汁、白色;多果雪果(S. rivularis),稍高大,葉橢圓形,漿果量多。creeping snowberry為杜鵑花科白株樹屬植物。

(Symphoricarpos albus)
Deciduous shrub that bears pink flowers followed by white berries from late summer to winter. Grows 2 to 6 feet tall.



Creeping snowberry

http://www.flowersofindia.in/catalog/slides/Himalayan Snowberry.jpg



Ripe Salal Berries

Saskatoon Berry

– These sweet delicious berries are a 美國 West Coast and Rocky Mountain favourite. They can be used dried or fresh for just about recipe under the sun whether it be for baking, canning, or brewing. Sometimes they have little white grubs in them, so be careful when you eat them fresh!



烏稔果 烏飯果

Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb

(學名:桃金娘) 烏飯子,是一種美味的野果,除了食用外還能入藥,是烏飯樹所結的果實。烏飯樹(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb),別名牛筋,南燭草木,杜鵑花科植物。

地稔果 地稔,野牡丹科野牡丹屬植物,又稱野落茄、地石榴、鋪地錦、地紅花。地稔果為其果實。 分布於長江以南各省區。在廣西吃過不少,口味溫和,甜如藍莓。

烏稔飯是清明食俗,而清明食俗也不能不提到畲家的“烏稔飯”,因為閩東是畲族聚居地。烏稔飯又名烏米飯,每年三月初三,畲族人家家戶戶煮 “烏稔飯”,並饋 贈漢族的親戚朋友,久而久之,當地的漢族人民也有了清明時食“烏稔飯”的習俗。特別是枯榮縣民間,每年都須用“烏稔飯”祭祀,可見中國自古以來就是一個民 族和睦相處的大家庭。 清明時節,閩東各地無論城鄉家家戶戶煮“烏 稔飯”,“烏稔飯”的製作方法並不繁雜,將採摘下來的烏稔樹葉洗淨,放入清水中煮沸,撈掉樹葉,然後,將糯米浸泡在烏稔湯中,浸泡9小時後撈出,放在蒸煮 籠里蒸煮,熟時即可食用。中國南方許多少數民族如壯族、侗族、水族、苗族畲族黎族仫佬毛南、布依族等族都有各自傳統的三月三節日習俗。





Juniperus - Juniper - Enebro


杜松果(Juniper Berry) 學名﹕Juniperus communis. 杜松是檜屬植物,植株不高,有著針狀葉子。它的果實原是藍色,兩年後為黑色,成為成熟的果實, 也有其他紅色黃色等顏色的果實,可以吃。杜松果 英 文 名: Juniper Berry 科 名: 柏科,常綠喬木 摘取部位: 果實 產 地: 生長於歐美洲及西南亞到西馬拉雅山區,高4到6英尺,果實需要二或三年才會成熟。 簡 介: 杜松是種高大的灌木,從開花到果實可採收,需要兩年的時間。可以做酒的杜松子也可以沖泡成香醇可口的杜松果茶,茶雖然入喉時,就像喝酒一樣,有些兒苦、有些兒辣,但餘味芳香的,即使不沖泡成花草茶飲用,也能用於雞尾酒中,味道更讓人回味無窮。

杜松果的利尿和防腐功能一直廣為人 知,這兩種能也曾香薰治療師為杜松果的最大功效。




辟荔 木蓮 Ficus pumila L.


薜荔為桑科植物薜荔Ficus pumla L. 的隱花果。成熟果可制涼粉。

 Ficus pumila
Common: creeping fig or climbing fig
Family: Moraceae
Origin: China and Japan to Australia

辟荔,在有些地區叫涼粉果,果實比荔枝稍大,青皮,常常在夏天裡爬滿 老牆,其果可以做涼粉,粉嫩透明,像一塊塊豆腐,是夏天裡消暑的好食品。

學名: Ficus pumila L. 別名: 木蓮、餅泡樹、糖饅頭、文頭榔、木瓜藤、璧石虎、風不動、木璧蓮、苜蓮、鬼饅頭、桔杷、石璧蓮 種類:藤本植物 分布:分布在長江以南各省區。 形態: 常綠攀緣性大灌木,經常爬生於石壁、圍牆或樹幹上,在莖上處處生氣根,幼枝黃色至紅褐色,具有少許毛茸;葉互生,革質,長橢圓形或倒卵 形,葉基常為歪形,全緣,托葉膜質或紙質;隱花果單立或成對著生於葉腋,倒卵狀錐形,長4-6.5cm,寬3.5-6.5cm,成熟時深綠色或黑紫色,散 生白色斑點.食用時,將瘦果的宿存花被和粉碎或搗碎的瘦果及種子一同放入紗布袋中,在冷開水中浸泡揉搓,不需添加任何物質,就會自行凝凍,晶瑩剔透,細膩滑嫩,是優質 的保健食品。



Ficus destruens (Rusty fig) - fruit


Ficus auriculata edible 不同種類的無花果


Ficus nodosa fruit 不同種類的無花果

The fruit of F. nodosa have a very thick rind and remain hard, even when they are ripe and drop to the ground.


Ficus hispida Linnaeus 不同種類的無花果


http://www.ask.com/wiki/Figs 裡面介紹了上百種不同種類的無花果,這一種產自美國佛州




Fig 無花果


學名:Ficus carica Linn.,桑科榕屬,落葉灌木或喬木。原產歐洲地中海沿岸和中亞,西漢引入中國。

無花果是我國長江以南地區常見的果樹,在新疆塔里木盆地也有大量栽培,主要分布於阿圖什、喀什、莎車、葉城、和田、阿克蘇、庫爾勒等地以及吐魯番盆地,其 中以阿圖什所產的無花果最為著名。全市農場、各鄉的果園以及普通農舍周圍,到處可見無花果樹,樹冠墨綠,枝葉婆娑,濃蔭覆蓋。果熟時節,醇郁醉人的果香撲 鼻而來。在村鎮集市上,果農將一個個扁圓的、金黃的無花果,用巴掌寬的綠葉墊襯着,盛在柳條筐或搪瓷盆里,擺攤在街邊路旁,招徠過往的人們品嘗。這裡的無 花果有早熟、晚熟等品種之分,均屬優良品種,果皮細薄,果肉奶黃色,軟糯多汁,氣味芳香,甘甜如蜜(含糖量達24%),吃起來很像鮮嫩爽口的奶油椰絲點 心,其風味頗似嶺南香蕉。
  無花果又名隱花果、蜜果、奶漿果、品仙果,屬桑科落葉灌木或小喬木。它並非無花,而是花體太小,又不外露,隱藏於壺狀的總花托內,植物學中稱做隱頭花 序,因此人們只見果實而見不到花。待果實生長到1/3大時,把它切開,就可以用放大鏡看到正在盛開的花朵。


Ficus auriculata Lour.

木瓜榕  熱帶雨林的野外生存糧食

看到現在,尤其是看到它的拉丁名 Ficus auriculata Lour.大家應該已經學會判斷它是那一屬的植物了。這不就是又一種無花果麼?

有部越南老電影裡面放了許多木瓜榕的特寫鏡頭,那時候還小,沒記住是講什麼的,只記住了吃那些木瓜榕的畫面。後來去越南西雙版納,竟然都沒見着木瓜榕。平日所看到的榕樹果實際上並不是榕樹真正的果實,而是花序托。當木瓜榕的花成熟開放時,花序的頂 部會 自動打開通道,讓一種榕小蜂出進,為它傳粉。由於木瓜榕花序的結構和生長習性特別,所以只有特殊的榕小蜂才能為它傳粉,離開了這些昆蟲,它就不能結果;

木瓜榕又名大果榕、饅頭果、大無花果、波羅果、大木瓜、蜜枇杷、大石榴等,果實直接結在大枝椏或樹幹上,甚至樹幹的基部,形似扁球,大小如拳,初生綠色, 成熟時變為紅褐色,微甜多汁,味美可食,堪稱野生水果中的上乘之品。木瓜榕在西雙版納的叢林裡,一年四季都能吃到它。果實直接結在大枝丫或 樹幹上,甚至樹幹的基部,形似扁 球,大小如拳,初生綠色,成熟時變為紅褐色,微甜多汁,味美可食,堪稱野生水果中的上乘之品。此外,紫紅色的嫩葉也可供食用,為西雙版納傣族菜餚中常見的 野生蔬菜之一。   

木瓜榕多生於低山溝谷潮濕雨林中。在中國的海南、廣西、雲南、貴州、四 川等地都有分布,印度、越南、巴基斯坦也有分布。


木瓜榕? 這個看上去不象。


Wild tamarind (Diploglottis australis)

and several related species were a particular favorite bit of bush tucker encountered while doing field research in Queensland Australia. Actually the fruit is an inedible capsule, but each seed is surrounded by a red-orange aril with a very tart tropical fruity flavor.




忍冬果,褲襠泡 ---- 忍冬科的葉花果都有對生特點,結果果實象小人也象分岔的褲襠。非常可口的果實,難忘以前從秦嶺一直吃它到巴山。



Caigua (Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrad)


Caigua (Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrad) is an amazing and rare edible climbing annual, and is regarded as one of the lost crops of the Inca peoples. Its other names are achocha, achoccha, achojcha, caiba, caihua, caygua, concombre grimpant, korila, kaikua, lady's slipper, pepino de comer, pepino de rellenar, pepino andino, slipper gourd, stuffing cucumber, taimia de comer, taimia de cipo, wild cucumber (USA).Native to Peru and the high Andes. Edible are the fruit, seeds, and leaves. The flavour is similar to sweet peppers. Unlike a cucumber, the inside of the ripe fruit is hollow (much like a bell-pepper), with several black seeds attached.




Breadfruit 麵包果


Breadfruit is high in carbohydrates and vitamin B and, when fully ripe, is a fair source of vitamin C and calcium. The starchy globes resemble white potatoes in taste and versatility, yet have their own character. To steam, use breadfruit at any stage of ripeness. Steam whole and unpeeled breadfruit, or peeled and quartered, one hour or until tender.To boil, place whole breadfruit in boiling water to float, for one hour or until tender. Or, boil peeled, cubed breadfruit in salted water to cover until tender. To bake, place a soft, yellow-brown breadfruit in a baking pan, with water covering the pan bottom. Bake at 350 degrees one hour or until tender. Serve the steamed, boiled or baked breadfruit with butter (or Butter Buds), salt and pepper.



綠山竹 Binukaw (Garcinia binucao)

Specimen :  Fruits (from Mindanao) Local names :  Binukaw, Batwan
Botanical name :  Garcinia binucao  Family :  Clusiaceae / Guttiferae
Leaves :  Opposite; Oblong, apex acuminate, base acute to obtuse, firm or leathery, glossy green; New leaves reddish brown。 Fruit :  Berry; Depressed-globose, supported by a 4-parted calyx, green to yellowish green, glossy, with numerous seeds。 Fruiting seson :  Fruits were received in August。Traits :  Evergreen; Shade tolerant; Small to medium-sized tree.Recommendations :  Backyard planting; Commercial planting; Fruit collector’s; Living fence; Roadside tree; Urban greening; Wildcrafting.
Other uses :  Fruits are used as flavoring for Fish Sinigang; Timber for light construction, interior work, poles, agricultural implements and small wooden articles, ; Firewood and charcoal.



"They are “not for humans” but some birds eat them. Of course, I had to try one. They are intensely sweet and fig-like. I tried only a small amount. After a few seconds you get a chili-like burning sensation on the tongue wherever the fruit was in contact. The strong sweetness lingers, but I take the burning as a warning. I decided that I had experimented enough. The seeds are one or two shiny black kernels which are so hard that you have to crack them with a hammer. Inside the thick shell is a nut-like core which is also very sweet."--Posted in On Tthe Road, Photography Tricks on April 20th, 2011 by MadDog



天堂果 Gac, Momordica Cochichinensis, Fruit From Heaven。
Place of Orign: USA




“拇指西瓜” 學名“佩普基諾”

迷你西瓜學名為“佩普基諾”,英文為Pepquino ,綠皮、橢圓形外觀與普通西瓜相近,但比後者整整小20 倍。一個“成年”普通西瓜長約為43厘米至48厘米,直徑約17厘米,但“佩普基諾”僅有3厘米長。相比之下,它就像一個微型版的小西瓜。這種野生水果源 自南美洲。荷蘭食品生產商科普珀特·普雷斯公司發現它後,將種子帶回荷蘭,進行溫室栽培。“迷你”似乎正成為一種潮流。消費者愈發青睞微型產品,如電話、 計算機、音樂播放器等,連水果也不例外。 一家荷蘭公司推出的微型西瓜登陸英國後,立即掀起轟動,各大餐館紛紛定購,以供人們“嘗鮮”。是一種源自南美洲 的野生水果,生長周期一般在60至85天,每株產量60到100個。因其外形與普通西瓜無異,直徑只有2 厘米左右,個頭僅有成年人手指一個指節大小,故稱“拇指西瓜”。據介紹,這種西瓜果實外皮柔滑細嫩,內瓤為青綠色,含有豐富的維生素C、鉀和鎂,有一種類 似香蕉、酸橙的香味,口感如黃瓜般清脆爽口,可直接食用。

果茄 Lulos (makes a tasty drink)



Zapote Sapote 香肉果 別名:美洲木蘋果,墨西哥蘋果,加錫彌羅果

本屆約有6種,原產於墨西哥。我 國廣州及雲南引种放培1種。
edulis La Lie ex Lex 喬木,高達15米。葉具長柄,3— 7小葉,多數為6小葉:小葉橢圓形至卵圓形,長12.6厘米,兩棉 毛。花序大,腋生或頂生,花淡黃綠色。果實球形似苹 果,直徑7.6—10厘米,光滑,淡黃綠色;果實軟,奶油色,富含蛋白質,維生索C和A,味甜, 可食;種子3—5粒,長圓形,扁平,無胚乳。廣州 及雲南南部有引種栽培。果鮮食食,價值僅 次 於香蕉、無花果和海棗。

The genusCasimiroa of the family Rutaceae was named in honor of Cardinal Casimiro Gomez de Ortega, a Spanish botanist of the 18th Century*. It embraces 5 or 6 species of shrubs or trees. Of these, 3 shrubby species, C. pubescens Ramirez, C. pringlei Engl. and C. watsonii Engl., are apparently confined to Mexico and he received scant attention. An additional species,C. emarginata Standl. & Steyerm., was described in 1944, based on a single specimen in Guatemala. It may be merely a form of C. sapota, below.
[*The genus Casimiroa was actually named after Casimiro Gomez, an Otome Indian from the town of Cardonal, Hidalgo, Mexico, a martyr of Mexico's war of independence.]

Of the 3 larger-growing forms, the best known is the common white sapote, called zapote blanco by Spanish-speaking people, abché or ahache by Guatemalan Indians, and Mexican apple in South Africa, and widely identified as C. edulis Lle & Lex. The matasano (ormatazano), C. sapota Oerst., is often not distinguished fromC. edulis in the literature and the name matasano has been applied to other species in various localities. The woolly-leed white sapote, known to the Maya as yuy and set apart in Guatemala as matasano de mico, has been commonly considered a distinct species, C. tetrameria Millsp., but it may be only a variant of C. edulis.


木瓜  Quince (宣木瓜)

薔薇科木瓜屬植物木瓜   [薔薇科木瓜的花(Chaenomeles sinensis)]

薔薇科木瓜的花(Chaenomeles sinensis)  本屬植物有木瓜(木瓜海棠)、貼梗海棠(皺皮木瓜)等,幾種是原產中國的溫帶木本植物,其果實可供食用、藥用,同時花色美麗,也供觀賞;它們還是傳統文 化、詩歌中所提到的木瓜,如《詩經》中的名句“投我以木瓜,報之以瓊琚”。 我在別的帖里專門寫過它,這裡就不多介紹了。

The largesse



人參果,英文名“Ginsengfruit”原名 為香瓜茄,亦可稱作仙果、香艷梨、艷果,是產於中國武威地區的一種保健水果。人參果屬於茄科的多年生草本植物,果實成熟時果皮呈金黃色,外形似人類的心 臟。其果肉味道獨特,吃起來脆爽多汁,而且不酸不澀,是一種較受歡迎的水果。此外,人參果的營養價值極高,既是低糖低脂,亦富維生素C,蛋白質含量也高, 還含有十九種氨基酸以及鈣、鎂、硒等十幾種人體必需的礦物質和微量元素,有抗癌、抗衰老、降血壓、降血糖、消炎、補鈣、美容的功能。。人參果還能加工成罐 頭、果醬、果汁、飲料以及口服液。另外亦具有極高的觀賞價值,可作盆景在庭院、陽臺或房前屋後栽培。



西番蓮 雞蛋果 Passionfora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg
西番蓮是原產於美洲熱帶地區的一種芳香水果,有“果汁之王”的美譽。西番蓮品種眾多,為多年生常綠 攀緣木質藤本植物。西番蓮為多年生纏繞性草本,可入藥。西番蓮在歐洲是頗盛名的草藥,用於治療失眠和焦慮不安。16世紀,西班牙探險家在秘魯和巴西的印第 安部落中第一次遇見西番蓮,並將它帶入歐洲。印第安人認為西番蓮是最好的鎮定劑。現代醫學證明了這種功效認為西番蓮除富含人體必需的氨基酸維生素等160 多種有益成份外,其中豐富的天然活性成分類黃酮是減除煩躁和緩減壓力的基本元素,其卓越的舒壓功效,有助入睡。

熱情果(Passion fruitHerba Passiflorae CoeruleaePassionfiowe Herb),別名轉枝蓮、轉心蓮;又名雞蛋 果、黃仙果、百香果、天生子、 文仙果、密果、奶漿果,為西番蓮科植物西番蓮 Passiflora coerulea L.。因而還有 一個名字,俗稱“巴西果”。西番蓮主要種植 黃果種和紫果種。紫果種的果實果皮是紫紅色,枝蔓青綠色,適宜於夏季涼爽,海拔300至500米高的地方種植,而不適宜夏季高溫天氣的珠江三角洲或以南地 區栽培。黃果西番蓮適應性較強,果實較大,產量較高,品質優,出汁率較高,但耐寒性較差,有些品種還有自花不實現象,需要人工輔助授粉。目前,提倡種植黃 果西番蓮,主栽品種都是華南農業大學從世界各地引入後進行選育種培育出來的。

(雞) 蛋黃果 Lucuma nervosa
山欖科Sapotaceae 蛋黃果屬Lucuma 獅頭果、蛋果、桃欖


蛋黃果(Lucuma nervosa A.DC) 又名仙桃,山欖科,多年生常綠小喬木植物。樹高7—9米,樹冠圓錐形。花於5—6月間開放,花期很長。果實於12月開始成熟,橢圓形或卵形,果頂長尖,成 熟果外皮橙黃色、光滑,果肉橙黃色,帶粉狀組織,柔軟而缺乏水分,極似煮熟卵黃,果肉可食,味甜。內藏一粒種子,種子橢圓形,兩端尖銳。原產美洲熱帶地 區, 是一種多年生的熱帶名貴水果,適宜沙質地和其他土壤質地栽種的優良特性二代母本果樹;該水果目前每公斤的市場價格在20至55元之間,是一種極富市 場前景的果樹種植品種,同時也是解決農村水果種植業品種老化、市場價格低迷,促進農村農民增收的一條有效途徑。果實除生食外,可制果醬、冰奶油、飲料或果 酒。

Red durian kalar 紅榴蓮


http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLWvy2vt00g6-MVI9fHuQkrWFA2l_WzTFIFfEOFykw6BDoHTHn http://lostborneo.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/wild-durian-rdc-20081128-06.jpg?w=150&h=112

吃不少那種叫做金枕頭的黃榴蓮,挑榴蓮必須挑胖大又有中隔內陷的棱,表示發育充分。當兩個尖突能搬動的就是正當時的熟度。它的香、糯、飽滿的感覺人人都不 會拒絕。當然不要在客廳就動手,即使請客也是讓大家到陽台去吃,不然味道去不掉。這也是民航不許帶榴蓮的原因。順便附上木菠籮(jackfruit, 下左大個青綠的果實,一般個頭跟冬瓜那麼大)和野榴蓮的圖象。

A distant relative of jackfruit (a giant that tastes like Juicyfruit gum), pedalai is a softball-sized wild fruit from Southeast Asia with soft, sweet white pegs of flesh inside.

這種果實很象是木菠籮(jackfruit )和野榴蓮雜交的產物,jackfruit


(五倍子樹、山梧桐、黃瓤樹、欺樹) Rhus chinensis Mill
這種果子 吃的人可能 很少,咸酸. (白白的是什麼?鹽!)


咖喱果 Curry tree ------Edible curry leaf
Small or medium sized tropical/subtropical tree. 咖喱葉 (印度咖喱的主要香料)
Purple-black fruited tree,  most famous for its aromatic leaves that provide curry spice. Actual curry seasoning is a blend of ground cumin, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, red pepper, fenugreek, allspice, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, mustard, fennel and mace. In that mix, several of the ingredients, including mustard, cumin, coriander, fennel and cinnamon, are roasted separately before being ground and added to the other ingredients.

Lipstick tree, Annato. This erect shrub with large, glossy green, prominently veined leaves that can become a small tree several feet tall. It is grown as a garden ornamental less for its pale pink flowers, which last only one day, than for its highly decorative two-valved seed pods, covered with soft, deep red hairs.

Also called“Curry plant”----someone said they are edible curry red seeds(Annatto Seed, see below), not sure yet.

Annatto Seed (Bixa orellana) is a shrub or small tree related to the  trees of tropical regions of the Americas.  Approximately 50 seeds grow inside prickly reddish-orange, heart-shaped pods at the ends of the branches. The trees are literally covered by these brightly-colored pods, and one small Annatto tree can produce up to 270 kg of seeds. The seeds are covered with a reddish aril, which is the source of an orange-yellow dye.  Its scent is described as “slightly peppery with a hint of nutmeg”.  The indigenous Indians of Central and South American use these seeds to color their lips, giving this plant the name “lipstick tree”. Annatto Seeds contain protein, as well as alpha- and beta-carotenoids.  Annatto oil is an emollient, and its high carotenoid content provides beneficial antioxidant properties. In body care products, Annatto oil provides antioxidant benefits while adding a rich, sunny color to soaps, creams, lotions, and shampoos.

Have you ever wondered where red curry get it’s color?   It comes from the chalky red seeds of what my guide called the “curry plant”.

咖喱 Real curry plant (non-edible “curry” plant)
Again, 此咖喱非彼(印度)咖喱


Camu-camu 卡姆果

卡姆果(Camu Camu fruit)是原產於秘魯共和國亞馬遜河上游的紫紅色果實。由於這種水果非常脆弱且不易保鮮,原本是一種除了原產地以外不為人知的珍貴水果,如今正在受到 廣泛的關注,原因就在於卡姆果的天然維生素C 含量在全世界的水果中數一數二,其不僅受到飲食界的關注,在美容界也已成為熱門話題。卡姆果具有很高的經濟價值和良好的開發前景。

卡姆果 (Camu Camu fruit)外形似葡萄,果實直徑為2~3cm。果實成熟時呈現美麗的紫紅色。果肉幾乎為半透明的白色。味道極酸,這是因為卡姆果中含有劑量極高的天然維 生素C。卡姆果是在亞馬遜河流域 的熱帶雨林野生的灌木,高度約2~3m,有的時候也會 長到5m。它有很大的葉子,果實的直徑為20毫米的圓形,表皮為明亮的紅色,果肉為粉紅色。果實中含有的維生素C的含量很高,是檸檬的50倍,橘子的30 倍,阿西羅拉櫻桃的2倍左右。除此之外還含有豐富的維生素B1,維生素B2,煙酸。還大量含有對恢復疲勞,防止老化有特效的檸檬酸。卡姆果是在全世界的植 物中,被稱為含有多種維生素C的秘魯亞馬遜原產的熱帶水果。


 卡姆果的收穫期是12月 至3月。在當地,從很早以前開始把它搾成果汁來飲 用。但是卡姆果特別不好保存,如果沒有冷藏設施的話,長距離,長時間的運輸是比較困難的。所以在其他的地域,幾乎沒普及。就是在卡姆果生長的地域之外的秘 魯人,也是不知道卡姆果的存在的。在當地,防止皮膚乾燥,預防感冒,便秘,抑制肥滿,糖尿病,高血壓等方面有效果。

Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) contains the highest concentrated source of naturally occurring vitamin C.  When compared to orange, Camu Camu has thirty times more vitamin C along with ten times as much iron, three times as much niacin, twice as much riboflavin and fifty percent more phosphorus. It is also a significant source of potassium, minerals and amino acids. Camu-camu has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, emollient and nutritive properties.  The fruit also contains a wide variety of bioflavonoids that provide many benefits.  The beta-carotene, riboflavin and niacin in  Camu Camu promote healthy gums, eyes, skin, hair and nails.


Jaboticaba, or Brazilian grape tree. 巴西葡萄樹果

Photo from OddityCentral.com

Contrary to what it may seem, this wacky looking tree isn’t sprouting purple marbles: It’s ajaboticaba, AKA a Brazilian grape tree. This plant produces sweet, big, grape-flavored fruits that grow directly on the trunk—an evolutionary maneuver allowing non-climbing creatures to pick the fruits and disperse the seeds.



And this is a bacupari—a wild-growing fruit native to South America, with a very sweet, slightly acidic flavor.

Abiu. Photo from CloudForest.com.

Abiu, the Amazon-native wild fruit pictured above, is said to be pretty tasty: Their “delicious flavour is reminiscent of crème caramel and it is sometimes used to flavour ice cream and make other desserts,” according to Daleys Fruit Nursery.

So there you have it: just a small sampling of the many wild fruits that can be sweet, flavorful, and (sometimes) doggone big without us humans breeding them for centuries. Interestingly, one reason wild fruits have a reputation for being more sour than cultivated kinds isn’t because they have less sugar, but because they have more vitamin C, which imparts an acidic flavor. According to a paper about wild fruits in South Africa that I’ll be discussing in the next section:

The composition of these [wild] fruits does not appear to differ much from the better-known domestic fruits except in so far as their vitamin C content is substantially higher than that of domestic fruits. The high vitamin-C content of the wild fruits must undoubtedly contribute to their characteristic acidity.

                 馬蘇庫果 Masuku fruit. 看起來似乎是彌猴桃的非洲親戚


Photo by Douglas Boldt of boldt.us.

非洲加蓬馬蘇庫Masuku地區里出這種美味的Masuku馬蘇庫果,除了 人們喜歡吃,還有誰來吃? 食果大蝙蝠。每年秋季在盛產食果大蝙蝠的贊比亞卡桑卡國家公園,人們可以見到世界上規模最大但又最鮮為人知 的動物遷徙——食果蝙蝠遷徙。每天傍晚,大約800萬隻稻草色的食果蝙蝠會像烏雲一般將公園上空遮得嚴嚴實實,然後會俯身飛向樹叢中的野生水果 masuku飽食一頓。這些體型較大、密密麻麻、飛起來一聲不響的蝙蝠群幾乎完全擋住了日落時分的光線。Audley Travel旅行社每年提供一次為期一周的觀看食果蝙蝠的旅遊項目,收費?  4393美元。

Those are masukus, another wild fruit renowned for their sweet, delicious flavor. They might not be as visually pleasant as the store-bought fruit we’re used to seeing, but they’re highly sought after throughout Africa due to their taste.

薑汁麵包果 Gingerbread plums. Image from "Lost Crops of Africa."

Gingerbread plums are a wild African fruit with sweet, crunchy flesh reminiscent of strawberries. They’re considered one of the yummiest wild foods in Malawi. When they’re in season, many communities rely on gingerbread plums as a dietary staple, according to “Lost Crops of Africa.”





金密果,猛一看很象是木莓,其實完全不是一回 事。

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) has historically been used by Native Americans, both as a medicine and as a colorant.  It is often used as a multi-purpose remedy, having many different medicinal properties.  Goldenseal is astringent and antiseptic and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.  It is often added to other herbs to boost their medicinal effects.  Goldenseal has strong activity against a variety of bacteria, yeast and fungi such as E. coli and Candida. It contains calcium, iron, manganese, vitamins A, C, E, and B complex.

Hawthorn Berry
Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus oxyacantha) Hawthorne berry is found in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. It is a small thorny tree with reddish fruit and it is part of the rose family.  Hawthorn has a long history of use as a medicinal herb.  It acts as a vasodilator and has beta blocking effects along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.  Hawthorn is rich in phytochemicals that benefit the heart and circulation.  The antioxidant properties help rid the body of free radicals that damage cells.  Hawthorn has astringent properties and may be helpful in treating seborrhea and acne, as well as, other inflammatory skin conditions.  Hawthorn berries contain Vitamins C and B complex, carotene, flavonoids and sugars.

Juniper Berries
Juniper Berries (Juniperas communis) are found on the evergreen juniper shrub, which grows widely throughout the Northern Hemisphere.  Juniper Berries have been used since the 16th century in herbal medicines. They are rich in vitamin C, volatile oils and other nutrients. The antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of juniper berries make them popular with herbalists today to treat a variety of ailments. Juniper Berries have helped detoxify and cleanse the skin. They have been used to treat dermatitis, psoriasis, skin inflammation, skin ulcers, oily complexions, acne and eczema.

Nutmeg 肉豆蔻果
Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans) along with being a tasty spice and a culinary delight, Nutmeg has various health benefits. The benefits of Nutmeg are known since ancient times and it has always been perceived as a healing herb. Its benefits range from lowering blood pressure to soothing the stomach region and also detoxifying the body. Nutmeg is known for its many skin benefits and is used in the treatment of ringworm and eczema.  The oil obtained from Nutmeg seed is also widely used and recognized for its medicinal properties.

Helichrysum italicum, sometimes listed as H. angustifolium, is the herb commonly sold as a curry plant by well-meaning nurseries and garden centers. It has a warm, curry-like fragrance, but is bitter to the taste. More reputable plant sellers will tell you the plant is not edible and will encourage you to grow the plant for use in potpourris and wreaths, but not for food.

http://www.fruitipedia.com/Rakum palm fruits.jpg
http://www.fruitipedia.com/Rakum palm Single edible fruit.JPG

RAKUM PALM is found in Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia.

估計是另外一 種蛇皮果。

It can be seen be seen wild in the forests as well as cultivated in private and public lands.  This fruit, however, seems to be more popular in Thailand.  Here the fruits are mostly from wild growing plants most of which are not of a superior quality.  The fruits are sold and consumed locally, mainly fresh. The area planted with the with the inferior rakum forms has never been recorded.Fruit a drupe, occurring in dense heads, obovoid, 2.5 cm long, the skin (epicarp) consisting of orange-brown scales with reflexed brittle points; endocarp not differentiated.Seeds 1-3, covered with a fleshy sarcotesta which constitutes the edible portion.The sour unripe fruit and be a substitute for lime in cooking, whereas the ripe fruit is sweet and consumed raw. The wild form is grown as a fruit-bearing fence. Wild clumps in the forest not only produce food, but are also a major source of cork, thatch and other construction materials in rural areas.


Rare Red  Chocolate Tree
Our chocolate  is made using cacao beans. 果實可以鮮吃

黑瞎子果 又名羊奶子、黑瞎子果、山茄子、藍果、藍靛果忍冬,屬忍冬科,忍冬屬。

Jaboticaba in Brazil:
http://cambreenotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/jabuticaba.jpg Caimito?



中文名稱 黃皮  英文學名 Clausena lansium
  俗名 (中/英) (英) Wampi   科屬 芸香科   黃皮(wampee)
  芸香科黃皮屬熱帶亞熱帶常綠果樹,小喬木。又名黃批、黃罐子。學名Clausena lansium (Lour.)Skeels。  原產中國南部,已有1500年以上栽培歷史。中國的廣東、廣西、台灣、福建種植較多,四川、雲南也有分布。

黃皮,顧名思義,具有黃色的皮,也被稱油皮、油 梅、雞皮果、黃淡、黃批、黃彈子、王罈子。原產我國南方,在中國一千五百多年的歷史了。黃皮是群眾喜愛的熱帶水果之一,具有較高的營養價值,用途非常廣 泛,是海南的特產水果。果實富含糖分、有機酸、果膠、維生素C、揮髮油、黃酮甙等。




Caimito 蛋黃桃欖果 黃 晶果

黃晶果又 名雅美果亞美果黃金果加蜜蛋黃果,成年樹高4至16米,葉互生, 單葉簇生枝端。花兩性,單生或數朵叢生葉腋處,每結果枝開花20至280朵,漿果卵圓形或圓球形,柱頭宿留,直徑6至12厘米,果100克至600克,大 者可達1500克,幼果綠色,成熟時黃色,果皮光滑,革質厚約5毫米。未成熟時有乳汁,果肉乳白色,透明膠狀睬清甜,宜鮮吃或做水果沙拉。

Star Apple. Hard to find exotic fruit tree. It is a favorite in the Caribbean and Central America as well as Southeast Asia. The fruit has a mild grape-like flavor, and is best eaten fresh. Inside the fruit looks like a star when cut across.



Tropical Apricot

 Ketembilla, Ceylon Gooseberry - dark red fruit with acid pulp tasking like a stingent apricot. Grows very quickly under ideal conditions. Trees bear fruits in great quantities.


The famous Argentina calafate -- a type of very tasty barberry. It's said if you eat one you are destined to return some day. 阿根廷Calafate產的著名果實



malaysian ugly fruit (buah tampui)

馬來西亞 丑水果 (tampui 水果)

Buah Tampoi /Tampui 單貝果 Baccaurea macrocarpa


  Buah cermai dalam raga
Nama Tempatan: Nam Nam
Nama Saintifik:Cynometra Cauliflora
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT10bQHxX4yJSs1eXIVVw0kA3Ri7HC6ZWOi0GqUJ1GqayQjee1G http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSg4U6K_SeWF8MvHU_fGmqP1-TG42VgpjUYcY_u-X5DQwHkL5rm
Euterpe oleracea 蔬食埃塔棕(EUTERPE OLERACEA)果

Fresh seeds, just harvested! Assai Palm. One of the most valuable palms that is famous for its anti-oxidant qualities of the fruit juice. It is a fast grower with multiple stems. The fruit is a round berry, black at maturity, pulp is edible and used in beverages.
巴蕉芯 Euterpe oleracea Palm hearts as food

Açaí Euterpe oleracea Palmae

Argentina nut

Many of the most popular wild edible plants in Argentina are a variety of tree fruits that indigenous peoples and locals use to make flour, sweeteners and coffee substitutes. Comprehensive information on edible flora of Argentina is hard to come by, especially in English. The best way to find and identify edible plants is to ask the locals.


Sorong Papan Tarik Papan
Buah Keranji Dalam Perahu

Dabai? 看來一定是在比賽之前得吃它,而且還不能讓對手吃着的一種果實。

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkUnlE8S90x4c_TydwkLr56XvVGOyeIYoYlyLQGUh53bf-AzKVAg http://www.neuquen.com/imagenes_news/chanar_body_190509.jpg

Geoffroea decorticans, or Chañar, also known as Chilean Palo Verde, is a leguminous tree native to arid forests of South America including north and central Argentina. Its trunk is mottled: large flakes of brown bark shed to reveal its green skin underneath. It bears small, papery, yellow flowers and oval pods that contain a single seed. This fleshy fruit turns orange as it ripens and is often used to make chañar arrope, a thick, sweet syrup like molasses, with medicinal properties that soothe sore throats and coughs.
Algarrobo 智立甜豆莢,

The Algarrobo, or carob tree, grows in arid climates throughout central and northern Argentina in the Gran Chaco region. The most common varieties are Prosopis Alba, or White Carob, and Prosopis Nigra, Black Carob. The leguminous trees produce pods up to eight inches long (though they curl when dry) sheathing brown seeds high in sugars and rich in protein. The seeds have a sweet, floury paste and can be dried and ground into flour for baked goods, or made into a syrup as a sweetener or flavoring for baked goods, coffee and chocolate. Native peoples have also fermented the seeds to make alcoholic beverages, such as aloja


順便說,中國某學者和一些植物書籍裡面把智立的國花"光榮花"給按照當地人的wild lilies 叫法誤當成了"野百合花","野蓮花",害得不僅前兩個月民運媒體在歡呼智立的民主運動時題目就大喇喇地寫着"野百合運動",連互連網也全都一致地把人家的國花給改了。這運動虧不虧? 




Philesiaceae - Chile
Chilean Bellflower, Chilean Glory Flower, Copihue
National flower of Chile
Shown: Detail of flower

"The Copihue (co-pee-way) (Lapageria rosea), also known as the Chilean Bellflower and Lapageria, is the national flower of Chile. It grows in forests in the southern part of Chile, being part of the Valdivian flora. It is the only species in the genus Lapageria. It is an evergreen climbing plant reaching over 10 m high among shrubs and trees. Leaves are arranged alternately and are evergreen, leathery, lanceolate and feature three to seven prominent parallel veins. The vines twine counterclockwise. The flowers are red spotted with white, there are six thick, waxy tepals; and they are most frequently produced in late summer and fall, although they may be produced at other times. The fruit is an elongate berry with a tough skin containing numerous small seeds about the size of a tomato seed, and are covered in an edible fleshy aril. In the wild the plant is pollinated by hummingbirds. Seed is distributed by birds and other animals." (Wikipedia)



Philesiaceae - Chile
Chilean Bellflower Fruits

buah Maquiberry

佛果樹草霉 pohon strawberry
Carf, pohon apel?



buah katak puru 俗名巴巴果

客家話叫“gaobuigor" (聖杯果的意思)甜酸口味的果實,應該好吃。


http://beingplants.com/zen/images/AVERRHOA Bilimbi.jpg
Bilimbi 小樹黃瓜
似乎更類似陽桃,  Cucumber tree, Tree Sorrel. The bilimbi is closely allied to the carambola but quite different in appearance, manner of fruiting, flavor and uses. The fruit juice is popular for making cooling beverages on the order of lemonade.

Pistachio fruit. Photo: G. Lazkov

阿富汗開心果(Afghanistan Pistachio) PISTACHIO Pistacia vera (Near Threatened) 

漆樹科(Anacardiaceae)黃連木屬(Pistacia)植物,約有20個種,分為中亞類群和地中海類群兩類,該種是由瑞典植物學家林奈於1753 年,在他的《植物志種》一書中發表的。其果實拉丁學名為Pistacia vera,50%數量左右是堅果,其仁可食用,如阿月渾子。不過這個阿富汗的開心果象是屬於水果。

found in the wild in Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan. It is mainly threatened by fruit collection and grazing. In Kazakhstan the pistachio is known by local people as the “tree of life” due to its health giving properties.
Photo: G.Lazkov

Prunus sogdiana. Photo: G. Lazkov

Yellow Plum Prunus sogdiana (not evaluated). 黃李

A wild plum found in gorges and river valleys of Central Asia. Fruits are edible and are used to make of jam, wine, marmalade, and juice. Photo: G.Lazkov

http://www.ediblelandscaping.com/images/site/fruit bowl first fruits_DSC0257.jpg

上圖只是想顯示一中長長的紅桑果, 個頭有三四個草莓大


pohon berry 佛泡?



LEFT: Wild Malus niedzwetskyana. Photo: G. Lazkov . Right The distinctive red flesh of the apple. Photo. K. Shalpykov
蘋果的祖先   一種罕見的野蘋果

APPLE Malus niedzwetskyana (Endangered) is found in Afghanistan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It is an extremely rare wild relative of domesticated cultivars, making it an internationally important genetic resource.

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